The reason why it’s so difficult to stop a habitual behavior is because not only is it engrained in your subconscious, but without discipline the necessary space between the thought and the reaction is virtually non existent. It’s there, but without discipline it’s not noticed. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is this way because the mind has been conditioned to live everywhere but in the present. I was controlled for many years by this conditioning because of the lack of knowledge that it was in place. I always thought I did things because it was just the way I was, but I have since found out differently. There is a lot of power in knowledge when it’s used in cooperation with life. The lack of knowledge is why I was doing what I was doing and wasn’t able to stop doing it. You can’t stop something if that’s all you know.
I explain in my book what changed and it’s the reason it was written. My book as are my writings are a tool to help others understand this human dilemma. It’s a dilemma because it doesn’t allow you to truly live your life as intended; from love. So how can awareness of space be created between a thought and a reaction? Very simple, discipline needs to be developed to allow this. My practice is this; when I sit in quiet it is for the sole purpose of developing discipline to be in the present moment. To feel my body, sensation of touch, to notice my breath, to listen to the outside sounds, these are all portals to developing the discipline that anchors you in the present. If you’re not practicing to be in the present moment than it’s very unlikely you will ever be there, at least consciously. This is a simple understanding that anyone can develop. The more discipline that’s developed the more present you become and the more you live life in the moment that’s actually occurring. This is what an awakening is, becoming aware that you have been asleep for much of your life by constantly living in the past and future. When you awaken from this dream you will want to live in the present moment because you will be aware it’s the only place that you can truly live your life…

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