Past Controlled Present

If past thoughts are constantly repeated they’ll control the present; this means the past will be where you live your life. This is unfortunate because all the emotional pain of the past will be carried into the present…

The amount of times a past thought is repeated with its emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this; it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. Most people suffer endlessly because past thoughts are repeated constantly. This allows them into the present, and although the body is always in the present, the mind is constantly in the past. This is the constant state of most people and if nothing is done to change this, it will continue until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth. If you don’t look at it you will most likely remain stuck in the past without a way to stop it.

We as a species seem to be lost, to me it’s because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something most are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone than look at yourself, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and keep repeating the same story that everything will work out or you can take control of your life; at least to some extent and stop repeating thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all the same thoughts constantly arise, and if they’re not attached to, eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated emotional suffering they cause…

Surface Viewer

The root of all struggles are deep, they’re not just at the surface level. They’re rooted in the structure of how you think. If you don’t investigate this beyond being a surface viewer, nothing will ever change…

Changing the surface viewer mind structure is like turning a ship. The intention to turn happens right away, but the turn itself is very gradual. It’s as though we know we need to start turning right away, but we don’t see below the surface. Here’s a simple suggestion if you want to get in touch with breaking free of this ingrained surface viewer structure, and it’s not complicated. When you do something, investigate what the surface viewer sees. No reason to go back and look for a traumatic incident, why it’s seen only from the surface viewer level is sufficient.

If the need to reach for something happens because life throws you a curve ball, and you don’t investigate why the need to reach arose, you’ll probably use a surface distraction not to succumb to it. By doing this you’ll never be free because you’ll never get in touch with why the surface viewer is in place. Investigating why you’re a surface viewer is the most important thing you can do for yourself when something is done that’s not in your best interest. If you don’t, you will just substitute one thing for another and in the process remain trapped to what’s causing the need to reach. You may not like this post and you may even ignore it, but don’t be surprised when the next life curve ball comes and you find yourself reaching for something, you just won’t know why because you’re seeing it as a surface viewer…

Specific View Limits

No view is inherently wrong, but if you only have a specific one, it limits life and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except those from that specific view…

Changing views is what makes life different, but it doesn’t make what happens in life different, it only makes the view of what happens different. If you’re locked into a specific view, this only allows one way of seeing things. The more a view is intellect based, the harder it will be for there to be a shift to see things from another view. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with the intellect, it just doesn’t allow for much openness. When one sees things from a specific view, it limits life to that one view. Most times this view isn’t even your own, it’s formed from someone else’s opinion, teaching, book, video, or discussion.

To be fixated on a specific view keeps you entrapped to the results of only that view; think about how limiting that is. No possibility of another view, always going down the same path, never allowing anything new. This is so limiting, but with only seeing things through a specific view how limiting this is will not be seen. Sitting and developing discipline so the minds grip lessens can assist in possibly altering a specific view mind set, but there has to an inkling there’s another way to see things. It’s not that any way is wrong, it’s just that having only a specific view limits life, and in the process it doesn’t allow any other results except those from the specific view…

Controlling Energy

When you aren’t being controlled by energy based on outer things, therein lies your freedom. It isn’t freedom because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s freedom because you’re with life the way that it is…

The energy that control your life make your life what it is. It doesn’t make life what it is because life just is, but it makes YOUR life what it is and until the energy in place puts you in harmony with life there won’t be any, and hence your life will be the way that it is because it’s the way you are making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when you become aware of this because it puts your life in your hands; there’s nothing more satisfying. When you aren’t being controlled by energy based on outer things therein lies your freedom; freedom because you’re with life the way that it is.

What happens with the mind that has energy not based in love is it gets hijacked by its own conditioning so you’re held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what’s happens, and it’s all because of the energy based to self-serve. When the energy in place is controlled by a me, me, me mind, crazy is the norm because of this energy. When the energy changes, the craziness subsides. When you sit and see what the base of your energy is, you just may be able to change them. It will take time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way you are; being controlled by energy that holds you hostage…

What's Next Impermanence

When impermanence is understood, the craving for fulfillment of what’s next is replaced with acceptance because one day what’s next will never occur and prove just how impermanent life really is…

Nobody knows the future, but what does the future matter if the present isn’t being lived to the fullest. No one really know what’s going to happen next, but we all know death at least in this form will one day happen next, its just not known when that is. This is just a factual part of life regardless of any belief, one day this body will cease to support life as it is known today. We can make up a place that we are going to go to when life in this form ends, but the body is going to become void of life, and it will either be cremated or decay 6 feet underground. If this one truth can be understood nothing else would truly matter because the impermanence of all things would be seen. And once this is seen life takes on an entirely different dynamic.

No longer is there something needed for fulfillment when this dynamic occurs because it’s realized life is already fulfilled. How can it not be with the understanding that all you need you already have and all that you have has no lasting substance to it. If everything is impermanent, everything is temporary, so nothing will bring fulfillment to life except an understanding that life is already fulfilled. Everything is a temporary fix that’s why things are constantly reached for. If there wasn’t a craving to be fulfilled, there wouldn’t be a need to reach for an impermanent fix. Why the understanding of impermanence has so much value is because the craving for fulfillment is replaced with acceptance of what happens next because one day what happens next will never occur; just something to ponder…

Beam of Light

When you’re aware that all opinions are a made up story, love takes their place. This love is a beam of light that’s always there, but it’s not experienced because of the conditioned opinions that block it…

Without opinions everyone would view life through the eyes of love which by the way is a beam of light of peace; because of opinions this beam of light isn’t seen. The view of opinions are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through the conditioning of your opinions; through this view life is missed. This makes life about nothing real except for the opinions that’s are formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Being unaware of opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of what controls your life. What’s factually is this, life just happens, it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s simply learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your conditioned opinions; whatever they may be. When there’s awareness of this you will truly love. A love that has always been there, but it’s never experienced because of your conditioned opinions not allowing you to see your beam of light…

Needing Always Needs

When there’s a needing for something for satisfaction, it has to be addressed or you‘ll remain in the grip of the needing and you’ll always be trying to satisfy some inner need…

What’s missed by most people is the understanding that all needing is the same regardless of what’s needed. The needing itself is all the same and make no mistake when you need you’re in prison. There are so many prisons, from ayahuasca, to Heroin, a Hersey chocolate kiss, love, God or whatever; the needing is what should be focused on. Nobody just has a need for something, there’s a hole to be filled so a need arises. This is where the misunderstanding occurs because one thinks needing ayahuasca is different than needing Heroin. The true nature of needing isn’t identified so you remain the same even though the things used are different. It’s easier to justify when there’s a need to help others than when there’s a need for Heroin, but it’s still a need to be fill. I share my experience on why there’s a need to need. It was revealed to me that needing is the cause of all my problems because self-centeredness is the needing supportive energy.

You may think it’s crazy how the need for God is the same as a need for a drink of alcohol, or that needing ayahuasca is the same as needing Heroin, but it’s because it all arises from the inability to truly be with things as they are. If there’s a need, it will be reinforced by giving into the need; if this isn’t understood you’ll remain in your needing prison. Understanding this is difficult and it’s why I don’t push to develop a program or why I don’t become a life coach; it’s just not needed. I will point anyone to look within to find their own inner beauty; the only thing that matters is to learn to live with what’s here now. This is what should be pointed to, but because needing isn’t understood, there’s a need to fulfill the next need so you remain a prisoner…

Awareness Energy

The quality of life in this form is determined by the energy output. As this energy builds on itself this determines what the base of your life will be…

It’s very important to be aware of the energy you live by, it will either come from the heart or the head; you are either aware of this or you’re not. When there’s awareness of this, living from the heart naturally becomes the way you live. Energy builds on itself regardless of what it is. To me, this is the “Law of Attraction” as it has been revealed. When I’m aware of my energy, there’s stillness which becomes my life’s direction, life is then derived from this stillness. This isn’t a doing, it’s a transformation occurring from stillness itself.

What’s unfortunate about this is the opposite is also true, at least this has been my experience. For years being unaware was based to self-serve, and although I mostly got what I wanted, there wasn’t much satisfaction. This self-serving energy built on itself and it doesn’t take a genius to see why my life prior to my shift was the way it was; the energy to self-serve manifested in the only way it could. What energy is in place will be what’s manifested, there’s no way around this; you can only be what your energy is.

Sit with this and be aware of your energy and see how it builds on itself. Life doesn’t make it what it is, awareness energy makes it what it is. To a large degree we are all the creator of our own reality, and that reality will be determined by your awareness energy. Positive, negative, noisy, quiet, one of these will build your life. It’s not up to the outside circumstances that determines this. Awareness energy determines how what happens is dealt with, how it is built on, and the way future circumstances will be dealt with. You can only build upon the energy in place and that’s determined by what your energy is based in. The life you build is up to you, you alone are the creator of your reality because awareness energy builds on itself…

Space of Silence

The space of silence reduces the noise between your ears. This reduced noise comes from life itself, but it’s not a doing or it would already be so. The space of silence is where life opens to its true essence…

The space of silence is where life truly occurs. Silence reduces the noise between your ears. Be with what’s in front of you no matter what it is simply because that’s what’s there. What’s there cannot be changed until it’s not there; accept life as it is. Don’t suppress it, let it flow. Any change needed will come from the space of silence, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Sit in quiet, see who is sitting, who wants life different. When this self is no more, that’s when life becomes different. With the difference being, no longer will what goes on between your ears matter because silence reduces the noise and takes over.

Sitting allows the mind to settle because it allows the noise in the head to subside. It will settle on its own when there’s alignment with what is. Don’t think about who you are, be who you are. Your “I Am“ needs nothing added to it to be. It’s your true essence; anything added is a story created. The more one lives by this created story the less silence there is and the less love there is to reduce the noise between our ears. When the noise is reduced we are swallowed up by love without a story.

Just be with whatever life offers. No second thoughts of why this or that is done. Just be with it, don’t suppress it, let it flow. Sit often, don’t attach and the mind will settle, or not and it won’t. Either way life occurs, it’s just that in the space of what’s there, silence reduces the noise of what goes on between your ears…

Enslaved by Beliefs

When there’s a belief you need something to provide peace, you’re enslaved by this thought. Until this is understood, you’ll remain enslaved in the belief that peace is outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re enslaved by the belief that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get enslaved by the belief that peace is something to find. Unfortunately enslaved beliefs are what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. Beliefs are the reason one is constantly searching for something outside themselves. Until there’s awareness of this, you’ll remain enslaved by the thought that peace is in the next thing attained. This can’t be stressed enough as this enslavement has to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace. 

The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how beliefs enslave you. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the lack of awareness of this. When the need to reach for something arises, becoming enslaved by belief begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t a doing so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get enslaved in the thought of finding peace, but since it’s already within, the belief associated with finding it needs to be discarded. This is so you can uncover the reason why you’re enslaved in the belief that you’re not at peace…

A Moments Magnificence

The magnificence of life is in the newness of each moment. This magnificence isn’t observed by most because of view developed by the Conditioned Mind, but this doesn’t mean the magnificence isn’t there…

Our delusions come in many forms and they’re all used to reinforce the delusion of “I”. The way the mind has been conditioned makes us perceive life as if we’re on a roller coaster; you can’t get off it until it’s realized you‘re on it. Think about it, look and see how time is used and how fast it goes by. The days of the week are used like this, along with the work week. There are so many things used that keep us on the roller coaster; look and see what it is that keeps you on the roller coaster of the Conditioned Mind.

Our life becomes one task after another and we basically do the same things over and over. Our delusion is this is the way it has to be, but this isn’t so, it doesn’t have to be this way. Every moment of everyday is different unto itself. You may make it the same because of the Conditioned Mind, but it’s impossible for any moment to be duplicated. Once it’s in the past it can never be repeated. 

The magnificence of each moment can only be understood by a mind that is quiet enough to become aware of it. The burdened delusions are a result of conditioned thinking. To get off this roller coaster you must be free of conditioned thinking, and to be free of conditioned thinking, the magnificence of each moment must be understood. Nothing done yesterday or even one second ago has anything to do with right now unless it’s made so. Enjoy the magnificence of life by living each moment unto itself. Or not and carry around the burden of past moments and stay on the roller coaster; you can get off anytime you want, but that will be up to you…

Life Events

Life is eventful, it’s your own Conditioned Mind through what you think that gives them control. Your mind creates your entire existence through the manifestation of a single thought…

There are events that one would rather not happen, but they happen anyway; they have to be accepted or there will never be peace in your life. This is true at least to where you can be with the events instead of getting bogged down in wanting things different. Although the small stuff can seem difficult, life altering things are seen as devastating if there isn’t awareness of how it’s your own Conditioned Mind that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, homes destroyed along with all your possessions and memories, accidents, and illnesses, these are just some of the events that can alter your state if they’re not accepted for what they are; and what they are is nothing but a thought.

Life is eventful and through your thoughts they appear as the mind makes them appear. There is nothing to life except what the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be. The mind uses thought to create an entire existence that is only real to you. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept life’s daily events. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of one’s own mind. It’s your own mind that creates the appearance that life has difficulties. This happens because of being entrapped to the thought that everything is as it appears, but only because of the conditioning that makes this so…

A Heart Transformed

You can never repay the love that you are given, but you can allow the Universe to transform your heart and share it with our entire human family, unconditionally…

The Universe, God, Abba, Father, Allah, Mohammad, Jesus, or whatever name you use, is the energy of a love so deep it’s difficult to understand unless the mind gets quiet. Using a name to try and describe the indescribable is just noise. Once it’s truly understood how much you are loved by the Universe, your heart transforms. When this occurs you will want nothing more then to dedicate the rest of your life to returning the love that you have been given.This is when you will understand what it means to have a heart transformed. 

It’s the love of the Universe that does the transforming because when the love of the Universe opens your heart, you have no choice but to do the only thing you can, and that is to dedicate the rest of your life by being grateful for the love you have been so freely given. You can never repay the love that you are given, but you can allow the Universe to use you to share it with our entire human family, unconditionally.

We are not a product of ourselves, we are a product of the Universe. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it ends. Our conditioning is also a product of the Universe, so is the energy of a transformed heart; there is no separation. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the heart to transform so the Universe can use us for its betterment…

Silence Focus

Everything arises from silence, but not everything is heard from here. Freedom from noise can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly focus on silence…

It matters little what you hear, but how you listen does matter in the sense if it comes from silence focus or not. There’s all kinds of noise around us most of the time, but what’s mostly heard is labeled from our impulses and opinions. Freedom from the noise can happen, but only when it’s learned how to truly listen, and you can only listen when you’re focused on silence; this is when you truly hear. Silence focus arises from the moment, there’s nothing to think about in this state. A dog barking, a car beeping its horn, a helicopter, a waterfall, a plane, all sounds can be heard and as with any sound, they can annoy you or you can focus on the silence. There’s so much noise that goes on in the head, but it has nothing to do with the surrounding sounds.

Everything arises from silence, but not everything is heard from silenced focus. As I was sitting in my backyard the other day listening to birds chirping, the neighbor preceded to play music very loud to where my opinionated serenity was disturbed. I immediately took a deep breath and realized that although I was enjoying listening to the chirping birds, I wasn’t in the state of silence focus. If I was, when the sound changed to what arose from the silence, in this case my neighbors music, I wouldn’t have been disturbed. One deep breath showed me this and it allowed the silence focus of the sounds that were happening at that moment, instead of the mind agitations of my impulses and opinions…

Grace of Silence

What unites and draws humanity together is the grace of silence. Because of the grace of this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because there’s grace of silence…

It’s very important to be grounded in the grace of silence so people know there’s a place to turn to. Many people read my articles and it’s expected they will be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m grateful for this grace. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go for grace from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for this. If you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like grace, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in the state of awareness you will become grounded in the grace of silence and people will turn to you.

Don’t be concerned with what others think about you, just be grounded in what you know as silenced grace and let no one take that away. Be grounded in the grace of silence in a world that’s mostly based in noise and this will allow others to also be grounded which is needed for grace to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the silenced grace that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it’s about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away; this falling away allows silenced graced to arise. When you’re in this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity of all humanity and it’s simply because there’s grace of silence…

Embraced Heart

Our human form is the what’s used to experience life so our human form should never be denied. Non attachment to it though is key if one is to truly experience living from an embraced heart…

When life begins there aren’t any blocks developed to embrace our heart. Slowly though as we grow, blocks are developed by attaching an identity to our human form, but this is how we experience life so we should never deny our human form. Non attachment to it is key to truly embrace the experience of our heart. The more thought that’s applied to our human form, the less in touch we are with the true essence of our heart.

It would be easy to say “that’s just the way I am” but no one is just the way they are. We become the way we are by influences and conditioning. It’s very nice to say things like our true essence is to love, but with all the tragic behavior that goes on, it’s really difficult to see our true essence as anything but insanity.

Everyone goes around forcing their will on whomever they come in contact with and it’s labeled as love. But an embraced heart never forces anything, it doesn’t need to. The conditioning to an identity goes very deep and why this is so is because it’s the foundation of the way most people exist. This identity is the reason why people reach outside themselves for fulfillment; all to satisfy a human form. Attachment to human form is the only block that one will encounter embracing their heart. Until there’s awareness of this, you will never truly embrace love through your human form. I’m not saying people don’t love, but there’s a lot of selfish attachment to the way most people love. Until the mind settles so one embraces their human form and lives from the heart, the Conditioned Mind will remain in control and living
from a heart of love will be fleeting at best. So sit and be still and you just may see how it’s only in this moment that you can embrace your human form and thus embrace your heart…

Unknown Triggered Energy

What the unawareness of unknown triggers do is it keeps the unknown triggered energy in place for what you’re making a stand for, but it doesn’t change anything…

The triggers of life are in place to grab you and pull you deeper into an unknown state. Not many break free once a trigger is set, but if you know the trigger (generated from your own mind) is there, it’s less likely to grab you; not being known is what activates triggers. Not many investigate what their triggers are so they’re set unknowingly. By the time they’re noticed it’s usually too late and you become a prisoner to the unknown triggered energy. This has been going on since humanity began. Today’s world is just as insane as a thousand years ago, there’s just more news coverage and social media to spread the insanity; make no mistake that’s what’s being done. This cause, that cause, I don’t like this or that, all the unknown energy being put out. I have been unfriended by some because they have chosen not to look at this. The insanity in place cannot be seen by the one who doesn’t known themselves; strong language, but true.

Get triggered into the story of the so called injustices that appear to be going on, but understand this is nothing new. It has been and will continue to occur because of the unknown energy being put out by all. This isn’t to say the injustices aren’t there, but taking a stand against them feeds them with unknown triggered energy to allow them to continue. If you don’t think this is true, what has changed in the last two and a half years or even the last thousand years in the way humanity reacts to things? This article isn’t about the last two and a half years because unknown triggers have been in place for many years. This is what the unawareness of unknown triggers do, it keeps the unknown triggered energy in place for what you’re making a stand for. And in the process although this energy makes one think they have to stand up for what they believe, it doesn’t change a damn thing…

Harmonic Vibrational Energy

When there’s not the constant pull of form satisfying pleasures, your harmonic vibrational energy works with whatever creativity is within you for the betterment of humanity…

Let go of the stubbornness that causes you to suffer. It arises as greed, hate, and delusion; it’s the out of sorts vibration of stubbornness that causes suffering. Holding onto form pleasures is an out of sorts vibrational energy. The core of holding on is stubbornness and it manifest as the belief that the more your form pleasures are satisfied, the happier you will be. Satisfying these form pleasures are not an issue until this out of sorts vibrational energy takes hold, that’s when problems arise. Remove the mask of stubbornness and what you will be left with goes beyond anything you can imagine.

The fulfillment of form pleasure is sought by everyone and has been in place for eons. Forget about going beyond it, it’s no small feat just becoming aware of it. When there‘s awareness of the out of sorts vibrational energy of form pleasure seeking, the results are miraculous. There’s no telling what one may experience when form pleasure seeking takes a back seat. Your energy will go in a direction not previously known because the pleasure seeking that’s been blocking harmonic vibrational energy falls away.

When there’s not the constant pull of satisfying form pleasure, harmonic vibrational energy takes over and whatever creativity is in you, arises for the betterment of humanity. There may be a musician, painter, gardener, botanist, or even a writer inside you; who knows a book may even be written. I guarantee you this, whatever it is that comes from your harmonic vibrational energy, it will be based in love because that’s just the way harmonic vibrational energy manifests. I say this because this has been my experience…

Thought of Separation

Most people haven’t an inkling of how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. Until this is realized it’s better to be quiet; when seeing things from quiet there’s no thought of separation…

Watch how thoughts separate, as they’re mostly in the context of you, me, them, they, those and of course “I”. It’s not limited to just these, but these are some of the main culprits in the separation from each other. The other day I posted an article and someone posted a response saying what was written wasn’t correct, although I didn’t appreciate it much, there’s a fine line in being with what’s there or allowing there to be separation. There’s separation on one end which goes without saying, but by me being the one who knows better I have to do what’s necessary to minimize the separation; not for the other person, but for myself and humanity as a whole. That may sound grandiose, but it’s not because as energy goes so does the world around you go.

We went round and round with it until it got to a point where lies were being posted so it was better to discard the energy. It’s wasn’t that the person agitated me, it was more so to stop the separating energy that was being put out. Energy makes the world different and it also keeps the world the same. The point of this article is to show how easy it is to attach to someone and cause separation, and thus suffering. Maybe it’s not so easy to turn the other cheek, but by not attacking back you are the one who remains connected; remember you can’t have a riot with one person. It’s always about the conditioning, never about the person. In this way of viewing things, the energy put out may not seem loving, but at least there’s quiet so it can become loving. Most people haven’t an inkling of how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes, until this is realized it’s better to be quiet; when seeing things from a place of quiet there’s no thought of separation…

Higher Energy

Higher energy is always waiting to be aligned with it. When it’s understood this energy is the stillness beneath all your stories, you can stop and align with it and thus align with life itself…

We’re not always aligned with the higher energy the Universe provides for us; this is our misfortune. It’s not that we can’t always be aligned with it, but we have to do the things that allow it to be aligned with. Our alignment is in relation to how much we hold onto a self that tries to control life. This control is thought based. Although certain aspects of life need to be controlled, it’s the parts that are beyond our control which we insist on controlling; this blocks out awareness to higher energy.

There’s a part of us that’s the self who is controlled by the senses. This is the human aspect (thought based) of who we are. There’s a self that‘s beyond the senses, that’s beyond anything physical, beyond any thought process, this is the self of no mind. This self can’t be conceptualized, it’s energy beyond form; this is energy in its purest state. It’s only our thought process that needs to make things solid so it can have something to grasp and make sense of, this is the energy of what a thought is. Beyond thought is pure Universal Energy, it’s who we are before our existence in this form begins and when conditions no longer allow this form to exist and it ends.

Thoughts are energy, but this energy isn’t pure because it has attachment added to it, it’s based in the senses. To go beyond these sense thoughts, you must go beyond their attachment. This will be when you’re in alignment with a higher energy. It can be called many things, but words are not needed to understand this. Actually words will hamper the availability to this higher energy because words themselves are a form of thought. When you learn to just be and not attach to anything to make up the story of who you are (a thought) that’s when you’ll understand who you truly are; thoughtless, formless, pure energy, this is the state of no mind that leads to higher energy…

Channel of Love

Life can only be truly experienced through the channelled energy of love, and that’s if the channel of loving yourself is in place. If it’s not, it has to be found out why it isn’t in order for it to be changed…

When someone awakens, it’s to the channelled energy of the love; this is the love of creation. As this is experienced, it becomes the channel one experiences the world through. If you knew your own mind and how it’s only through the way it’s conditioned that it doesn’t allow you to experience your own magnificence, you would do what’s necessary to change this. Although this conditioning isn’t the direct fault of anyone, it doesn’t have to remain in place because it can be changed. One can experience the world from a channel of love from their own heart, but this can only occur by understanding yourself. When you understand your own heart, you do what’s necessary to remove the blocks that don’t allow you to channel the world through love.

The world can be channelled through your own heart of love when love is in place, but if it’s not, it has to be found out why it isn’t so it can be changed. Love is channelled through the entire Universe and we are a direct result of this. Every human starts out as the same form; when conditions are right the Universe channels one form of energy into another. This has nothing to do with the individual human form, it has everything to do with the channeling of spiritual energy that allows one to experience their own love and thus experience the world through the channel of that love…

A Different Channel

When you have a channel in place that sees things as they are without any association to selfishness, it opens up a different way to view life which allows for experiences like never before…

The channel that’s in place to view life determines the way life is processed. The most common channel used processes things as objects and holds onto them in association with a selfish created identity. What happens with this channel is it goes through the senses and everything is associated with selfishness as it becomes the base of life. With this association, a limit is created because a label is attached to what is seen; everything is processed through a selfish channel in some way.

A channel to see things as they are will take some practice. The more it’s done, the more you will experience life like never before. It’s unfortunate as life viewed through the channel of selfishness is so limiting, but because it’s the usual way of the Conditioned Mind, most people are unaware of it. That is until now because my articles provide a channel for all to see. This channel that sees things as they are is how I’m able to write an article everyday for the last ten years. I’m not special in any way because of this, I’ve just been afforded the luxury of not having a selfish channel in place that limits my view of life. This seeing things as they are is the channel that allows for life experiences as never before, and it’s now available for all to view life through…

Paradise Within

Look down at your feet, regardless of where they’re planted you’re in paradise . If it isn’t so it’s because the need to reach for something is in place and blocking you from seeing paradise within…

When all of a sudden you’re not in paradise, what is it that takes you from it? There are religions that tell you where to find paradise, but truth is if you’re not in paradise it’s because you left. For years I was constantly searching for paradise and except for brief moments (mostly drug induced), it always eluded me. Why this happened was because paradise was always contingent on something that was outside of myself, and it was always based on what I thought I needed to provide comfort. There’s no need to list what paradise was because there were so many things; the things reached for were numerous. False paradises come in many forms. Unless you truly take a step back to see this, the reaching for it will always be there, and seeing paradise will never happen.

The lies of the Conditioned Mind will dictate what you will reach for as paradise. Until the conditioning to reach is changed, paradise will continue to be sought and never be seen. The only way this will change is by going inward to discover why there’s a need to reach outside yourself; once this is revealed therein lies paradise. Paradise isn’t from the thought realm, it comes from the still small voice within. It tells you it doesn’t matter where you are or what’s happening, all you have to do is look down at your feet and regardless of where they’re planted is paradise. If you need something else, it’s because the need to reach is still in place and is blocking you from seeing paradise is already in place…

Allowing Life to Teach

Allowing life to be as it is and not getting caught up in needing it different, allows life to teach the lessons that are needed to learn…

It order to not get caught up in making life about anything in particular, it’s very important to remain in the present moment. If the so called spiritual path is about anything I would say this is it because the present moment is the only place that actually exist. I have learned so many valuable lessons throughout life, but regardless I’m always led to the same lesson; non attachment is the only way there will ever be freedom, and it can only be done when one’s state of being is anchored in the present moment. This is not a belief or concept, this is the lesson life gave me. I don’t really concern myself with all the other teachings as they seem to be about some created answer instead of one that simply is. Any teaching that is created to be about something in particular is just a concept or belief. A true answer simply is, it’s never created.

When you’re present, you’re with the only true reality and if there’s non attachment to this reality, it will be impossible to lose your center of being; therefore you would never ever suffer. Look deeply at what is attached to. Even if there’s some behavior that’s not changed, if there is non attachment to it, you‘ll remain free. Non attachment/non judgement is the only true state of being where one is free. Even trying to change the world for its betterment is a form of attachment. Allow life to be as it is, and life not people will teach you the lessons that are needed to learn…

Unforeseen Blind Spots

As long as there’s conditioning in place there will be unforeseen blind spots in your life. These unforeseen blind spots don’t allow awareness of what’s truly going on…

Often how things appear to the Conditioned Mind are unforeseen blind spots that block what’s actually occurring. If you truly want to see what’s going on, going beyond the unforeseen blind spots will have to happen. People look at the same thing differently, but there’s what’s beyond the unforeseen blind spots of formed opinion, this is the truth. It’s the old adage, there’s two sides to every story and there’s the truth. To see what’s beyond the unforeseen blind conditioning you only need to stop categorizing what’s seen. Stopping the categorizing process allows the unforeseen blind mind to slow to a point where space opens up. It’s imperative for this to happen if the unforeseen blind spots that have been formed over the years are to fall away.

Most people are unaware of the unforeseen blind spots in place, and how this is known is because of the blind reactions. I look to my own blind reactions to know this and in the process I can see this in others. Become aware of your own unforeseen blind spots and you’ll be aware of others. This is because we are all of the same energy, just not the same unforeseen blind spots. When there’s awareness of your unforeseen blind spots, your energy begins to transform in a direction that reveals them. As long as there‘s unawareness of this, the unforeseen blind spots remain as the operating energy of life. Conditioned energy arises as unforeseen blind spots and takes on many forms, but the bottom line is it’s your unforeseen blind spots that don’t allow awareness of what’s truly going on…

Idea Trap

When there’s an idea you need something to provide peace, you’re trapped by this idea. Until this is understood, you’ll remain trapped in the idea that peace is outside of you…

There will never be peace in your life as long as you’re trapped by the idea that peace is outside of you. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get trapped by the idea that peace is something to find. Unfortunately ideas are what makes the very thing you’re seeking elusive. Ideas are the reason one is constantly reaching for something outside, until these ideas are no more, you’ll remain trapped by them that peace is in the next thing reached for. This can’t be stressed enough as these trappings have to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace. 

The idea of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if peace is to ever be experienced is there has to be an understanding of how ideas trap you. The reason why peace is elusive is because of the inability to be aware of this. When the need to reach for something arises, becoming trapped by an idea begins; this is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be manufactured so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get trapped in trying to find peace, but since it’s already within, the idea associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can uncover the reason why you’re trapped in the idea you’re not at peace…

Mind Prison

When there’s a need for something outside yourself it’s because of a mind prison. Until this is seen you will remain in prison as you seek to quiet your mind with the next thing you think is needed…

You will never find the peace you’re seeking because the seeking is why you’re not at peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, the seeking of peace becomes a mind prison. Unfortunately a mind prison makes the very thing you’re seeking impossible to grasp. A mind prison is the reason you constantly look for something from the outside. Until this is seen you’ll remain in a mind prison thinking peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, religion, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, politics, and on and on, this is proof that there’s a mind prison. I can’t stress this enough as this mind prison has to be seen if you‘re to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to understanding this. Why there’s a mind prison is because of the inability to just be. When the need to look for something arises, the mind prison begins. This mind prison is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of the mind prison and being at peace isn’t something attained or achieved. It’s by doing less (detaching) that peace is experienced. Too many people get lost (mind prison) trying to find peace through outer attachments. Since peace is something that’s already within you, the mind prison is a circle because it becomes about finding what’s already there. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I share so the mind prison can be seen for what it is; the cause of why there’s a need to look for peace…

Love Energy

When one truly awakens it’s to an energy which is of love. This love energy lives on in those who are touched by it forever because that’s how love works…

There’s one thing that is guaranteed in life and that is everything changes. This is because everything is constantly in motion whether this is realized or not. Last week a person I have known for thirty years passed away. His existence no longer met conditions to sustain life in his current form so he passed on to wherever it is one passes on to. From the time our existence begins, to the time it ends, life is in a constant state of motion, until one day all motion as the body knows it, stops. This is part of the process of existence in this form, it’s not personal, it just is. 

It may seem as though life becomes stagnant at times, but it’s only the mind that makes this so. It’s impossible for life to be stagnant. Our cells are constantly changing as is the Universe. When this is realized, life is lived anew in each moment because life IS anew in each moment. It’s only the Conditioned Mind that wants life to be put in a box of space and time because this is what it uses to try to make sense of things.

Today if you are alive you’re dying, but also today if you’re alive you‘re living. Stagnation creates death, there’s not much life in the Dead Sea, but a sea fed by rivers that flow through it is full of life. When you come to an understanding that it’s only the body that stops functioning, you awaken to love energy because it’s the connection to the Universe. No one truly ever dies, we all live on in those who are touched by our love forever, not for any other reason except that this is the way love energy works…