Change is the nature of life. Whether you’re going through a major change or a subtle one when it happens simply move on. Last year I had to get the left side of my upper mouth reconstructed, which took over a year of procedures, I simply moved on. There was also pain, but I moved on. Life never does anything to me or anyone else, sometimes things just happen and you better move on because if you don’t, you’ll be taken for a ride on the emotional roller coaster of the Conditioned Mind. There is always a choice for the person with the perseverance to not allow the circumstances of what happens to be in control. Circumstances in life never stay the same, from birth to death which are circumstances. The main thing to do when circumstances change whether they’re wanted or not is to simply move on.
This isn’t the key to happiness because if something unpleasant happens, it will not make you happy, but it doesn’t have to control you and be allowed to take you from your place of peace. Many things happen in life, loved one’s die, people get sick, accidents happen, there are disappointments, heartache, there are also joys, and elations, but regardless of what occurs, move on because not only will it not last, but it doesn’t have to be allowed to control you. There’s an underlying peace and balance in understanding ” simply move on”. The key to this is understanding everything is impermanent and one day regardless what the circumstances are they will change so you might as simply move on, or not and remain in your own suffering…

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