No view is inherently wrong, but if you only have a specific one, it limits life and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except those from that specific view…
Changing views is what makes life different, but it doesn’t make what happens in life different, it only makes the view of what happens different. If you’re locked into a specific view, this only allows one way of seeing things. The more a view is intellect based, the harder it will be for there to be a shift to see things from another view. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with the intellect, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When one sees things from a specific view, it limits life to that one view. Most times this view isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, or discussion.
To be fixated on a specific view keeps you entrapped to the results of only that view; think about how limiting that is. No possibility of another view, always going down the same path, never allowing anything new. This is so limiting, but with only seeing things through a specific view how limiting this is will not be seen. Sitting and developing discipline so the minds grip lessens can assist in possibly altering a specific view mind set, but there has to an inkling there’s another way to see things. It’s not that any way is wrong, it’s just that having only a specific view limits life, and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except those from the specific view…

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