Life can only be as it is. It doesn’t label what happens as good or bad, as a matter of fact it doesn’t really care what happens. Mostly what happens is because of cause and effect. If you hit a golf ball with a driver and the face is open, the ball will have a slicing trajectory, there’s no way around this. The slice is the effect of the cause, the face being open. Life just happens this way, run over a nail while driving and there’s a good chance of it puncturing your tire and it going flat. Life doesn’t do this, it’s just something that happens because the conditioning is right for it to happen. Smoke and use tobacco products and the effect this has on a person’s health can be life threatening; at the very least it will hold you in bondage. This isn’t life doing anything, it’s effect is just what’s in place. You can’t put water in your cars gas tank without it effecting how the car runs. So the key to one’s existence is understanding how cause and effect operate and learning how to do things that have an effect that is the most beneficial.
Things will always happen that are beyond one’s control, but it doesn’t have to be taken personally to make it as if life is doing it to you. This is all tied into the attachment one has with the thought of the effects that occur. Make the golf shot or flat tire a problem and it will be one. Or understand that things are as they are regardless if you had a hand in the effect or not and allow it to be. Most of one’s struggled arise not because of what happens, but because what happens is given the label of wanting it different. As long as the effect of whatever cause there is is in place and it’s wanted to be different, it will seem as though life is the one doing to you what you are basically doing to yourself.

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