Results always manifest as a direct response of one’s actions, and how those results manifest is determined by the base of those actions. This doesn’t stop anything from happening in your life as far as old age, sickness, and death, but what it does do is it ensures and reinforces what’s in place in you. No one else controls what manifests from within you. Your discontentment is yours alone, it’s not life’s or your in-laws, a boss, co worker, Donald Trump, the Republicans or the Democratic’s, Isis, my writings, or anything else, it’s simply having your actions and results in sync with each other; actions and results will always be in sync. Discontentment only arises when one wants things different and wanting something different creates suffering because the Conditioned Mind is in control.
You can put any spin you want on life, but the bottom line is always the same, if one wants the present moment different, there will be a discontented energy that’s in control. From being diagnosed with an illness, to breaking a finger nail, when the following action is from the discontented energy of not wanting it to be, the results can only be from the same energy. It will take a very settled mind to see how the results of one’s life are directly linked to the energy of one’s actions. I’m not saying be the little engine who could, what I am saying is in the space of stillness everything arises and unless one remains in the stillness, the energy of wanting it different will arise and the ensuing results will be because of the actions in place.

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