Think of life as a play. Are you in the play or are you watching it? The difference is when you are in the play you are controlled by it. The play dictates your role. The script is your Conditioned Mind, things happen and you react with your conditioned script. The play needs for each person to play their part or there wouldn’t be one. When you watch the play you see what happens instead of being controlled by it. The play is running, but your role is determined by how conditioned you are to either watch it or be in it. There is such a difference in the two, watching it is so much more beneficial, but unfortunately most people are starring in the play. To watch it you have to be very still. The more the ability to watch the play is developed the less you will be drawn into becoming the main star (that’s what ”I” wants to do) and the more adept you’ll be with life being lived on a stage aligned with with Universal Love.
Learn to watch the play and you’ll be an active participant in controlling the part you play, which happens to be your life. When you can watch the play and not be drawn into a role that is selected for you by your conditioning, that’s when the play will become so much more enjoyable and you will always want to just watch it. It will be better than you ever imagined it could be, and who knows with practice you may even become aware that it’s the best play ever, but understand your play is already the best one ever because it’s about your life. Without a settled mind you will not know this and you will continue to be controlled by a scripted role that allows your conditioning to dictate the part you play. This is the difference between being dragged around by a scripted role or being able to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show…

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