There’s seeing and there’s the one who sees. With the one who sees there’s attachment to self, in the seeing alone is where there’s liberation. Even if one says there’s no one who sees, it comes from the self. I don’t profess to understand what life is all about, mostly because it doesn’t matter, but I do have a reasonable understanding of why and what happens to me. It’s mostly because the distractions that distract one from their distractions aren’t prevalent in my life, this allows openness. My manifestation is no different than anyone else’s, the mind distractions in place are, this is the difference in being the one who sees, or just seeing. The one who sees always has the attachment of seer associated with it and this is the reason why one suffers. There’s no attachment just seeing and because nothing is needed to see there’s no association to the one who sees (self) so there’s no suffering; there can’t be because there’s no one there to suffer.
I know it may seem like this is a play on words, but it isn’t. If there’s awareness of the differences between who sees and just seeing, an understanding that can’t really be explained will arise. It happens on its own, it can’t be forced or attained from a book, although if one is ready “Bam” it happens. I mentioned not being distracted, to me that’s how one becomes ready to just seeing. I don’t make anything happen to me directly, but without the daily distractions of the world, it opens one to free flowing energy. This is where insight and wisdom come from. Intelligence isn’t wisdom, anyone can read a book and memorize what someone else’s ideas are. Wisdom arises from ones own stillness and when one has distractions in place, it leaves little room for anything but the energy of the distractions. There’s so much delusion in our society because most people have distractions that distract them from their distractions and this keeps the distracted energy of the squirrel cage mind in place.

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