Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am continuing enthusiastically for new opportunities to show up in my life daily! I am inspired to take action upon those opportunities for a better ideal future! I am continuing forward re-energized while I share my enthusiasm with others for positive changes and better situations…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 12/01/18~
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/30/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I believe in the path that I am taking serves a greater purpose while benefiting my future! I believe in what I am doing serves and benefits others while amusing my bliss and satisfaction! I believe in making a positive difference through my interests and positive changes through my effort…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/30/18~
“I believe in the path that I am taking serves a greater purpose while benefiting my future! I believe in what I am doing serves and benefits others while amusing my bliss and satisfaction! I believe in making a positive difference through my interests and positive changes through my effort…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/30/18~
Conscious Space
Not justifying everything that’s done creates the slightest of space in the unconscious shield that’s in place. This allows a very slight opening for consciousness to change the way things are looked at…
When it’s said one is conscious it can be described as being aware of all the different mental fabrications that arise in each moment; this is awareness of why you see things as you do. This awareness doesn’t prevent what arises from happening, but it can lessen your reactions and some of the consequences; if there’s awareness there’s less attachment. Nothing on its own is inherently a problems. Alcohol has never poured itself down someone’s throat, it has to be reached for nor has Heroin caused anyone to abuse it and put it in their body; it’s the individual alone who reaches for it. This goes for anything. Granted most of this harmful reaching is done unconsciously, but I do try and shed light on this. I know a thing or two about this unconscious reaching because I did it for forty nine years.
So many things unconsciously controlled me and as long as there was unawareness of this the unconscious onslaught of control continued. How this gets engrained deeper in the subconscious is by justifying everything that’s done. From pointing out the faults of others, slander, being nasty to people, and so many other justified behaviors, all they do is keep the unconscious mindset in place. Aware that this is being done is the first step in breaking the bondage of unconsciousness. Stop looking out there for answers, stop blaming and talking about others, in other words stop justifying everything you do as being right and this just may create the slightest of space in the unconscious shield that’s in place which just may allow the slightest opening of consciousness to change the way you look at things. After all, if the way you unconsciously look at things doesn’t change, being unconsciously controlled by them will remain…
When it’s said one is conscious it can be described as being aware of all the different mental fabrications that arise in each moment; this is awareness of why you see things as you do. This awareness doesn’t prevent what arises from happening, but it can lessen your reactions and some of the consequences; if there’s awareness there’s less attachment. Nothing on its own is inherently a problems. Alcohol has never poured itself down someone’s throat, it has to be reached for nor has Heroin caused anyone to abuse it and put it in their body; it’s the individual alone who reaches for it. This goes for anything. Granted most of this harmful reaching is done unconsciously, but I do try and shed light on this. I know a thing or two about this unconscious reaching because I did it for forty nine years.
So many things unconsciously controlled me and as long as there was unawareness of this the unconscious onslaught of control continued. How this gets engrained deeper in the subconscious is by justifying everything that’s done. From pointing out the faults of others, slander, being nasty to people, and so many other justified behaviors, all they do is keep the unconscious mindset in place. Aware that this is being done is the first step in breaking the bondage of unconsciousness. Stop looking out there for answers, stop blaming and talking about others, in other words stop justifying everything you do as being right and this just may create the slightest of space in the unconscious shield that’s in place which just may allow the slightest opening of consciousness to change the way you look at things. After all, if the way you unconsciously look at things doesn’t change, being unconsciously controlled by them will remain…
Embracing Right Now
Embracing right now is a choice that solely puts your life in your hands. This has nothing to do with your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away as situations arise…
Being present for what occurs in your life (embracing right now) is living life as it unfolds without excluding any part of it. It’s easy to push away what’s not wanted, but to include everything even though it may not be wanted is truly living. If you want to exclude something find out what it is and why it’s being pushed away. Obviously on the surface it would look as though it’s just not liked, but if it’s what’s happening, what good is it doing in pushing it away and not liking it. This becomes a defense mechanism that keeps you from truly enjoying life. If you only enjoy life when the things happening are liked, there will be much suffering because of the fluctuations of things. If you go on a vacation to a beach resort and it’s cloudy and rainy and you expected it to be sunny, therein lies your suffering, but if it’s sunny everything is great. This is but one example, I’m sure you can find your own that fits your life.
In the situation described, why it causes suffering is because what’s happening is being pushed away, maybe not consciously, but since it’s not wanted it causes a mind agitation. The thing about this is it’s totally out of your control, there’s nothing you can do to change what’s happening as you can’t change the weather. You can pray for the rain to stop, but I doubt that will work. You will either embrace life right now or you will continue to push it away by wanting it different, these are your choices and it solely puts your life in your hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else or your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away by not embracing right now, and one day there will be nothing to embrace because life in this form will be no more.
Being present for what occurs in your life (embracing right now) is living life as it unfolds without excluding any part of it. It’s easy to push away what’s not wanted, but to include everything even though it may not be wanted is truly living. If you want to exclude something find out what it is and why it’s being pushed away. Obviously on the surface it would look as though it’s just not liked, but if it’s what’s happening, what good is it doing in pushing it away and not liking it. This becomes a defense mechanism that keeps you from truly enjoying life. If you only enjoy life when the things happening are liked, there will be much suffering because of the fluctuations of things. If you go on a vacation to a beach resort and it’s cloudy and rainy and you expected it to be sunny, therein lies your suffering, but if it’s sunny everything is great. This is but one example, I’m sure you can find your own that fits your life.
In the situation described, why it causes suffering is because what’s happening is being pushed away, maybe not consciously, but since it’s not wanted it causes a mind agitation. The thing about this is it’s totally out of your control, there’s nothing you can do to change what’s happening as you can’t change the weather. You can pray for the rain to stop, but I doubt that will work. You will either embrace life right now or you will continue to push it away by wanting it different, these are your choices and it solely puts your life in your hands. It has nothing to do with anyone else or your circumstances, but if you don’t have awareness of this you will continue to push life away by not embracing right now, and one day there will be nothing to embrace because life in this form will be no more.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/29/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am making positive changes to my beliefs to support better thinking, better communicating, and better doing! I am making positive changes in my habits and routines to support better goals, better situations, and better outcomes! I am making positive changes for greater moments and greater success..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/29/18~
"I am making positive changes to my beliefs to support better thinking, better communicating, and better doing! I am making positive changes in my habits and routines to support better goals, better situations, and better outcomes! I am making positive changes for greater moments and greater success..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/29/18~
Accept Yourself As You Are
You can only act in ways that arise from within you. A trigger activates your Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly. Accept yourself as you are and as the mind settles what’s within you will change…
Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you judge yourself there is no way we won’t judge others. In your judgements, your unity with others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t accept yourself as you are there’s no way we will be able to accept anyone else as they are. You may be able to accept them for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not accepting yourself.
Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it originates from you. You unconsciously act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but its not the way that you act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way that you act to be different, which is impossible because it has already has been done. So accept yourself as you are and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it. If you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it. When the mind settles enough through this acceptance, what’s within you will change with the understanding you are perfect just as you are because it’s what’s there; just know there may be room for improvement, but accept yourself as you are…
Unity with others is dependent on learning to love yourself unconditionally because if you judge yourself there is no way we won’t judge others. In your judgements, your unity with others will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with you because if you can’t accept yourself as you are there’s no way we will be able to accept anyone else as they are. You may be able to accept them for a time if they’re as you want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept yourself will only occur when you know our own mind, and only in the sense of how it’s the cause of not accepting yourself.
Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, it originates from you. You unconsciously act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being; this is done all the time. These acts come from your own mind, but its not the way that you act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way that you act to be different, which is impossible because it has already has been done. So accept yourself as you are and the next time something triggers your Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest, you may be able to pause and not do it. If you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it. When the mind settles enough through this acceptance, what’s within you will change with the understanding you are perfect just as you are because it’s what’s there; just know there may be room for improvement, but accept yourself as you are…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/28/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I believe in the path that I am taking serves a greater purpose while benefiting my future! I believe in what I am doing serves and benefits others while amusing my bliss and satisfaction! I believe in making a positive difference through my interests and positive changes through my effort…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/28/18~
“I believe in the path that I am taking serves a greater purpose while benefiting my future! I believe in what I am doing serves and benefits others while amusing my bliss and satisfaction! I believe in making a positive difference through my interests and positive changes through my effort…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/28/18~
Simply Move On
Basically life is always changing and one day regardless of your current circumstances they too will also change so you might as well move on because change is simply the nature of life…
Change is the nature of life. Whether you’re going through a major change or a subtle one when it happens simply move on. Last year I had to get the left side of my upper mouth reconstructed, which took over a year of procedures, I simply moved on. There was also pain, but I moved on. Life never does anything to me or anyone else, sometimes things just happen and you better move on because if you don’t, you’ll be taken for a ride on the emotional roller coaster of the Conditioned Mind. There is always a choice for the person with the perseverance to not allow the circumstances of what happens to be in control. Circumstances in life never stay the same, from birth to death which are circumstances. The main thing to do when circumstances change whether they’re wanted or not is to simply move on.
This isn’t the key to happiness because if something unpleasant happens, it will not make you happy, but it doesn’t have to control you and be allowed to take you from your place of peace. Many things happen in life, loved one’s die, people get sick, accidents happen, there are disappointments, heartache, there are also joys, and elations, but regardless of what occurs, move on because not only will it not last, but it doesn’t have to be allowed to control you. There’s an underlying peace and balance in understanding ” simply move on”. The key to this is understanding everything is impermanent and one day regardless what the circumstances are they will change so you might as simply move on, or not and remain in your own suffering…
Change is the nature of life. Whether you’re going through a major change or a subtle one when it happens simply move on. Last year I had to get the left side of my upper mouth reconstructed, which took over a year of procedures, I simply moved on. There was also pain, but I moved on. Life never does anything to me or anyone else, sometimes things just happen and you better move on because if you don’t, you’ll be taken for a ride on the emotional roller coaster of the Conditioned Mind. There is always a choice for the person with the perseverance to not allow the circumstances of what happens to be in control. Circumstances in life never stay the same, from birth to death which are circumstances. The main thing to do when circumstances change whether they’re wanted or not is to simply move on.
This isn’t the key to happiness because if something unpleasant happens, it will not make you happy, but it doesn’t have to control you and be allowed to take you from your place of peace. Many things happen in life, loved one’s die, people get sick, accidents happen, there are disappointments, heartache, there are also joys, and elations, but regardless of what occurs, move on because not only will it not last, but it doesn’t have to be allowed to control you. There’s an underlying peace and balance in understanding ” simply move on”. The key to this is understanding everything is impermanent and one day regardless what the circumstances are they will change so you might as simply move on, or not and remain in your own suffering…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/27/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am grateful for life! I am thankful for opportunities! I am blessed with free will and imagination! I am appreciative of my opportunities! I am choosing the reasons that support my smile, inspires my thoughts, nourishes good emotions, and motivates my actions..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/27/18~
"I am grateful for life! I am thankful for opportunities! I am blessed with free will and imagination! I am appreciative of my opportunities! I am choosing the reasons that support my smile, inspires my thoughts, nourishes good emotions, and motivates my actions..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/27/18~
The Hidden Risks Of Social Isolation You Should Know - Age With Charm
The Hidden Risks Of Social Isolation You Should Know - Age With Charm
“The sadness of death is only surpassed by the sadness of solitude,” – a doctor discovered in a heart-wrenching way with one of his patients.
The doctor knows that he is dying. So does the patient. It’s not the kind of death after a few days or weeks or months of pain. It can come within the day or anytime tomorrow.
So the doctor asked the patient if there is someone he could call. A family member or a close friend he would want to be with when he breathed his last.
The patient said there was none. No family member, no close friend. There is a niece who lives far away but they are not on speaking terms.
Tragic isn’t it? But considering the number of elderly people living in social isolation, it is not a rarity. It could happen to you and me.
What is Social Isolation
People often take social isolation and loneliness one and the same. They are not.
Social isolation is the real and physical detachment from the rest of humanity. It could be total or partial detachment.
Loneliness is a perceived detachment from the people around. You could be in the midst of a crowd, yet feel lonely. Being alone is not loneliness. It is when you when you cannot connect or get into the same wavelength of those around you.
Social isolation does not cause loneliness. In fact, a lot of people enjoy their lonesomeness.
But loneliness can result in social isolation.
Loneliness takes a long time to cure. But getting back to the raucous crowd is it all needs to cure social isolation.
Distinguishing one from the other is difficult and complex. You can be lonely or socially isolated in your lifetime. Or you may experience both at the same time.
Social isolation and loneliness share several common factors. And if prolonged, they increase the likelihood of physical and mental deterioration.
Causes of Social Isolation
The life of an elderly is like a roller coaster of emotions. So many things can happen that can drive you into isolation. But the most common are:
Loss of a loved one
The death of a spouse can be a huge blow to the surviving half. It is like losing half of one’s life. It robs you of the motivation to go on living; life becomes purposeless.
Getting over it becomes even harder in a house-full of memorabilia of the departed one. Where once, you did everything together, now you do it alone – even the making of the bed.
You lose the appetite for socializing. The false condolences from friends torment you more than ease your pain.
The feeling to be alone becomes so strong, ultimately making you a recluse.
I know how it feels because I went through all these when my wife died more than ten years ago. Had not my two children filled the void she left behind, I would not have been writing this.
Illnesses and physical impairments
Physical and mental deterioration are normal consequences of aging.
Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis could limit your activities. Added to this is the deterioration in eyesight, hearing, and balance.
All these could make you opt to stay home instead of going out and socialize. And if you are a live-alone senior, these can lead to social isolation.
Mental health conditions and cognitive decline
One out of four seniors suffers from depression, anxiety, and dementia.
These illnesses cause memory loss and other cognitive impairments. They also make maintaining social ties difficult.
Elderly people suffering from these end up forgotten and abandoned. They become socially isolated.
Living alone
About 14 million elderly Americans live alone. Those who have a regular and frequent contact with friends and family may lead happy and fulfilling lives.
Elderly people who lack such intimacies are at risk of social isolation.
Over 25 million Americans aged 60+ are living at or below the poverty level of $29, 425.00 per year/person. They struggle with housing and health care costs, poor nourishment, and access to transportation.
These limitations can make them withdraw from the mainstream crowd and go into social isolation.
Risks of Social Isolation
We are a social species. We need social networks (families, tribes, communities, etc.) to survive and thrive. Since we are built this way, anything that disrupts this, like social isolation, will stress your mind and body. In turn, this will have a significant impact on your health.
Because of age-related issues and the fact that plenty of seniors live alone, they are prone to these risks like:
- impaired ability to do regular activities like bathing, grooming, and preparing meals
- insufficient sleep resulting in poor immune system responses and rapid cognitive decline
- chronic illnesses like heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and suicides
- early death
Some studies show that social isolation, with or without loneliness pose the same health risk as smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and high blood pressure.
Socially isolated men (single, fewer than six friends and relatives with no social or religious affiliations) have a 90% risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, double the risk of having a non-fatal stroke, death due to cardiovascular disease, accident of suicide.
How to deal with social isolation
There are times in your life that you feel so socially isolated. The death of a spouse or moving away of a close friend, lack of close contact with children, and many others.
Or you can feel isolated because of what’s going on in your mind like a chronic disease, financial woes, abuse or becoming a victim of online scams.
All these can make your self-worth take a nose dive, make you withdraw from the rest of humanity.
Lucky for you because all these are your own creations and only you can un-recreate them. Here are a few ways to do it:
Get busy
Getting busy is an excellent way of keeping your mind occupied; makes you forget what it is that drove you into seclusion.
Know that you are not alone
If it is any consolation, whatever is bugging you is not peculiar to you. Somewhere out there, probably even a neighbor, is in a lot worse situation than you. Things are never as bad as they seem to be.
Enjoy your company
Do you know that more often than not, being isolated from the rest is a lot better than being in the midst of a group that brings you no inner satisfaction? That being alone by yourself is a lot more enjoyable than being with a bore?
So enjoy being alone with and by yourself. That’s the only way to take control of your life.
everything you do, or everywhere you go
Control your worries
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength,”- Corrie ten Boom.
Which is precisely why you need to get out of your shell and get back to the mainstream. Social isolation (unless voluntary), accomplishes you nothing. But it can ruin everything.
Suffering Isn't a Necessaity
In the present moment suffering doesn’t exist, this isn’t because painful things don’t happen, suffering doesn’t exist because there just isn’t a true need to attach a label to make it so…
Suffering isn’t a necessity to live life, and if you do suffer it has nothing to do with what happens; it has everything to do with attaching to what happens. There will be many painful things that occur in life, but they cause suffering only because that’s how they’re labeled. This labeling process is at the core of the Conditioned Mind. Without the attached label to what arises, there wouldn’t be a need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make things less painful; after all trying to make life less painful is how most people spend their life. Always wanting life pain free is why so many are in a state of suffering; it has nothing to do with what’s going on. Nothing can cause suffering unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because it’s not known how not to allow it.
Because of the attachment to the conditioning in place most will just go with what society has to say about suffering without investigating it. To much is taken as truth without looking to see the underlying attachment; this is why the world is in a state of suffering. The label you have for something or someone is the label you have for yourself, without a settled mind this will not be seen so the attached suffering will continue to be the controlling energy in place. The label of suffering breeds suffering always, this is the dog chasing its tail syndrome. To me suffering isn’t a necessity in life because in the present moment it doesn’t truly exist, not because painful things don’t happen, but because there’s no need to attach a label that makes it so…
Suffering isn’t a necessity to live life, and if you do suffer it has nothing to do with what happens; it has everything to do with attaching to what happens. There will be many painful things that occur in life, but they cause suffering only because that’s how they’re labeled. This labeling process is at the core of the Conditioned Mind. Without the attached label to what arises, there wouldn’t be a need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make things less painful; after all trying to make life less painful is how most people spend their life. Always wanting life pain free is why so many are in a state of suffering; it has nothing to do with what’s going on. Nothing can cause suffering unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because it’s not known how not to allow it.
Because of the attachment to the conditioning in place most will just go with what society has to say about suffering without investigating it. To much is taken as truth without looking to see the underlying attachment; this is why the world is in a state of suffering. The label you have for something or someone is the label you have for yourself, without a settled mind this will not be seen so the attached suffering will continue to be the controlling energy in place. The label of suffering breeds suffering always, this is the dog chasing its tail syndrome. To me suffering isn’t a necessity in life because in the present moment it doesn’t truly exist, not because painful things don’t happen, but because there’s no need to attach a label that makes it so…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/26/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am continuing enthusiastically for new opportunities to show up in my life daily! I am inspired to take action upon those opportunities for a better ideal future! I am continuing forward re-energized while I share my enthusiasm with others for positive changes and better situations…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/26/18~
“I am continuing enthusiastically for new opportunities to show up in my life daily! I am inspired to take action upon those opportunities for a better ideal future! I am continuing forward re-energized while I share my enthusiasm with others for positive changes and better situations…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/26/18~
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/25/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am doing things differently today in support of better thinking, better doing, and better living! I am doing what helps me to be the best version of me! I am doing more of what satisfies me, what brings forth my joy, and what amuses my mind! I am reaching out for assistance along my way when needed, and learning..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/25/18~
"I am doing things differently today in support of better thinking, better doing, and better living! I am doing what helps me to be the best version of me! I am doing more of what satisfies me, what brings forth my joy, and what amuses my mind! I am reaching out for assistance along my way when needed, and learning..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/25/18~
Out With the Old
Everyone develops tools throughout their life that are used as coping mechanisms and it’s these tools that determine whether you’re on a collision course with life or if you have tools that put you in cooperation with it.
Eleven years ago it was revealed to me the reason why my life was the way it was was simply because of the tools I developed at a very young age to cope with life; these became my defense mechanisms. Every reaction in life is the way it is because of some tool that was developed, and they’re automatically implemented by the Conditioned Mind when the conditions are right for a certain developed tool is called for. If life is to change the developed tools to cope with life situations need to be changed.
If it is not discovered what the cause of the non-beneficial behavior that is exhibited at times is, there will not be change. Most people develop Conditioned Mind Patterns based in satisfying only the self as these mind patterns are ego driven. The ego controls far to many lives. It is the cause of nothing but problems, and here is the kicker, the ego isn’t real. It’s just our developed tools that make it real.
The ego is based in the past and future, what is real is the present. You see the ego can’t be real because it’s never present, it needs the make believe stories of the past or future to exist. The old developed tools keep you out of the present, you’ll have to find a new set if you’re to live life in the present and you will need to develop them further if you are to remain in the present most of the time. Only the tools based in the past and future don’t allow for this. So you have a decision to make, either use your old tools or develop new ones, but remember to choose wisely because these are your life tools that you are choosing and they will not only control the way that you react to life, but they also put your life in your hands.
Eleven years ago it was revealed to me the reason why my life was the way it was was simply because of the tools I developed at a very young age to cope with life; these became my defense mechanisms. Every reaction in life is the way it is because of some tool that was developed, and they’re automatically implemented by the Conditioned Mind when the conditions are right for a certain developed tool is called for. If life is to change the developed tools to cope with life situations need to be changed.
If it is not discovered what the cause of the non-beneficial behavior that is exhibited at times is, there will not be change. Most people develop Conditioned Mind Patterns based in satisfying only the self as these mind patterns are ego driven. The ego controls far to many lives. It is the cause of nothing but problems, and here is the kicker, the ego isn’t real. It’s just our developed tools that make it real.
The ego is based in the past and future, what is real is the present. You see the ego can’t be real because it’s never present, it needs the make believe stories of the past or future to exist. The old developed tools keep you out of the present, you’ll have to find a new set if you’re to live life in the present and you will need to develop them further if you are to remain in the present most of the time. Only the tools based in the past and future don’t allow for this. So you have a decision to make, either use your old tools or develop new ones, but remember to choose wisely because these are your life tools that you are choosing and they will not only control the way that you react to life, but they also put your life in your hands.
Beneath the Surface
I am right and you are wrong energy is the surface energy of the world that’s mostly in place which makes for ego charged situations, and with the ego running the show you won’t be able to see beneath the surface...
Not much really means anything when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there’s anything wrong with this, but it doesn’t mean anything except to the ego. This energy is what makes the ego what it is, it’s creates it. When ego “I” is embraced, the energy creates an I am special aura or look at me persona, but the fact of the matter is when it’s time to leave this world nothing is taken with you. I’ve learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life really isn’t my life. Life itself doesn’t really care if I’m here or not, I make it important by attaching “I” to a story which creates me, me, me persona. Celebrity status goes to most people’s head as it really means nothing; just love and go beneath the surface. To me that’s what gets it done with the “it” being a level of quietness that doesn’t need a story to be.
Anything added to life doesn’t really enhance it. Simply being beneath the surface activities is so much more beneficial than what energy is controlling your surface life. So much of the ego energy is reinforced by the things the world has in place and it’s why everything is as it is. The ego can’t exist without a certain energy that feeds it. Without awareness of this, just by the design of the idolizing energy humanity has in place, the egos energy is constantly reinforced. I am right and you are wrong energy is the kind of energy that’s mostly in place which makes for very unstable situations. There’s no harmony when the ego energy is running the show and without harmony you only see what’s on the surface…
Not much really means anything when it comes to achieving a certain status in our society, not that there’s anything wrong with this, but it doesn’t mean anything except to the ego. This energy is what makes the ego what it is, it’s creates it. When ego “I” is embraced, the energy creates an I am special aura or look at me persona, but the fact of the matter is when it’s time to leave this world nothing is taken with you. I’ve learned one very important lesson in my life and that is my life really isn’t my life. Life itself doesn’t really care if I’m here or not, I make it important by attaching “I” to a story which creates me, me, me persona. Celebrity status goes to most people’s head as it really means nothing; just love and go beneath the surface. To me that’s what gets it done with the “it” being a level of quietness that doesn’t need a story to be.
Anything added to life doesn’t really enhance it. Simply being beneath the surface activities is so much more beneficial than what energy is controlling your surface life. So much of the ego energy is reinforced by the things the world has in place and it’s why everything is as it is. The ego can’t exist without a certain energy that feeds it. Without awareness of this, just by the design of the idolizing energy humanity has in place, the egos energy is constantly reinforced. I am right and you are wrong energy is the kind of energy that’s mostly in place which makes for very unstable situations. There’s no harmony when the ego energy is running the show and without harmony you only see what’s on the surface…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/24/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am taking charge of my life for the better! I am taking the kind of actions that create good healthy emotions for the better! I am doing what is necessary of me to support a healthier mentality, encourage a healthier attitude, and motivates healthier behavior! I am promoting a healthier and better version of me…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/24/18~
“I am taking charge of my life for the better! I am taking the kind of actions that create good healthy emotions for the better! I am doing what is necessary of me to support a healthier mentality, encourage a healthier attitude, and motivates healthier behavior! I am promoting a healthier and better version of me…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/24/18~
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/23/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am not denying myself peace and happiness! I am not denying myself the kind of love I yearn for myself and share freely with others! I am not denying myself the kind of outcomes I desire to achieve and the success I am progressing to accomplish! I am succeeding in many ways…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/23/18~
“I am not denying myself peace and happiness! I am not denying myself the kind of love I yearn for myself and share freely with others! I am not denying myself the kind of outcomes I desire to achieve and the success I am progressing to accomplish! I am succeeding in many ways…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/23/18~
Conditioned to Suffer
Existence begins with everyone having the ability to be free of their conditioning, but because it’s not understood how harmful and diabolical the Conditioned Mind is, it locks you unconsciously into your own suffering…
The Conditioned Mind is harmful and diabolical. It’s so cunning you will unconsciously choose suffering over peace. It will create obstacles to keep you from honestly looking at yourself. It uses beliefs and concepts to hold you in bondage to its lies. I know what is seen us seen and I can’t change anyone, but I will continue to share what I know because I truly love all beings, but I don’t love the conditioning that’s in place. I understand how diabolical it truly is. It tells you to remain selfish and hold onto the little self. Whenever I respond to someone it’s never about the person, it’s always about the conditioning. Past conditioned energy is selfish so when a person justifies their conditioning, it’s not the person it’s the conditioning in place. Everyone truly has love in their heart to be free of their conditioning, but because it’s not understood how truly harmful and diabolical the Conditioned Mind is, it remains in control.
It breaks my heart to see a person unconsciously reinforce their own suffering, but there’s only so much anyone can do. I understand it’s just the conditioning in place, but the selfish energy is it only harmful to yourself, it’s harmful to all of beings. There really isn’t even a choice to make and I get that, but it doesn’t stop compassion from arising for those who remain in their own suffering. When someone says they are in the process, its unfortunate because most likely it’s the conditioned process; the process of suffering. I cannot sit back and remain idle when I see this and although I know a person will do what they do, when your life is controlled by the Conditioned Mind, it truly breaks my heart because it locks one unconsciously into their own suffering…
The Conditioned Mind is harmful and diabolical. It’s so cunning you will unconsciously choose suffering over peace. It will create obstacles to keep you from honestly looking at yourself. It uses beliefs and concepts to hold you in bondage to its lies. I know what is seen us seen and I can’t change anyone, but I will continue to share what I know because I truly love all beings, but I don’t love the conditioning that’s in place. I understand how diabolical it truly is. It tells you to remain selfish and hold onto the little self. Whenever I respond to someone it’s never about the person, it’s always about the conditioning. Past conditioned energy is selfish so when a person justifies their conditioning, it’s not the person it’s the conditioning in place. Everyone truly has love in their heart to be free of their conditioning, but because it’s not understood how truly harmful and diabolical the Conditioned Mind is, it remains in control.
It breaks my heart to see a person unconsciously reinforce their own suffering, but there’s only so much anyone can do. I understand it’s just the conditioning in place, but the selfish energy is it only harmful to yourself, it’s harmful to all of beings. There really isn’t even a choice to make and I get that, but it doesn’t stop compassion from arising for those who remain in their own suffering. When someone says they are in the process, its unfortunate because most likely it’s the conditioned process; the process of suffering. I cannot sit back and remain idle when I see this and although I know a person will do what they do, when your life is controlled by the Conditioned Mind, it truly breaks my heart because it locks one unconsciously into their own suffering…
A Grateful Heart
Happy Thanksgiving, not only for today, but for each and everyday because life itself is our greatest gift and one day it will not be so…
Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there’s an understanding of how to live from a heart of love; although love is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating love results in gratitude…
Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart, but it’s not automatic. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If gratitude was from the material realm it would coincide with one’s possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t much. The true measure of wealth has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from a loving heart, that’s what measures wealth. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how you want or expect it.
Wanting is never from our true self, it’s from the small self that thinks what’s wanted is needed to be complete. Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way, this creates suffering. Gratitude doesn’t mean everything will be as wanted, but life must be accepted as it is if you are to be at peace and have a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. Gratitude will not shield you from life problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your life as it is and you will find your loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your own heart…
Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there’s an understanding of how to live from a heart of love; although love is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating love results in gratitude…
Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart, but it’s not automatic. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If gratitude was from the material realm it would coincide with one’s possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t much. The true measure of wealth has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from a loving heart, that’s what measures wealth. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how you want or expect it.
Wanting is never from our true self, it’s from the small self that thinks what’s wanted is needed to be complete. Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way, this creates suffering. Gratitude doesn’t mean everything will be as wanted, but life must be accepted as it is if you are to be at peace and have a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. Gratitude will not shield you from life problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your life as it is and you will find your loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude that’s full of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your own heart…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/22/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am lovingly treating others as I desire to be lovingly treated! I am respectfully treating others as they desire to be treated like the awesome being I truly am! I am loving and respecting myself for greater success..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/22/18~
"I am lovingly treating others as I desire to be lovingly treated! I am respectfully treating others as they desire to be treated like the awesome being I truly am! I am loving and respecting myself for greater success..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/22/18~
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/21/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am blessed today with life! I am blessed with love, with opportunity, with choice, and with thought! I am blessed to choose and decide which opportunity to positively benefit from! I am blessed, thankful, and grateful..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/21/18~
"I am blessed today with life! I am blessed with love, with opportunity, with choice, and with thought! I am blessed to choose and decide which opportunity to positively benefit from! I am blessed, thankful, and grateful..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/21/18~
Conditioned Expectations
The expectations you have are the expectations you put on not only yourself, but all of life. Without a settled mind this will not be seen so your expectations will continue to be your controlling energy…
There will be many unpleasant things that occur in life, but they’re only considered unpleasant because of the expectations you put on them and this is where suffering arises from. This expectation process seems to be at our core, but if it wasn’t the creation of a you who expects would never arise and you wouldn’t need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make something pleasant; after all expecting life to always be pleasant is how most people live. Always wanting life pleasant is why so many are in a constant state of discontentment, it has nothing to do with what’s going on outside of you, it has everything to do what’s going on inside. Nothing can cause discontentment unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because of some expectation.
Because of the conditioning in place most people will just go along with what society and the so called experts have to say. To much is taken as the norm without looking to see the underlying truth and this is why there is so much expectations. The expectations you have for something are the expectations you put on not only yourself, but all of life. Without a settled mind this will not be seen so your expectations will continue to be the controlling energy in place. Expectations lead to suffering, but this suffering isn’t necessary. In the present moment I have found suffering doesn’t truly exist, not because unpleasant things don’t happen, but because there are no expectations to make it so…
There will be many unpleasant things that occur in life, but they’re only considered unpleasant because of the expectations you put on them and this is where suffering arises from. This expectation process seems to be at our core, but if it wasn’t the creation of a you who expects would never arise and you wouldn’t need for things to be different so there wouldn’t be a need to try and make something pleasant; after all expecting life to always be pleasant is how most people live. Always wanting life pleasant is why so many are in a constant state of discontentment, it has nothing to do with what’s going on outside of you, it has everything to do what’s going on inside. Nothing can cause discontentment unless it’s allowed and it’s only allowed because of some expectation.
Because of the conditioning in place most people will just go along with what society and the so called experts have to say. To much is taken as the norm without looking to see the underlying truth and this is why there is so much expectations. The expectations you have for something are the expectations you put on not only yourself, but all of life. Without a settled mind this will not be seen so your expectations will continue to be the controlling energy in place. Expectations lead to suffering, but this suffering isn’t necessary. In the present moment I have found suffering doesn’t truly exist, not because unpleasant things don’t happen, but because there are no expectations to make it so…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/20/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I must seize the day for greater value and benefits it abundantly has for me! I must enjoy myself to the best of my abilities and to the utmost of my potential! I am blessed to choose for myself, to decide for myself, and to take action…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/20/18~
“I must seize the day for greater value and benefits it abundantly has for me! I must enjoy myself to the best of my abilities and to the utmost of my potential! I am blessed to choose for myself, to decide for myself, and to take action…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/20/18~
Resisting Change
When you can truly be present for change and it’s accepted from the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth is what allows freedom.
Although most of the time change is resisted, the reason why is because it’s not understood that it’s needed. If you like milkshakes you wouldn’t want one every single day at every meal. Change has to occur, but the resistance to it doesn’t have to occur. Make this the day that change doesn’t hold you back. See it as the opening to move forward from the complacency of what’s familiar. It’s unfortunate, but nobody really changes unless they’re forced to. The Conditioned Mind loves the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t beneficial. I see it all the time in the responses to my articles. My articles simply provide another way to look at things, but many times they’re just discounted for what a person already has in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand the Conditioned Mind so when something new is presented and the resistance to change energy takes over, you remain locked in your conditioning.
Change is simply a part of life, it happens constantly, consciously and unconsciously, but what’s not understood is change is needed to grow. For years I was stuck in familiar Conditioned Mind Patterns that didn’t allow change to take place. Even when it looked as though change did happen, it was only on the surface. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade, inner change is truly transforming and it can’t be measured. When you can truly be present for change and it’s accepted from the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth is what allows freedom.
Although most of the time change is resisted, the reason why is because it’s not understood that it’s needed. If you like milkshakes you wouldn’t want one every single day at every meal. Change has to occur, but the resistance to it doesn’t have to occur. Make this the day that change doesn’t hold you back. See it as the opening to move forward from the complacency of what’s familiar. It’s unfortunate, but nobody really changes unless they’re forced to. The Conditioned Mind loves the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t beneficial. I see it all the time in the responses to my articles. My articles simply provide another way to look at things, but many times they’re just discounted for what a person already has in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand the Conditioned Mind so when something new is presented and the resistance to change energy takes over, you remain locked in your conditioning.
Change is simply a part of life, it happens constantly, consciously and unconsciously, but what’s not understood is change is needed to grow. For years I was stuck in familiar Conditioned Mind Patterns that didn’t allow change to take place. Even when it looked as though change did happen, it was only on the surface. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade, inner change is truly transforming and it can’t be measured. When you can truly be present for change and it’s accepted from the heart, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth is what allows freedom.
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/19/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am entertaining my good perspective, great attitude, and better thoughts! I am empowering my good talk, great behavior, and better vibes! I rather am benefiting from the good stuff, great outcomes, and better circumstances I am attracting into my reality! I am supporting a better mentality…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
“I am entertaining my good perspective, great attitude, and better thoughts! I am empowering my good talk, great behavior, and better vibes! I rather am benefiting from the good stuff, great outcomes, and better circumstances I am attracting into my reality! I am supporting a better mentality…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Locked In View
There’s not much life in something that’s stagnant and this is exactly what happens when one’s free flowing energy is cut off by a locked in view as it controls your life and causes you to suffer…
A locked in view is what causes you to only see things one way and this energy is from the side of suffering. It matters little what that locked in view is, as the rigidness of being locked in doesn’t allow free flowing energy. The is what happens when a story is created and it becomes the locked in view of what life is about in any particular moment. This becomes deeply engrained hence deeply locked in as you become more and more emotionally tied into whatever it is that’s being locked into. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without attaching to it and being locked in.
To me this locked in view is the view of most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of this locked in view cannot see it, nor can one pull themselves out of it until the locked in view is seen as the cause of their suffering. The locked in viewed doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The tighter the grip of something, the more one becomes locked in on it and the less free flowing energy there is in one’s life. There’s not much life in something that’s stagnant and this is exactly what happens when your free flowing energy is cut off by a locked in view as it controls your life and causes you to suffer…
A locked in view is what causes you to only see things one way and this energy is from the side of suffering. It matters little what that locked in view is, as the rigidness of being locked in doesn’t allow free flowing energy. The is what happens when a story is created and it becomes the locked in view of what life is about in any particular moment. This becomes deeply engrained hence deeply locked in as you become more and more emotionally tied into whatever it is that’s being locked into. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without attaching to it and being locked in.
To me this locked in view is the view of most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of this locked in view cannot see it, nor can one pull themselves out of it until the locked in view is seen as the cause of their suffering. The locked in viewed doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The tighter the grip of something, the more one becomes locked in on it and the less free flowing energy there is in one’s life. There’s not much life in something that’s stagnant and this is exactly what happens when your free flowing energy is cut off by a locked in view as it controls your life and causes you to suffer…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/18/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am pushing myself through until I get there until then I am doing what is necessary for me to continue moving forward while making the best of it all for the better! I am pulling myself up when I need to keep going! Tough times don’t last, difficulties are temporary, and problems aren’t real! I am strong, capable, able, and willing to accomplish and achieve as the success that I am…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/18/18~
“I am pushing myself through until I get there until then I am doing what is necessary for me to continue moving forward while making the best of it all for the better! I am pulling myself up when I need to keep going! Tough times don’t last, difficulties are temporary, and problems aren’t real! I am strong, capable, able, and willing to accomplish and achieve as the success that I am…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/18/18~
Imaginary Problems to Solve
Through the way we become conditioned, we see life as if there are imaginary problems to solve so life can be a certain way, and because of this we are constantly working on solving problems…
The issue with having to constantly solve problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all imaginary, and even if one makes up a story that life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (imaginary problems) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, one would see life as complete and it wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes one see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to do (problem solve) instead of be so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do, how can it not…
The Conditioned Mind sees imaginary problems all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, religion, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to put another imaginary problem in place; which one thinks solving it will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday has one new problem that’s solved, that would mean I solved roughly 21,000 imaginary problems, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way I think it should be. After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly solve your imaginary problems…
The issue with having to constantly solve problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all imaginary, and even if one makes up a story that life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (imaginary problems) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, one would see life as complete and it wouldn’t constantly need to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes one see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to do (problem solve) instead of be so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do, how can it not…
The Conditioned Mind sees imaginary problems all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, religion, and so on, all this manipulating is strictly done to put another imaginary problem in place; which one thinks solving it will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday has one new problem that’s solved, that would mean I solved roughly 21,000 imaginary problems, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way I think it should be. After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly solve your imaginary problems…
Stick With the Facts
Feelings will arise that’s pretty much a given. To feel is human, but taking them to the next level to form a concept is when attachment arises as a belief that the feeling is indeed a fact; just stick with the facts…
If it’s not learned to just be with a feeling as it arises, it will control you. This is because the conditioning of a mind that wants to push the feeling away and change it. How this works is, let’s say someone walks up to you and says something that you don’t particularly like, immediately there’s attachment as there’s the feeling of not liking what was said, and where there’s attachment there’s the tendency to react in a non beneficial way. This is done again and again because of the conditioning in place. Someone says something you don’t like and you wind up saying something back to them. This goes round and round, basically you are at war.
Feeling aren’t right or wrong, there’s very little facts as to why they arise. The main thing is to allow their energy to remain free flowing so it doesn’t get bottled up and form a conditioned concept. These concepts are formed by attachment to mind patterns that change a simple feeling into a story; the story being the feeling needs to be changed. It’s not true the feeling needs to be changed, but that’s what the conditioned energy does, it makes you believe a feeling is unpleasant and a pleasant one would be better. This is energy that wants to push away when feelings arise because it doesn’t understand they aren’t right or wrong, they’re just what’s there and you don’t have to attach a story to them; just stick with the facts…
If it’s not learned to just be with a feeling as it arises, it will control you. This is because the conditioning of a mind that wants to push the feeling away and change it. How this works is, let’s say someone walks up to you and says something that you don’t particularly like, immediately there’s attachment as there’s the feeling of not liking what was said, and where there’s attachment there’s the tendency to react in a non beneficial way. This is done again and again because of the conditioning in place. Someone says something you don’t like and you wind up saying something back to them. This goes round and round, basically you are at war.
Feeling aren’t right or wrong, there’s very little facts as to why they arise. The main thing is to allow their energy to remain free flowing so it doesn’t get bottled up and form a conditioned concept. These concepts are formed by attachment to mind patterns that change a simple feeling into a story; the story being the feeling needs to be changed. It’s not true the feeling needs to be changed, but that’s what the conditioned energy does, it makes you believe a feeling is unpleasant and a pleasant one would be better. This is energy that wants to push away when feelings arise because it doesn’t understand they aren’t right or wrong, they’re just what’s there and you don’t have to attach a story to them; just stick with the facts…
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/17/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am encouraging myself to be free from all that negatively affects my mentality, hurts my physicality, and ruins my reality! I am empowering myself to do more of what I enjoy, attend more of what interests me, and contribute to more of what positively affects my life! I am attracting into my life ideal results, outcomes, situations, and circumstances for greater moments…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/17/18~
“I am encouraging myself to be free from all that negatively affects my mentality, hurts my physicality, and ruins my reality! I am empowering myself to do more of what I enjoy, attend more of what interests me, and contribute to more of what positively affects my life! I am attracting into my life ideal results, outcomes, situations, and circumstances for greater moments…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/17/18~
Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/16/18~
Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am keeping my head up and my thoughts positively higher! I am continuing forward encouraged, empowered, and entertained through every way that interests me! I am supporting high hopes for myself while inspiring my aspirations for ideal outcomes..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/16/18~
"I am keeping my head up and my thoughts positively higher! I am continuing forward encouraged, empowered, and entertained through every way that interests me! I am supporting high hopes for myself while inspiring my aspirations for ideal outcomes..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author
Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 11/16/18~
Free Will Benefits Humanity
A person can only do what the conditioning in place dictates them to do and although to most it looks as though you have free will, if what you are doing isn’t a benefit to humanity, there’s nothing free about it…
Acting in non-beneficial ways impacts no one more than the one acting in this manner. On the surface some are severely affected by these actions, but the long lasting impact of non-beneficial actions goes deeply into the subconscious of the one committing it. Non-beneficial actions are prevalent all around, at the water cooler at work, on the news, on the road, at home, here on FB, this is because of not getting your way and the conditioning in place arising, thus one acts accordingly. This is what’s thought to be free will, but there’s nothing free about it because this behavior keeps you in bondage. To awaken is to go in the direction of what’s beneficial to humanity, when this is seen you are truly exerting your free will. This doesn’t mean you will be perfect and do things that are beneficial all the time, but it will be the direction you’ll go in more and more.
Nothing can truly be called free will until there’s truly a choice. What I mean by this is for forty nine years I was in bondage to a self serving will and there was absolutely nothing free associated with it. I was told by my mind what to do and I followed along like a puppet on a string. For me I stopped drinking alcohol at the age of twenty eight and thought this was a choice, but the only thing that happened was my self serving will just used something else. Bondage is bondage regardless of what has a hold of you. It isn’t until there’s awareness of this that the self serving will slowly began transforming and going in a beneficial direction. You cannot be self serving and free. You can tell yourself you have free will, but the only way it will truly be free is if it benefits humanity…
Acting in non-beneficial ways impacts no one more than the one acting in this manner. On the surface some are severely affected by these actions, but the long lasting impact of non-beneficial actions goes deeply into the subconscious of the one committing it. Non-beneficial actions are prevalent all around, at the water cooler at work, on the news, on the road, at home, here on FB, this is because of not getting your way and the conditioning in place arising, thus one acts accordingly. This is what’s thought to be free will, but there’s nothing free about it because this behavior keeps you in bondage. To awaken is to go in the direction of what’s beneficial to humanity, when this is seen you are truly exerting your free will. This doesn’t mean you will be perfect and do things that are beneficial all the time, but it will be the direction you’ll go in more and more.
Nothing can truly be called free will until there’s truly a choice. What I mean by this is for forty nine years I was in bondage to a self serving will and there was absolutely nothing free associated with it. I was told by my mind what to do and I followed along like a puppet on a string. For me I stopped drinking alcohol at the age of twenty eight and thought this was a choice, but the only thing that happened was my self serving will just used something else. Bondage is bondage regardless of what has a hold of you. It isn’t until there’s awareness of this that the self serving will slowly began transforming and going in a beneficial direction. You cannot be self serving and free. You can tell yourself you have free will, but the only way it will truly be free is if it benefits humanity…
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