No one causes more harm to you than you do. It’s the irony of life that we are our own worse enemy. No one hurts us the way we hurt ourselves. Think about some of the things that we do and call it free will. There is so much bondage in this so called free will it isn’t funny. So many things control us and we use the free will term as a disguise because no one would purposely choose bondage or would they?
Here are some of the choices of our so called free will: Smoking cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication, abusing legal and illegal drugs, selfishly indulging in porn and sex, over eating to the point where it causes health issues (obesity, stress, diabetes) to name a few. How about our impatient driving tactics, constantly driving beyond the speed limit, always picking the shortest line, forming beliefs and opinions especially when it comes to religion and politics, sticking to our beliefs prior to investigating if they are even factual, thinking there is a God out there somewhere who really gives a damn what happens to you, praying to this God to grant you your wishes, thinking your views on life are right and unless they are agreed with the other person is an “A” hole, constantly seeking pleasure, gambling, lottery (thinking you will be set if you win) basing your life decisions on material possessions, thinking you are independent of others and we don’t need others for anything, dependency on all kinds of things, constantly living in the past or future, and the constant arranging of life to suit our “I”. These are just some of the so called choices of what is labeled as free will. I wonder what some of the choices would be if the consequences weren’t so detrimental to our well-being? As a society how much more can we choose to further harm ourselves?
The bottom line to all this so called free will stuff lacks one thing and that is the absence of love at the base of each choice. This lack and our addiction to satisfy “I” is destroying humanity and society in the process, and unless we learn to align our free will with Universal Love we will continue to do more harm to ourselves than can be imagined. You would never choose to harm yourself, so you think, but upon further investigation you will come to realize that your so called free will isn’t so free…

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