Knowledge without wisdom is intelligence without love and to be without wisdom is to be loveless regardless of how intelligent one is. Without wisdom is to be without love and to use intelligence without love is to make decisions based in selfishness. When this is done and our intelligence is used without love it usually means decisions made are based without wisdom; when this happens your intelligence is not aligned with the greater good. You may tell yourself it is, but the greater good of humanity is intelligence aligned with wisdom of love and results in being a benefit to all beings which is much different then the greater good of decisions to satisfy our selfish self which is a benefit only to ourself.
You can call this alignment anything you want, but it’s simply aligning yourself with the wisdom of love which makes your decisions a benefit to all of humanity. Using intelligence selfishly doesn’t even benefit the selfish individual because it’s a detriment to the entire human family. When you use wisdom to benefit all beings, there’s a oneness that’s impossible to explain, it has to be experienced to understand it; in this place is our completeness. There’s no discontentment, no greed, hate, or delusion in this place. There’s just the wisdom of love, in this place is the most aligned you will ever be; wisdom arises from here. Love is from the Universe, wisdom is from love, and intelligence is from wisdom, that’s why when intelligence is aligned with love there is oneness. This is our place of belonging, it’s the place that our inner urgings are pushing us towards, but it will never be experienced until we totally align our intelligence with the wisdom of love…

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