You can never repay the love that you’re given, but you can allow the Universe to transform your energy and share it with the entire human family, unconditionally…
The Universe, God, Abba, Father, Allah, Mohammad, Jesus, or whatever name you use, is the energy of love that’s so deep it’s difficult to understand unless the mind gets quiet. Using a name to try and describe the indescribable is just noise. Once it’s truly understood how much you are loved by the Universe, your energy transforms. When this occurs you will want nothing more than to dedicate the rest of your life to returning that love energy. This is when you will understand what it means to have energy transformed.
It’s the love of the Universe that does the transforming, and when the love of the Universe transforms, there’s no choice but to do the only thing you can, and that is to dedicate the rest of your life by being grateful for the transforming energy you’ve been so freely given. We’re not a product of ourselves, we are a product of the Universe. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it ends. Our conditioned energy is also a product of the Universe, so is the energy of a transformed heart; there is no separation. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the transforming energy so the Universe can use us for its betterment…

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