Truth isn’t something manufactured to fit nicely into a made up story of how you think life should be; truth is already true and doesn’t need a story to expand…
Although an awakening is a process of expanding the awareness of what blocks the heart from love, it will only open and expand each day by the daily mindfulness developed through the discipline of meditation. No longer can the world revolve around your “I” it more so has to revolve around the “I” of others. Each day must begin with the vision of how you can be a benefit to others. Bring awareness into your day to day existence, although there may be some mishaps because the conditioned mind. This process is a continuation of expanding the opening of the heart. With the expansion of the heart comes the expansion of love into your daily life and thus into the lives of others.
This expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. All created stories are only attached thoughts so when you start understanding this “I” it’s the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This will bring you to the realm of the unknown. This realm is not something that can be manufactured by thought; thought will only block this. This is the realm of the Spirit where our true nature arises, it’s where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth of the spirit. It’s our true home, the place of peace that passes all understanding. It’s the ever expanding truth of existence; at least for those with a settled mind…

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