False Self Attachment

 Only the false sense of self needs to attach to thoughts. Until this is understood your thoughts will continue to have dominance over you because of the self absorbed energy they’re given…

When it comes to being free from attachments to thoughts, very few people truly let go of the thought of self so they remain entrapped to the self and thus entrapped to their thoughts. This is the reason why things are the way they are in the world, it has nothing to do with what’s occurring because our thoughts are responsible for what’s occurring. If the thought of hate didn’t exist, the actions that the thought of hate produces wouldn’t exist. What would happen is life would naturally produce actions of kindness, compassion, and love because that’s what’s arises when one isn’t constantly controlled by their self dominated thoughts.

I know this is true from watching my thoughts and observing the nonsense they create. Life has nothing to do with our thoughts, but it has everything to do with our thoughts because they create reality. The weather, driving in traffic, religion, politics, when someone close to you gets sick or dies, these are but a few of the things dominated by one’s self thoughts and although these things exist at the time they’re occurring, the thought about them is what controls how they affect you. Life just happens, but it’s the attachment to thoughts that creates reality and it’s all because of the attachment to a false sense of self. Until this false sense of self is let go of, one will not be able to watch their thoughts and observe the results the false sense of self produces, so reality will continue to be controlled by the attachment to a self that thoughts create…

Expanding Truth

 Truth isn’t something manufactured so life fits nicely into a made up story of the way you think life should be; truth is already true and doesn’t need a story to make it so…

Although an awakening is a process of expanding the awareness of what blocks the heart from love, it will only open and expand each day by the daily mindfulness and meditation practice developed. No longer does the world revolve around my “I” it more so revolves around the “I” of others. Each day is begun with the vision of how I can be a benefit to others and I write and post a daily article, this has been done everyday for the past six and a half years. I bring my awareness into my day to day existence and although there are some mishaps because the conditioned mind is relentless, the process is a continuation into the expansion of my heart; with the expansion of my heart comes the expansion of love into my day to day life and the life of others.

This expansion doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. The subtitle of my book: You Are Not Your Thoughts was chosen for this reason. All created stories are only our attached thoughts so when I started understanding this I understood “I” and it was the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This brought me to the realm of the unknown, and this realm is not something that can be manufactured by thought. Thought will only block this. This is the realm of the Spirit where our true nature manifest, it is where one connects to all of life and feels the warmth of the Sunlight of the Spirit. It is our home, our place of peace that’s passes all understanding, it is the ever expanding truth of existence…

Settled Mind Awareness

Notice how a mind agitation arises from your conditioning, it’s not there because you were born that way or that’s just the way you are, it’s there strictly because it’s the way you’ve been conditioned…

It’s very important to get in touch with the conditioning of why you do what you do. To go beyond this conditioning is to get to a deeper Universal Truth which leads to a greater understanding of humanity and the nature of all things. The mind must settle to the point where the conditioning is not just noticed, but it also loses its control. If this is noticed, but still holds you in its grip, the mind will remain in a state of agitation constantly needing the present moment to be different. This is regardless of what’s happening because wanting the moment different doesn’t change what’s happening.

If you’re to go beyond the conditioning that has so much control over you, there has to be space created between the incessant thoughts that keeps the mind spinning in circles. One thought after another, it doesn’t stop until there’s awareness this is happening. Sit with some method of meditation strictly for the purpose of developing discipline and watch this discipline settle the mind. This is how it happened for me, I sat and my mind began to settle and I started noticing the conditioning and just how much control it had over me. This is the core of what was revealed to me and it’s the core of my writings. The more awareness there is of this the more discipline there is to notice the conditioning and when it’s noticed you can do what’s necessary to go beyond it and watch its control fall away…

Love Makes a Difference

Anyone can be a difference maker, but only if it’s known what will make a difference. A true difference maker knows in their heart that love is the revealing energy which makes a difference…

Everyone possesses the inner resolve to look at their life and change it, but it will not change on its own, and if you’re waiting for some deity to change it, it will probably not happen. I look at my life today and see what I can do to be in cooperation with life so it puts me in harmony with the energy of love. When this is done the direction of life is love based and the decisions made aren’t self-serving.

Since the energy of love is the energy of life, with practice life will be more love-centered. Being love centered is so much more beneficial than being self-centered. I want to stress that this is not a magical path for a select few, it’s open to anyone, it just takes practice and discipline not to be controlled by the Conditioned Mind. We all have our own journey in life and we will find the path we think is best. How about this, what if you choose a path on the bases that’s best for others, wouldn’t that be different; this is the difference that needs to occur if our world is to change…

Gimmicks and Roles

Gimmicks and roles are all part of the Conditioned Mind with life setting the stage for it to be played out. In silence you’re still on stage, but the gimmicks and roles aren’t needed…

Most of the things that are reached for throughout life are used as gimmicks as if you’re on stage, and your life is as if it’s a role being played taking on whatever that assigned role may be at the time. Each person studies their lines and plays out the role in whatever way their conditioning has been developed for it to be played out; there are many many gimmicks used in playing out your role. These gimmicks are the things reached for to make your part in the play more interesting; not many want to see a play where everyone sits around in silence. It would seem there is needed drama for life to be more interesting, but this is the fallacy the Conditioned Mind creates.

Only in silence can life be lived to the fullest. Without the roles and the gimmicks you’re still present on the stage of life, but not controlled by the rehearsed conditioning. It’s this conditioning that makes you need a role along with many many gimmicks, but in silence with the stage set, a role doesn’t have to be taken on nor do you need to use any gimmicks in the puppet show of a conditioned life…

Attachment Hostage

 If you’re stuck in a thought based existence, you’re being held hostage by a thought based world. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your thoughts into the realm of non attachment…

It’s impossible to have a problem in your life that isn’t created by attachment. This doesn’t mean unpleasant things won’t occur, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your attachment that makes it a problem and it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to attach to it or not. Everyone has the ability to not make what happens a problem, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously and holds you hostage. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed; without the necessary quietness this will not happen.

If there is attachment to thought you will be held hostage by them. This will not allow you to watch the drama of the Conditioned Mind unfold. If this drama isn’t seen, attachment will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your thoughts. Life will be thought based (unconsciousness) and the result of this will make it seem as though it’s a struggle. When life slows down you can see how the Conditioned Mind attaches to everything that happens and puts it in category of being a problem or being a pleasure. This is when you will break free of the attachments that hold you hostage and you’ll be able to see that you’re not what you attach to, you’re beyond the thought based mind (consciousness). When this occurs you’ll have no attached created problems; this is when the next step in the process of going beyond attachment will be realized…

A Christmas Gift

Our greatest gift is the gift of today and even though the Conditioned Mind wants to make it about something else, it’s simply the greatest gift because one day it will not be so…

If you are alive today it’s simply because you’ve been given the gift of life. There’s nothing that was done for this gift, it wasn’t earned, it was freely given. Nothing is done to sustain it, but much is done to hamper its natural progression. An open heart aligns with this understanding and puts one in harmony with life. The things of the world will one day pass, but it’s the openness of one’s heart that last for all eternity.

Enjoy the splendor of this day, not because it’s Christmas, but because you are alive today to simply experience it. The true gift of Christmas or whatever holiday is celebrated is being alive for one day this will not be so. Obviously if this is being read today isn’t that day so enjoy whatever today has to offer in all its splendor, not because of the material possessions, but simply because you are alive. If being alive isn’t enough there’s nothing that will make it so. Since today is the day you’re given make it the masterpiece you so deserve, and more importantly keep your inner light lit on this day and everyday hereafter so you can be a light to the world. Remember the greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of life, and it’s simply because one day it will not be so. Enjoy your gift, Merry Christmas…

Compassion for Others

 Looking at yourself takes more courage than most people will ever have because the conditioning in place doesn’t allow it. Until there’s compassion for others your conditioning will keep you thinking “It’s all about me”

Everyday I’m more and more amazed at the things people are okay holding onto with the emphasis totally on satisfying themselves. This view is without much consideration for anyone else and it’s strictly from an “all about me” attitude. I know it’s because they know not what they do, but the suffering this causes and how it solidifies the conditioning in place can be truly disheartening. Notice I said can be disheartening because when one is truly awake, there’s the understanding that the way things are is the way things are and wanting them different also solidifies the conditioning in place. I’m writing about this out of compassion, but when you have answers and not many have the willingness to look, it hurts; it’s like having a cure for cancer, but nobody will listen. Without going into specifics the conditioned unconsciousness runs so deep that people will justify doing all kinds of self destructive behavior without blinking an eye. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, rioting, protesting, total defiance for any authority, murder, rape, assault, robbery, and so on; this is only the tip of the Conditioned Mind iceberg. Here is why this is at least from my experience, it’s much easier because of the way one is conditioned to justify self destructive behavior than to look at yourself. Truly looking at yourself takes more courage than most people will ever exhibit, not because they can’t, but because the conditioning in place doesn’t allow it.

I offer to share experience with people to point inward because of something they may be going through and all kinds of excuses are made not to look inward. I get it, but it doesn’t make it any easier to watch people suffering when you know it doesn’t have to be. This means people would rather remain in their suffering than to go beyond it; that’s the part that’s hurts. I don’t say this because I’m a know it all, but to a degree I have been released from the grip of the Conditioned Mind and was provided answers to strictly share my experience with others. And how it’s known you’ve truly broken free from the Conditioned Mind is because your life isn’t about you anymore…

Lead Weight Burdens

 If life has to be a certain way for it to be okay, it’s as if a lead weight is being carried around; needing life a certain way creates the burden of having to make constant adjustments…

Nobody knows what this life has in store for them between the time you’re born and when it ends. Today you can be going along with what’s considered the perfect life and in an instant that can change, and it will for some. Some event is occurring right now as I’m writing this that’s turning someone’s life upside down. Moments ago it may have been just the way it was wanted, but now all that has changed. So the point of this writing is it will hopefully allow you to take a moment to reflect on carrying around a lead weight of needing life to be a certain way for it to be considered okay and how when it changes there’s discontentment.

So much time is spent carrying the lead weight of trying to maintain a certain existence. When the moment does come that it changes, will you be ready for it or will the change be resisted and hence will you allow the change to be a lead weight burden? Life is life, and without a moments notice it can change and even end; this occurs all the time. Ask yourself, what are you holding onto that you think is so important? If your life ended right now everything you‘re holding onto will be let go of like it or not. It all goes away, none of it matters whatsoever. From concern for children, parents, the state of the world, your favorite team, jobs, and so on so why hold on to it. So let go if you want to be free or not and remain attached to the lead weight of needing life to be a certain way; creating the burden of having to make constant adjustments…

Marvel of the Moment

 The marvel of the moment is always unique unto itself. It just doesn’t seem this way because the sounds of the moment aren’t truly heard, what’s heard is the noise of what’s going on between your ears…

Just be aware of what arises from the silence and how it just as quickly returns to the silence. Don’t label it as anything, just watch it arise and dissipate. Don’t attach to it, just watch. A sound arises now it’s there and then it sinks into the incoming moment. The same thing with a sensation, watch it arise, be with it and watch how it returns from whence it came. Imagine you are on the beach, just sitting listening to the sound of a wave arising from the silence, breaking on the shore and then it’s gone, over and over. Occasionally the sound of a seagull will arise as will people passing by and talking. The lifeguards blowing their whistles, the sound arises and returns to the silence. A helicopter passes by, sound after sound arising and returning from whence it came. These sounds are stored in our subconscious and given labels, breaking wave, seagull, talking, helicopter, whistle and so on, but they all arise from the silence of the marvel known as the moment; they can only arise from here.

These are what becomes our memories, but the moment when something arises will never happen again. Because we label everything it seems as though history repeats itself, but it doesn’t really, it only seems that way because of the attachment and label given to something; once a moment passes it’s gone forever. Why our behaviors are repeated over and over is because of attachment, but the marvel of the moment is always unique unto itself. It just doesn’t seem this way because the sounds of the moment aren’t truly heard, what’s heard is the noise of what’s going on between your ears…

The Hope Lie

Hope is like wishing your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It’s used as a lie because what’s occurring right now is always what’s here as opposed to the lie of hoping the next moment is different…

Many people think hope is something that’s needed, but it’s used strictly as a lie by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It’s a direct cause of suffering as it makes you believe it’s something that’s needed by making you live life in the lie of future. How the Conditioned Mind does this is by lying to you that the present moment isn’t good enough and it needs to be different if you want to be happy. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way, and maybe on the surface they would, but inward is where one derives their perceptions that makes life what it is,; so it will be a life of suffering or one of contentment. Even if what is hoped or wished for comes true, it won’t last especially when it’s on the surface. Inward there’s a slight better chance for it to have a lasting affect, but this is only if you’re awake enough to see this.

Let’s say you’re diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing hope does is it makes you wish the diagnoses was different, but it doesn’t change the fact of what is occurring right now; the illness remains regardless of what’s hoped for. If your life isn’t hoped to be different and it’s accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment and this is regardless of what’s occurring. By the way this is where all hope and wishes come true because it’s the only place that truly exists. So my hope for all beings is that this is seen, not in the lie of the future, but right now because right now doesn’t need to be hoped for because it already exist…

To Be Not Do

The true essence of life can only be understood in stillness. Life is not a doing because it exist regardless of what is done. Defining life through what you think you need to do is your doing, not life’s…

Think about the most beautiful thing you have ever seen and experienced, how much does it have to do with what’s happening right now? It may be a fond memory, a story, but this exact moment would be the same regardless of what was seen and experienced in the past. At the time I’m sure the experience was breath taking (to the Conditioned Mind) but it really has nothing to do with right now. The story of it does because the conditioning makes it so, but that is your doing not life’s.  

To simply be is life because to be simply is; being always is regardless of what you do. This is where many fall short of understanding the true essence of life because doing and not being is put first and is thought to be what’s needed to live life. Life will always be, that is until one day it won’t be, and at that time all the doing in the world will not stop this from happening. So do whatever it is that you want to do, but understand it is in being where life arises from and when you’re just being life is lived to the fullest because you don’t have to do. We cannot do the next right thing, we can only be the next right thing, this is why it’s said to “Just Be” not just do because to be is the true essence of life. The simple saying “Just Be” can be used as a tool to stop the squirrel cage doing mind in its tracks. After all we are called human beings and not human doings and that’s because it’s only in being not doing that life can be lived to its fullest extent…

What's Actually Happening

Ever so slowly the Conditioned Mind loses its control when discipline is developed. It’s this discipline that allows you to be with life as it’s actually happening instead of needing to make something up…

At times it’s difficult to be with what’s actually happening because the mind constantly wants to make something up; this is the dilemma the Conditioned Mind creates. It has nothing to do with nothing, but it has everything to do with everything. Through developing certain discipline this constant needing to make something up can be tamed. Ever so slowly the Conditioned Mind will relinquish its control if discipline is developed. My writings may open some eyes, but it’s the developing of discipline that allows the mind to settle which will lead to lasting insights that are used to enhance life.

Most people have tools in place that have nothing to do with developing discipline or enhancing life. The tools in place actually reinforce the conditioning which keeps one entrapped in a self created prison; with the prison being a mind that’s everywhere but the only place that truly exist; with what’s actually happening. If your not with what’s actually happening you cannot truly live life to the fullest. Of course there’s existence because you’re alive, but being alive doesn’t equate to living life to the fullest. Only being with life as it’s actually happening will ensure this and only with discipline will the mind settle enough for you to be with what’s actually happening instead of needing to make something up…

True to Yourself

If you are to be an effective instrument for others, your foundation has to be based in a truth that’s provided by love. Your life’s effectiveness is a direct result of love, not a doing of yours…

It’s impossible to be all things to all people so to know your deepest inner truth allows for you to be who you can be, and who is drawn to you is from their own inner truth. To know yourself is to develop the ability to remain true to yourself. Regardless of how we are perceived by others it’s our inner truth that provides an effective foundation; the more truth is known about yourself the deeper and more solid the foundation.

We can learn from others, but not by trying to conform to the way that they want us to be, we have to stick to truth, but only if its truly known. The Conditioned Mind creates a world of surface lies and without going to a deeper level to really understand truth, the surface lies become your truth and your foundation for living. Watch what is held onto with a steadfast grip because if it’s a surface lie it doesn’t matter how much perseverance you have, it will not be a benefit to your life or the lives of others. Steadfast and perseverance are admirable traits, but only if they are backed by truth. Not yours or anyone else’s, but the truth that’s found in the stillness of the moment that allows for the entering of a deeper place in the heart that few go. To know yourself is to develop the ability to remain true to yourself…

Nothing to Fear

 The Conditioned Mind makes problems through “I” attachment and although pain and fear are things that may arise they don’t have to be given energy; the only reason “I” does this is so it exist…

Pain is nothing more than a message that arises to tell you something, it’s not something to fear, but it will be feared if it’s not understood and this is because of the relation pain has to “I”. Pain itself doesn’t have an inherent fearing quality, it’s just a word, but when “I” attaches to it it’s given energy and thus it’s given life. This isn’t to say painful things won’t occur in life without attachment, but only the relation to “I” causes issue because of the story ” I hurt” or “I fear” or whatever story is attached to. Fear only exist as a story created by “I” and when one truly learns this, attachment is lessened and so is the associated pain and fear. Be with the pain, but don’t let the fear of it be in control.

When the mind settles pain is seen as something that just arises. All pain whether physical or emotional is temporary, but the mind that fears it becomes entrapped to seeing it as lasting forever. When this occurs pain becomes one’s master puppeteer. Attachment to “I” may not seem to be the cause of what is painful, but it cements it in place and gives it control; this is how “I” works. “I” makes mountains out of molehills through attachment and although pain occurs, it doesn’t have to be given the energy that “I” wants to give it; the only reason “I” does this is to exist. Without “I” there’s no attachment and without attachment there’s nothing to fear, but fear itself…

Intuitive Heart

The mind only knows love as a story, the heart knows love intuitively as the peace that passes all understanding. The mind will never understand what the heart knows intuitively…

The contrast between the mind and heart living is simply because the mind is from the intellect and the heart is from intuitiveness. If you’re truly aware of this you will pick up on the difference from something as simple as a FB response from someone. The heart connects and the mind separates and it’s because the heart only knows intuitiveness love and the mind only knows how to put conditions on everything; hence this is where all struggles arise from. It doesn’t mean when you live from the heart you won’t be troubled by things, they just won’t have the same effect that living from the mind creates. I notice mind living immediately from the way a person responds to one of my post, this isn’t to say my post can’t be questioned, but since I write from my heart when someone responds from the mind it’s immediately picked up on because it creates conflict.

Mind living only knows love as a story, heart living knows love as the intuitiveness of the peace that passes all understanding. There’s very little if any “I” attachment living from the heart. Living from the mind there’s nothing but “I” attachment. All conflict with oneself and others come from the mind, it’s impossible to have conflict when living from the heart. You may not enjoy everything that happens living from the heart, but you will accept it because that’s how the heart works. The love of the heart is from the energy of the Universe, it connects you to all that is. We are the energy of all creation and you cannot truly be separated from it, but it can seem like there’s separation because that’s what the energy of “I” (conditioned mind) does. When a person states there’s a void in their life, it’s because the mind is creating a story of separation from the heart. Since everyone who is alive has a heart there’s no true separation, there’s only the contrast between the mind and heart because the intellect and not intuitiveness is running the show…

Impermanence of Form

 All human form is impermanent and the wanted satisfaction associated with whatever is reached for is also impermanent. This is the exact reason why one is constantly reaching for something and remains unsatisfied…

Not being satisfied is so subtle and how you will know being unsatisfied is in place is by the need to reach. The misunderstanding of the impermanent nature of all form is what makes one constantly reach for satisfaction. If it was known the reaching wasn’t going to quench the satisfaction thirst, it most likely wouldn’t be done. You’ll reach for whatever your conditioning deems as needed, and even though it may temporarily quench the thirst it doesn’t last and hence the reaching commences. When the impermanent nature of all things begins to be understood, one becomes aware of the nonsense of reaching. This doesn’t mean the reaching will magically end, but you will start to understand the true nature associated with reaching. If there wasn’t the satisfaction associated with food, dessert, drugs, alcohol, gambling, yoga, meditation, ad infinitum, reaching wouldn’t be done. Everyone who reaches for something assumes there’s going to be some sort of satisfaction derived from it.

Existence is pretty stable as far as life being life, but the events that occur within life are not. There is constant change in everything, but the mind is mostly blind to this because it wants stability (permanence). It defaults to making you believe the next fix will be it, but I guarantee you the next fix only leads to the one after that and so on. It never ends because there’s nothing permanent that allows it to end. Because everything is impermanent the wanted satisfaction associated with whatever’s reached for is also impermanent and this is the exact reason why one is constantly reaching for something and remains unsatisfied…

Box of Love

To be inside the box of love the heart must be unlocked, and although this may not change what’s around you, it does change the view from looking inward to “I” to looking outward from love…

Think of life as though it’s a box, when you love you’re inside the box and when you don’t it means you’re living mostly from “I” which automatically puts you outside the box; outside the box was how the first forty nine years of my life were lived. Occasionally I was in the box, but not very often and this was because my “I” conditioning kept my heart locked which didn’t allow me to open the box. It’s nearly impossible to open the box from “I” because “I” is the lock that keeps that heart closed. When you see this, it gives you something tangible to work with which allows the heart to be unlocked, and with an unlocked heart one can be inside the box of love.

Life and love can be synonymous, but only when you’re inside the box of love, and you can only be inside when the heart is unlocked and opened. The locks of the world that keeps a person outside the box are many, it’s as though one is on the outside of a house looking in through a window. Love unlocks the heart to see things that were previously unseen and this is what opens a person to see as if they were inside the house looking out. When you’re on the inside looking out it’s because the heart is unlocked and with the heart unlocked it may not change what’s around you, but it does change the view from looking inward to “I” to looking outward from the box of love…

Inner Peace

If the noise in the head is the controlling point of your life it won’t stop because there’s a belief in some unseen deity. Beliefs hinder the mind’s settling because they create the blocks to inner peace…

If you’re making the noise in the head the controlling point of your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on it’s going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It’s such a noisy world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer out there when the answer is within. So what the noise actually is and how it’s created is by you not being aware you already have your answers, but with a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the noise. This is how the agitation of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to our inner presence. It’s the noise created, because if one knew they had the answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the noise.

When you come to the place where you understand this, the noise will lessen and inner peace will be experienced. If this isn’t understood, the noise will never stop. This is why it’s so important to understand this now. Why wait to be at peace later when you can be at peace right now. It’s not like the noise is needed to live life, it’s only there because you’re unconscious of it. Everyone has the ability to consciously allow for the removal of the noise in the head, if allowed. It’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns, but isn’t it beautiful that peace is in your own hands and it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into their life. A little awareness equates to a little peace. A belief in some unseen deity won’t make this happen, it’s up to the individual to do what’s necessary to stop the noise. As you become more aware the noise subsides and what’s left is an inner peace. If you’re waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time and it probably won’t happen in this lifetime…

Mind Foolery

Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of the Conditioned Mind foolery it loses its hold and the need to be busy falls away as peace naturally arises…

If you have to be busy it’s because of the subtleness of how the Conditioned Mind is in control without you even realizing it. Until this is realized so you can apply the brakes and stop the busyness, the foolery of your conditioning will remain in place. This foolery of the Conditioned Mind will not be seen by a mind that’s attached to it. I woke up this morning and since this postings for the day was done my mind began to look for something to keep it busy. This is the value of awareness because instead of blindly following the foolery of busyness, I was able to look down at my feet and say shhhhhh, which immediately stopped the foolery energy of having to be busy. You cannot put a price on this awareness because life is so much different when there’s awareness of the foolery of the Conditioned Mind.

Do this, do that, look over there, if only, I should, I wish, I want, I need, why did I do that, this is just some of the foolery of the Conditioned Mind that literally wrecks havoc on life. Without awareness this havoc is the controlling energy of life and unfortunately this is the energy of most lives. What makes this so damaging is because most people are oblivious that the foolery exist so it’s constant foolery. When there’s awareness of the foolery, this immediately transforms your energy from needing to be busy to peace. Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of the Conditioned Mind foolery, it loses its hold and the need to be busy falls away as peace naturally arises…

Heart of Trust

There’s existence through made up concepts and beliefs or there’s the bigger picture beyond these where one is guided and free of all burdens because there’s a trust in the way things are…

When the mind is settled the existence becomes one of trust instead of reliance on your own limited concepts and beliefs. There’s a deep trust of the settled mind and it’s in this settling that you see the existence of life itself. So when one is in this settled mind state, the everlasting trust of the Universe is there to quiet the mind agitations which are the cause of all doubt and distrust.

A mind that’s settled allows for one to live from the Universal heart of love. This connects one with the goodness of life, one’s own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. The connection is already there, it’s just not known what it will take to be aware of it. The only reason there isn’t awareness is because there are conditioned mind agitations blocking the trust that arises from the quietness of our heart; theses blocks allow for all kinds of made up nonsense.

When it’s learned to discipline an undisciplined mind our agitations slowly subside; what naturally remains is a deep unwavering trust of the Universe. This trust is what’s there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond made up concepts and beliefs. In this space there’s trust because with a settled mind it’s known who you truly are. So trust in the Universe with all your heart and soul and allow the mind to settle so you’re not relying on your own made up concepts and beliefs. When there is trust life is lived in the most beneficial of ways; as the trusting beautiful being of love that you truly are…


No Need to Reach

Not many people will change something unless there’s a reason for it, but without some sort of understanding of the Conditioned Mind, it will be difficult to do the things that allow change to take place…

There has to be an understanding of what you’re trying to change so you can at least go in that direction. Without some sort of understanding of this, it will be difficult to do the things that will allow change to take place, if that is what you’re looking for. Not many people will change something in their life unless there’s a reason for it. For me it was because the tools I had in place weren’t allowing me to do the things that were beneficial to me or anyone else so I reached a point in my life and not a favorable one, where I wasn’t doing things that were producing results conducive to love. Tools are developed over a course of one’s life and they may have worked for your entire life, but if for some reason life becomes more and more of a struggle and you want the struggle to cease, new tools will be needed.

Even though I didn’t realize this growing up, the tools I developed were leading me to my own destruction; a person has to see this to stop it from occurring. The tool of reaching for something is what was causing this destruction and it was because the tool of noticing the mind agitations was never developed. This is the only reason a person reaches for anything, the mind becomes agitated and the tool to reach is attached to. To change this, a new direction is needed so a new tool can be developed and I’ve found the tool of sitting to be helpful in the endeavor. Today I understand the Conditioned Mind enough that I do things that allows for the mind agitations to be noticed. By noticing I can use a developed tool that doesn’t attach to them and lo and behold with no need to reach, there in lies one’s peace…

Thought Limited

When thoughts are used as the only way to live, there will be a very limited view provided for the minds content, but when the mind settles a second view opens up which provides unlimited content…

Humans have wars against each other, we fight with each other and most of this happens because of the nonsense of our thinking. Because of this thinking, there’s very little unity with ourselves and with each other. Everyone thinks they’re right which arises from what is heard or what’s read somewhere, all this does is fill one’s head with noise. This noise is the only view of reality that one sees until the mind becomes quiet enough to allow a second (thoughtless) view of reality to be seen.

What happens when the mind settles is it allows for two views of reality to be seen, one is the reality of the made up stories of one’s conditioned thoughts, and the other is the reality of just doing whatever it is that’s in front of you because it’s what’s there. Both realities are from the same mind, but there will only be one seen until the mind settles. When this settling occurs and one sees the reality of a second view, the limitations provided by the world view of thought will fall away. It will be at this point that one will go beyond the limited view of the thought world to see the limitless view of just doing what’s in front of you, without the need to think about it.

Pushing Not Required

 The inner push that keeps you searching for answers arises from the thought realm and keeps the push in place. Only when the mind settles will the push subside and presto therein lies your answers…

Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find answers, for me this something was an inner push to be at peace. I say was because the push is no longer there. For far to many years I didn’t truly understand this push and so it was always there as was the search to quiet it. This push manifested in many different ways and none were beneficial in living my life in a loving manner. What a merry go round ride this produced, hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty nine years and then one day through a tiny crack in my ego, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me and gave me some real answers as to the true nature of the push…

Thirteen years ago it began as just a crack, but has been expanding ever since. For the most part the push for peace is no longer there because it has been replaced with daily contentment, but at times the mind does become agitated and the push does return because of the Conditioned Mind Patterns that are in place. I’ve learned to see it from the “I” perspective that it arises from and not attach to it. Only attachment to “I” keeps the push in place so one has to search instead of being at peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search itself is what keeps you from experiencing peace. In this moment right now is where peace is so there’s no need to search for what already is. It’s only when the mind settles and “I” is let go of that the push subsides and presto just like that there’s peace…

Seeing the Lie

If all you do is allow past Conditioned Mind Patterns to control your life, your future will pretty much be determined for you. It’s the fear of the unknown the keeps one stuck in the familiarity of the past..

What keeps the past in place is the fear of the unknown. It’s much easier to remain in the familiar setting of the past than to venture out into the unknown. Although it’s not beneficial to live in the past, it’s your own mind that tells you to do this. There’s really no truth in the past, there’s only attachment to a lie. There’s many names used for this lie, once there’s awareness of this just like that the lie gives way to truth, but to see the lie you must know the lie is in place. To not know the lie, is simply to not know truth. Only truth can set you free, and only if it’s Universal Truth, not some story of what you think truth is. How will you know this truth is when the mind is quiet. In quiet truth is revealed and in this truth whatever it is that you fear it will fall away, fear can’t exist within the existence of truth.

The lack of truth is your down fall, but not because it’s bad or good, it’s because this lack keeps you locked into Conditioned Mind Patterns that makes for the habit of repeating familiar behavior. To overcome this the familiar conditioning in place has to be overcome. If this doesn’t occur the squirrel cage mind remains in control and the love that can overcome fear will be blocked as you’ll continue to live a lie and repeat the same familiar harmful behavior; this is the reason you’re not happy and at peace all the time. If this isn’t understood the familiar unloving conditioning will keep running the show; life can’t be lived any other way. This is what makes you remain attached to the familiarity of the past and pretty much has your future already determined. This can change, but only if you can see the lies that are in place…

Unattached Emotions

It’s easy to speak of being grateful when things go the way you expect them to go, but watch the nonsense take over when they don’t. Take control and be unattached to your emotions or they will rule you…

It’s easy to be in harmony with life when things are going as expected, but that’s not a true measure of one’s state of being. It’s when something goes awry that either one’s true state will arise or one’s conditioned state will arise. Depending on how the mind is anchored at the time the situation occurs is what determines where the mind will go and whether you will be controlled emotionally. If not emotionally tied to the situation the response will be of equanimity, kindness, and love. This is the preferred state where common sense takes hold and the situation is handled from a place of observation. This allows for a non emotional response instead of an emotional one that is derived from being controlled by the situation.

This will take practice to get to a preferred state of being unemotionally attached, but if you’re not allowing some form of quietness and discipline to develop, don’t be surprised where the mind goes. Just be satisfied with your emotional responses and be content with wherever the mind goes because nothing is being done to allow equanimity, kindness, and love to be the constant state of being. Without quietness and discipline, the constant state of being will be of emotional immaturity being in control. So practice, practice, practice, and this will allow the mind to settle so when life isn’t the way you think it should be, you will have the necessary resources in place so you’re not pulled around by your emotions as if you were a puppet on a string…

"I" Addiction

If it wasn’t for the attachment to “I” that creates bondage, any addiction would be non existent because the craving of “I” needing life to be in some other way would never occur…

Each day most of our waking hours are spent trying to arrange the day to our liking, the only problem with this is most of our day is wasted trying to arrange the day to our liking. This occurs because we have been conditioned to believe there is an “I” that needs things to be different. This  conditioning keeps the mind addicted to “I” which creates a constant state of agitation, and when the mind is agitated it will use whatever tools it has developed. Not so much to quiet the agitation, but more so to distract it. The distractions in this case manifest as Conditioned Mind Patterns that are constantly trying to arrange life by using whatever it deems necessary to satisfy “I”.

If it wasn’t for the need to satisfy “I” these cravings that want life to be different (which are caused by your own mind) wouldn’t exist. These agitations are the cause of the constant rearranging of life and it’s because of “I” needing life to be a certain way, but something would exist without the addiction to “I” and that would be peace; the peace of just being because the addiction to “I”wouldn’t exist. If you don’t think this is true it’s probably because of the addiction to “I”not allowing your mind to settle so you can be aware of the peace that passes all understanding. This peace allows you to go beyond the cravings brought on by “I” wanting things to be in some other way; until this changes, nothing changes…

Neutral Energy

Neutral energy is free flowing because there’s no resistance, there’s no needing anything different than what it is. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the neutrality of the moment…

Being aware of neutral energy at the precise moment it happens minimizes the future stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Awareness stops the future story of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of being neutral, this becomes the beautiful view of what is; after all not being neutral is where all future discontentment arises from. When one is simply aware of being neutral with what arises, there isn’t a need for a future story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of life’s neutral energy; you become entrenched in the energy of the future. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of being neutral as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this future energy causes issue is because it bombards the present moment with an unnatural energy flow that doesn’t allow harmony. Present moment neutrality naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no needing anything different than what’s there. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the present moment so what’s there is resisted to the point where the flow of neutral energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no future energy here, there’s just the neutral energy of the moment…

Foot Stomping Energy

If humanity is to ever unite the selfish energy in place will have to see truth. If it doesn’t when you’re challenged the energy that makes an adult a foot stomping baby will continue…

We are a divided society because we’re selfish and we don’t want to be challenged when things are as we think they should be. Just look at the recent USA election, the people who oppose the President challenging the results are doing so is from selfish energy, so now they must stomp their feet and act as a spoiled brat child would simply because the President is following the Constitution addressing obvious fraud. This is separating energy and that’s the point that’s missed. As long as people act selfishly by succumbing to the selfish energy when challenged, the selfish energy will always be in control. I see this in me at times, but standing up for the Constitution is not one of those time; the fraud in this election is factual.

This article is about the energy of selfishness making babies out of adults who stomp their feet and cause undue suffering to humanity just because they’re challenged. The moment this isn’t agreed with, it causes separation between us and lo and behold one’s selfish behavior is reinforced and so the contribution to humanity suffers. The very thing that’s being opposed is the very thing that’s being reinforced in yourself. This is how energy works and if we’re to ever unite selfishness will have to fall away when challenged and the truth will need to be seen. If truth isn’t seen the energy that makes an adult a foot stomping baby will continue to be reinforced even though the fraud in the election obviously occurred…