The essence of a spiritual life is to not deny being human, it’s to embrace our humanness and see it for what it truly is so you can learn how not to cling to the things that cause suffering. Why do we cling to things that seem as though they’re beneficial to us, but cause our suffering?This all starts with our thinking and ends up as whatever one clings to. Think of a thought as a bee which lands on your head, there’s not much of a problem with this. Clinging would be likened to the bee starting to build a beehive on your head, now issues would start to arise. And if the bee completed the hive and other bees came, it would be a major issue. This is what happens when there’s a thought and one clings to it, the thought itself isn’t an issue.
Thoughts aren’t right or wrong they’re just thoughts, but when you cling to them it reinforces human suffering because it blocks you from being in touch with your spiritual essence; therein lies the issue because when the human side is in total control it will only look for human answers, satisfactions, and solutions which aren’t beneficial. To err is human and one will err that’s a given, but when being human is clung to as the main reason of existence there’s much suffering. What it really comes down to is although our existence manifest as human form it shouldn’t be denied or ignored it should be embraced because if it isn’t there will be suffering because one isn’t embracing the true essence of existence…

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