It would be more beneficial if you learned to do less in your life because any doing is actually an undoing; it’s only when the mind settles that this undoing subsided. This is how it is with a mind that needs to do, doing is an agitation and the more that needs to be done, the cloudier the mind becomes; it’s very difficult to see clearly when one is caught in doing. A doing can be identified as any activity that you think is needed to make you complete; you see when the mind is settled there’s simply nothing to do. When the mind becomes agitated it has to do, and it becomes clouded as all kinds of stories are created about what’s needed to make you complete. Reading another book may be done, another 12 step meeting, another person to help, losing another pound, more money, and on an on. So many things are used when the mind becomes agitated and the truth is none of them are truly needed because you are as complete as you will ever be right now. In the clarity of a settled mind is our completeness.
Agitated stories are created and they keep the mind clouded because of the conditioning in place. Clarity will never last as long as one thinks there is something needed to do that will make you complete. Doing keeps the mind from settling so the more one needs to do the less clear things are. Do whatever you think you need to do, but understand there will never be clarity until there’s no need to do anything. Be the light, be the instrument to spread love, be whatever you want, but this doing is actually an undoing because it keeps the mind in a state of agitation. And as long as the mind is agitated and clouded by doing, your created undoing will remain in place and you will always have to do simply because you won’t know how not to.

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