Happy Present Moment 2025

Life happens in between the plans that are made. Plans can be planned, but the results are not always in our control. A resolution to live in the present moment is a true resolution for life…

It is the start of a new year, but it isn’t time for resolutions or big expectations because that’s just the way the mind sets itself up to fail. Don’t say last year was a tough year, unless you want to carry that burden around with you. That’s up to you, but it won’t change anything. Life can only be lived in the present moment. It doesn’t mean there can’t be plans, but the actions can only be applied in the present moment regardless of what the future holds or what happened in the past.

Life is one continuous journey, the mind has been conditioned to believe somewhere other than the present is a better place. But here is where life occurs no matter what you’re doing or what resolutions are made. As you wait for the results of your resolutions to make your life complete, it’s literally passing you by. Life will never be any more complete than it is right now. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live your life and not wait for it to be perfect (only in your mind). You can enjoy the life you’re given instead of thinking it needs to be in some other way. Happy Present Moment 2025 my dear friends and please, live life as it arises in the present moment because it’s the only way life can be truly experienced…

Distracting Lies

There are many lies that are used as distractions which keep you trapped to the lies. If these distracting lies aren’t exposed at least to where this is realized, your life will mostly be lived as a lie…

Distracting lies are what gets you in trouble. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side is one of these lies. Until it’s seen that this grass also has to be mowed, your distracting lies will continue to be in control. If you think when certain things happen you’ll be set, you will be sadly mistaken even if those things come to pass. This is very hard to see, and as one clings to the distracting lie of needing life to be a certain way, the lie reinforces itself. Case in point would be something as simple and seemingly innocent as playing the lottery. Here’s how this works. There’s the distracting lie that makes you think if life is a certain way you will have it made; it’s the answer to your so called prayers. So you buy a lottery ticket just because the jackpot is a hundred million dollars. This seems innocent, but make no mistake it isn’t.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with money, but whatever is used as a distraction that makes a person think life would be better if this or that happens, it puts you in the chains of the distracting lie. Granted a hundred million dollars would make life different, but different doesn’t necessarily mean better. The moment the distracting lie makes you think life needs to be better, it means the present moment is wanted different. There are many distracting lies that keep you trapped to the lies, if these aren’t exposed life will mostly be lived as a lie. Money is another distracting lie, anything can be substituted for money. Don’t take my word on this, investigate this and see the hidden lies that are in control. Or not and remain in bondage to the distracting lies that you’re keeping in place by thinking them to be true…

Desiring For More

While you’re busy making plans life happens. If you’re not careful most of your life will be missed because you’ll be too busy desiring for more to enhance life as opposed to living it as it is…

The only thing that makes a person think desiring for more will enhance life is their own conditioning; until this is realized this conditioning will keep you desiring for more. This desiring for more seems to be continuous for most, this means most are missing what life truly offers. If a person is alive life will be experienced, but ask yourself if it’s being lived to the fullest or are you under the spell of your own Conditioned Mind that makes you desire for more to enhance life. If desire is the default setting of your mind (unfortunately it is for many) so much of life will be missed because you‘ll constantly be in a state of desiring for more. This is a mind agitation that keeps the desiring for more in place which doesn’t allow any contentment with what’s actually taking place.

Life is never personal, it just continues on regardless of what happens. Humanity has become its own worse enemy mostly because of always desiring for more instead of being content with what’s there. Grab more of whatever you desire, but except for a few brief moments your contentment will be fleeting. Sit and visualize having all the riches of the world and being the most intelligent person who ever lived and see what changes in your life. It will only be a matter of time before you desire for more because regardless of what you have or what’s going on, if there isn’t some level of contentment with the way things are, life will constantly be desired to be different. This keeps in place the search for more of what you think will make life better and will make discontentment and desiring for more the norm…

Common Sense Mind

When life is viewed with common sense, it’s seen that things are as they are mostly because of the lack of discipline that a quiet mind provides. A Common sense mind is a mind that settles into a state that uses logic…

When common sense is applied to life, it’s so much more beneficial than relying on the made up stories that defy common sense. Simply stated; a man and woman performed a deed many years ago and life began. The common sense here is a deed was performed that allowed energy to transform and you were the result of it. Nothing magical; a condition was satisfied that allowed birth. At the start of existence there’s nothing yet developed as far as the Conditioned Mind is concerned so we pretty have a common sense mind state.

The common sense here is there’s nothing yet developed for life not to be logical. But as we grow older and influences begin to mold and condition the mind, the common sense state slowly gets replaced by the illogical influences we’re surrounded by. This is the beginning of our Conditioned Mind Patterns, and unfortunately what the base of most of these influences are is self-serving. So we develop a Conditioned Mind that revolves around satisfying an illogical self that has been influenced to be this way.

The Conditioned Mind blocks this common sense approach as too simplistic so it can hold onto its story. The truth is living the most beneficial way to live is inward, but this only occurs if one is quiet enough to see it. If this isn’t seen the mind will use a conditioned story of why living inwardly isn’t for you and your approach to life will not be seen from a common sense state. This prevents you from returning to logic and unfortunately because of this, life remains based in making decisions from a self-serving mind, and it will remain a struggle regardless of the outward changes made…

Heart Inyuitiveness

There’s existence through made up stories, but there’s a bigger picture beyond the stories where one is free because there’s a heart intuitiveness in the way things are…

When the mind is settled existence becomes intuitive instead of reliance on your own limited stories. There’s a deep intuition of a settled mind, it’s in this settling that you see the existence of life itself. When you’re in this mind state, the everlasting intuitiveness of the heart is there to quiet the mind noise which is the cause of all doubt and noise.

A mind that’s settled allows you to live from an intuitive heart . This connects you with the goodness of life, your own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. The connection is already there, it’s just not known what it will take to be aware of it. The only reason there isn’t awareness of this is because the Conditioned Mind blocks the intuitiveness that arises from the heart; these blocks allow all kinds of made up nonsense. 

When it’s learned to discipline an undisciplined mind your blocks slowly subside; what naturally remains is a deep unyielding bond with your intuitive heart. This bond is what’s there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind. In this space there’s intuitiveness because with a settled mind it’s known who you truly are. Intuitively your heart allows the mind to settle so you’re not relying on your own made up stories to live life. When there’s intuitiveness life is lived in the most beneficial way; as the beautiful being of love that you intuitively are…

Instilled Programming

As we grow up, the instilled programming in place allows for our development to be as it is. Simply put, if the instilled programming was based in loved, our development would be based in love…

As I look back, I see how much of the instilled programming was just a part of what was there growing up. Not particularly right or wrong especially because there wasn’t much that could have been done differently. It’s very difficult to act in a loving manner if that’s not the instilled programming in place as one grows up. Some things are learned naturally, but everything takes some kind of practice to become a habit. If you’re learning how to catch a baseball, at first it’s probably awkward with no knowledge as to the best way to do it, but the more you do it, the more natural it becomes. This is a good thing if what you’re learning is based in love, but part of the problem is when what’s instilled isn’t based in love; unfortunately this too becomes natural, this is why it’s so hard to change. I knew what was beneficial (loving) and what wasn’t growing up, but doing what was loving was not what was instilled so being selfish was natural to me; there wasn’t anybody who could tell me different because that’s all I knew.

To say the least, this non loving instilled programming caused much suffering because there wasn’t any room for much else. This is the merry go round most people are unknowingly on and it’s a direct result of why humanity is the way it is. If we all grew up with our instilled programming based in love humanity would be much different, it’s that simple. I know this because sixteen years ago I began developing a different base (one of love); lo and behold things began changing. It doesn’t mean it’s always this way, but just as it is with learning to catch a baseball, it takes practice. For me, this is done so the loving behavior becomes as natural as my earlier instilled programming of being selfish was…

Our Greatest Gift

Our greatest gift is the gift of life, even though the Conditioned Mind wants to make it about something else, it’s simply the greatest gift because one day it will not be so…

Enjoy the splendor of this day, not because it’s Christmas, but because you are alive today to simply experience it. The true gift of Christmas or whatever holiday is celebrated is being alive because one day this will not be so. Obviously if this is being read today isn’t that day, so enjoy whatever today has to offer in all its splendor. Not because of the material possessions, but simply because you are alive. If being alive isn’t enough there’s nothing that will make it so. Since today is the day you’re given, make it the masterpiece you so deserve, and more importantly keep your inner light lit on this day and everyday hereafter so you can be a light to the world. Remember the greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of life, and it’s simply because one day it will not be so. Enjoy your gift; Merry Christmas…

Energy Transformed

You can never repay the love that you’re given, but you can allow the Universe to transform your energy and share it with the entire human family, unconditionally…

The Universe, God, Abba, Father, Allah, Mohammad, Jesus, or whatever name you use, is the energy of love that’s so deep it’s difficult to understand unless the mind gets quiet. Using a name to try and describe the indescribable is just noise. Once it’s truly understood how much you are loved by the Universe, your energy transforms. When this occurs you will want nothing more than to dedicate the rest of your life to returning that love energy. This is when you will understand what it means to have energy transformed. 

It’s the love of the Universe that does the transforming, and when the love of the Universe transforms, there’s no choice but to do the only thing you can, and that is to dedicate the rest of your life by being grateful for the transforming energy you’ve been so freely given. We’re not a product of ourselves, we are a product of the Universe. We did not call for our creation, nor do we call for the time when it ends. Our conditioned energy is also a product of the Universe, so is the energy of a transformed heart; there is no separation. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice that allows the transforming energy so the Universe can use us for its betterment…

Thinking Blocks Truth

When you hold onto to beliefs that are created by thinking, which is noise, you can’t hear regardless of how much truth there is in what’s being said…

What’s the difference if you think you believe in evolution or if you think there’s a supreme being, it’s really only a story that you make up and attach to. Or how about this, one day you think there’s a God and one day your mind tells you to think there’s no such thing as God; it’s the same mind creating both stories. Do what you may, but understand you make up your entire identity and attach it to a title created by your thinking Conditioned Mind. This is a powerful truth that most people will not see because there isn’t the silence necessary to see it. There are no real facts associated to any of your titles, they’re just a collection of thoughts. When there’s a lot of thinking that’s made into a story, that’s when your Conditioned Mind is able to create your title. I think I am this or that, but they’re all formed by thinking.

It’s like an addict, some use alcohol, some drugs, some gamble, use sex or even success. This is another one of those list that goes on and on, but the main thing to understand is we are all thinking addicts regardless of what’s used. It’s only being used to quiet a thinking mind agitation so you have a title for a story. You may or may not understand this, but most thinking is used for the same reason. God, no God, maybe God, alcohol, drugs, success, who cares, but you and the stories are all created to quiet a thinking mind agitation. Agree with me don’t agree with me, it’s your story, but if you can become silent, that’s when you will hear what is being said. When you hold onto to beliefs that are created by thinking, which is noise, you can’t hear regardless of how much truth there is in what’s being said…

A Millisecond of Space

A millisecond of space is all that’s needed for the Universe to connect with the love of your heart. This is the space where the energy of love makes you and the entire world different…

If it was possible to take a millisecond before every response the world would be so different. Sit with this and envision it. I know my conditioned responses have led to most of the problems I had with people and with life itself. Life and people do their thing and I respond instantly, but today the responses are much more conducive to harmony because there’s usually a millisecond of space between the responses and my reactions. It wasn’t always this way and it isn’t this way all the time now, but it’s becoming more and more the way of many of my reactions because of a millisecond of space when something happens. Like I said not always, but more often than not.

A millisecond of space happens because of the discipline developed by sitting. What this does is it stops the Conditioned Mind Patterns from their automatic responses based in the self-serving mind; a millisecond allows for the possibility of those patterns to be broken. When this occurs it opens the heart to the truth that sets you free. Self-serving reactions will not fall away on their own, it will take much sitting to develop the necessary discipline for a millisecond of space to arise. All it takes is a millisecond for not only your existence to become different, but also the entire world. When responses to life are from here, they arise from the energy of love and slowly but surely the world responds with love. This has to occur, it’s the law of love, and all it takes is a millisecond of space…

Internal Answers

Nothing external has ever given anyone an answer. Answers always arise internally. Add one plus one, where does your answer come from? Know your internal source and you will have all your answers…

Although we look externally for many of our answers, the source to all our answers is internal. You will never find a source externally because one doesn’t exist. Our inner resource is the Universe, of which we were created, so to search for answers externally is the first misstep in the delusional grasping that causes humanity’s suffering. This searching for an external source is why we reach outside for our answers. There is no source externally, that’s why we are in a constant state of flux. We think we find answers outside ourselves, temporarily it seems as we do, but because there is no true external source, our mind agitations return and so does our state of flux. When our true internal source is known, our mind agitations subside along with our state of flux.

You cannot know your true self if you don’t understand the Universal internal source of whence you came. You will still exist, but that existence will not be based in truth, it will be based in the delusion that there’s an external source responsible for existence. Think of this, if there was no Universe you would not exist so how can anything be external from you because everything arises internally. The Universe is the very nature of existence, it is why we exist. If it’s not internal then it isn’t real because creation itself is internal. The Universe is the source of all creation and creation cannot be from anywhere but the source, so the source and creation are one. Internal to each other; this is our existence, the internal love of all that is…

Pure Love Essence

You cannot be controlled by anything that isn’t allowed. Thoughts are given the energy needed to allow them control. When this is realized and you are present, you’re given the space to experience the essence of pure love…

Mind and thoughts are not two different things. When a person is able to stop thoughts, at least temporarily, that’s when the mind ceases to be in control. If this were ever to happen by itself, you would be considered in a state of vegetation. When it’s done through discipline, you become the master of the whole universe. You would control the whole universe, for you would have all its energy at your disposal; this is the space where you experience the essence of pure love.

Total and complete stoppage of all mental activity by complete mastery over the mind for a millisecond, gives access to the experience of your true being. When the mind is eradicated and your thoughts no longer control you, the experience of who you really are becomes your very own. You rest in the space between your thoughts and experience existence in a Self that is the essence of pure love…

Quietness of No Mind

The mind will only settle when there is quiet. You can’t really do anything for this settling, it arises from itself. When the mind stops intellectualizing, the internal urging will settle in the quietness of no mind…

When one truly awakens, there’s an understanding of a quiet mind and how it relates to life. When this occurs there’s freedom because quietness arises naturally. We seek because of an internal urgings for quiet which is what a true awakening reveals; a true awakening cannot be known intellectually. Intelligence is actually noise, quietness can only be known by being quiet. The lack of quiet makes life very mundane. It makes you less aware of the internal urging of quietness provided by the Universe. Without this awareness you cannot truly understand what the benefits of being quiet are. Understand though, quietness is always there, it’s just not understood. Nothing is needed to experience quietness; the only way you can be quiet is by being quiet. Methods may be useful in learning to be disciplined, but the only reason this is so is because the mind hasn’t been developed for quietness, it’s been developed to generate noise.

It’s a human fault to have a need to make life about something, if something is needed, make it about being quiet. I know this because it’s the only thing that truly makes sense to me. It’s the only place where I don’t need to think and there’s peace. Not to think is to be in a state of no mind and in this state is true peace. How can it not be peaceful in this state, there’s nothing to cause one to suffer; there’s no generated noise in the head. The quietness of I Am. Nothing more will ever be needed because in quiet is where everything arises from, that is unless you want to live by the generated noise in your head. Quietness is the ultimate truth, but even saying that is noise. Quietness of no mind is all that is, when one stops seeking it or trying to define it that’s when it arises…

Suffering Thoughts

Most people don’t have a clue how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. Until this is realized, it’s better to be quiet; when seeing things from quiet there’s no thought of suffering…

Watch how thoughts cause suffering, as they’re mostly in the context of you, me, them, they, those and of course “I”. It’s not limited to just these, but these are some of the main culprits in the created suffering. The other day I posted an article and someone posted a response saying what was written wasn’t correct. Although I didn’t appreciate the way it was presented, there’s a fine line in being with what’s there or allowing there to be suffering. There’s suffering on one end which goes without saying, but by me being the one who knows better I have to do what’s necessary to minimize the suffering; not for the other person, but for myself and humanity as a whole. That may sound grandiose, but it’s not because as energy goes so does the world around you go.

We went round and round with it until it got to a point where lies were being posted so it was better to discard the energy. It’s wasn’t that the person agitated me, it was more so to stop the suffering energy that was being put out. Energy makes the world different and it also keeps the world the same. The point of this article is to show how easy it is to attach to someone and cause suffering. Maybe it’s not so easy to turn the other cheek, but by not attacking back you’re the one who remains free; remember you can’t have a riot with one person. It’s always about the conditioning, never about the person. In this way of viewing things, the energy put out may not seem loving, but at least there’s quiet so it can become loving. Most people don’t have a clue how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. Until this is realized, it’s better to be quiet; when seeing things from a place of quiet, there’s no thought of suffering…

Your True Self

Without the attachment to labels and stories there’s existence beyond words, this is where one will be free from the prison of self; without this prison you can be your true self…

If everything that’s done is based on the self doing it then one must keep doing to keep the self whole. Who is this self that needs to be kept whole? This prison of self is the main attachment that keeps one entrapped to their own created suffering. Sit with this next part and see exactly where is this self that one so adamantly defends. What if you lost your arm would you still exist? How about both arms and legs? Now take every function away expect for the mind, let’s just say that remained intact. There is still existence, and even if you lost your mind there would still be existence, you just wouldn’t be aware of it. So what part of your story of this self is you? The limbs, or the story of the loss of them, the mind, or the story of the loss of it; I guess there wouldn’t be a story if there wasn’t a mind.

There’s nothing to pinpoint where the self is that’s created in the mind. This isn’t to say there isn’t a self, but what part of the made up story is really this self that is attached to? What part of it makes you complete or incomplete? In my case, is it my role as a husband, father, son, brother and so on? Or is it my job title or my writings? All of these things exist, but they’re only a story. You may ask who are you or anyone for that matter without their story? Without the attachment to labels and stories there’s existence beyond words, this is where one will be free from the prison of self; without this prison you can be your true self…

Life Isn't About You

Notice how much you think about yourself and you just may be able to settle in a place where your emotions aren’t in control, and hopefully you’ll come to realize life really isn’t about you, you just think it is…

As long as one is alive life happens, actually life happens even if you aren’t alive, there just isn’t awareness of it. So life isn’t really about what happens as much as it’s about how much one relates their thinking about what happens. This is where conditioning steps in and determines the relation to what happens next. It can be of love, it can be of hate, but for most it teeters between the two. Very few go to the extreme of either one of these emotions so the results for most humans are balanced. When these emotions do hit an extreme level the results are very noticeable. This is all contingent how much one is conditioned to think about themselves; this thinking is what manifest as emotions. If you had love as the main influence in your life, obviously you will love more than a person who had hate as their influence. This all arises from inside the individual so if you truly notice the base of your actions you may be able to alter those actions. Besides hoping for divine intervention which will probably not occur, it will take some practice to allow the mind to settle so this is noticed.

The true addictions in society is thinking, and when you are the main subject of that thinking, it makes one’s existence very irrational. Now multiply that by billions of people and hence you have the world we live in; billions of people constantly thinking about themselves strictly for personal gain. There’s no one to blame for this because it arises from within. From the mass murderer to the person who is a people pleaser, it’s the thinking mind that causes extreme emotions and everything else in between. So sit often with the intention of developing the ability to notice how much you think about yourself and you just may be able to settle in a place where your emotions aren’t in control and hopefully you’ll come to realize life really isn’t about you, you just think it is…

The Confines of Love

An open heart doesn’t guarantee things going on around you will change, but what will change is the view from looking at life through “I” to looking at life from within the confines of love…

I’m sure everyone has heard the expression “the circle of life” but here’s a little different spin on it as “the confines of love”. Think of it as though life is a circle, when you love you’re inside its confines. When you’re not it means you’re living mostly from “I” which automatically puts you beyond loves confines. Outside the confines was how the first forty nine years of my life were lived. Occasionally I was within the confines, but not very often; this was because my “I” conditioning kept my heart closed. It’s nearly impossible to enter the confines of love from “I” because “I” is what keeps the heart closed. When you see this, it gives you something tangible to work with which is the key to opening the heart; with an open heart you’ll be in the confines of love.

Life and love can be synonymous, but only when you’re within the confines of love, and you can only be there when the heart is open. The things of the world that keep you outside the confines of love are many. It’s as though you’re on the outside of a house looking in through a window. Love opens the heart to see things that were previously unseen, and this is what opens you to see as if you’re inside the house looking out. When you’re on the inside looking out it’s because the heart is open. With the heart open it may not change what’s going on around you, but it does change the view from looking at life through “I” to looking at life from within the confines of love…

Thought Awareness

Thoughts that aren’t aware of themselves can’t be changed with self help methods. It’s through the quietness of the heart that one can be set free from the thoughts that hold the mind captive…

A do it yourself self help mentality to a better life is like having directions to one place, but a trip to another place is planned. The directions have purpose, but their usefulness are limited. Even if the directions are used correctly it will never get you to your destination. I’m not insinuating there isn’t value in the directions, but their usefulness is limited, and they become useless if you’re not traveling to the place of the directions; to me self help methods and programs produce these same useless results. We are constantly trying to arrange life thinking we can fix ourselves by trying to fill an inner void with all kinds of things from the outside, and regardless of the fix the void never gets filled. This is not some theory I made up, it‘s factual because this is exactly what happened to me. Look around and you’ll see how the world is full of people doing this same exact thing; if you are truly honest with yourself you’re probably doing it too.

Think of this, the mind that creates the need for self help is the same mind that’s going to be used to fix it; this isn’t feasible. If this mind didn’t create a problem to begin with, the need for self help wouldn’t be required. It’s like rotating a flat tire, putting the flat side on top, and expecting the flat to be repaired. Something that’s broke cannot be used to repair itself. It would take a miracle for this to happen; if you want to rely on miracles so be it.

Another thought to be aware of is doing something and asking yourself why it was done? Understand the thought that told you to do it is the same thought that’s now questioning it; this is the thought that self help relies on. There’s no wonder humans are in the state we’re in. Humans have created the way the world is and the same humans are trying to fix it. And get this, with the same thoughts that made the world the way it is. Thoughts that aren’t aware of themselves can’t change themselves. It’s through the quietness of the heart that one can be set free from the thoughts that hold the mind captive; something to think about…

Understanding Practice

Understanding and learning from a practice allows for those who were once lost to possibly be found, and those who were once blind to possibly see, but only if there’s a practice in place that understands this…

If there isn’t some kind of practice in place so your can understand your behavior, it will be difficult to proceed in a direction where there will be any expansion in your life. The first thing to understand is if you even have a practice that’s practical and beneficial. I don’t mean the practice of belonging to certain groups, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but if it’s in place to just keep you busy, it’s not really a beneficial practice. Although it is a practice, the understanding of how it’s working to quiet the mind or how it keeps the mind agitations at bay, is what one needs to understand for the continuous expansion of life’s process. I’m sharing this because this is what has allowed me to be as I am today. There’s no magic to this, a beneficial practice has to be understood if one is to experience beneficial results, this is as simple as two plus two equaling four.

Understand your behavior, reactions, attachments, annoyances, and whatnot and see what is the driving force behind them. This driving force is your block to expanding beyond the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. Without a solid practice in place that allows this to be understood, you might as well not practice at all because it’s just a waste of time and energy. Either do it so it’s truly beneficial or don’t do it at all. You can only be free by understanding what it takes to be free, and only a practice that puts you in harmony with life allows harmony with life; to me this makes sense. I practiced wrongly (not understanding) for many years and it produced results that weren’t beneficial, but I understand this now and learned from this. Because of this understanding, where I was once lost, I’m now found and where I was once blind, I now see, but only because of having a practice that understands this…

A Habitual Reality

For many, habits have way too much control over what is done today. Until this is identified and your habits are let go of, you will continue to be controlled by them as if you were a puppet on a string…

Understanding how to live peacefully today as opposed to living life from what is habitual, is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by your habits. When you’re living today you’re with true reality, not a reality made up of habits. When there isn’t the reality of today, there’s the delusional state of habitual living which makes for very little if any peace in your life.

The reality of what’s occurring today means if you’re reading this post, that’s reality. There’s nothing else going on beyond what’s happening now. There may be something going on between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of habits (what isn’t). The bottom line is habitual living is not the reality of what’s occurring today.

The mind has been conditioned to think it has to use habits to create a life that’s better than the one that’s occurring today; this is what keeps you from truly living life. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know it has to do with influences beyond one’s control. To me what matters is to develop a disciplined method of sitting which allows you to break free of the habitual control of these influences. Control is control so the more you’re controlled by habits, the less reality there will be. Unless you live with the reality of today and learn how to identify your habitual influences, it will be impossible to ever be at peace because you’ll remain under the spell of a habitual reality…

Divine Truth

Divine truth puts you in harmony with life. Understand though it’s not life that does anything to you, but if you aren’t aligned with divine truth, it will certainly seem like it does…

Divine truth is in place to put you in harmony with life, and it’s also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. This truth when followed within its boundaries, allows for life to be lived to the fullest; the mind has to be open and free flowing for this to take place. There’s heart truth that aligns to divine truth, but it’s often missed because the mind comes into play which blocks it from being seen. The more you give in to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with divine truth. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being truthful. The animal realm knows truth naturally, that’s why there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on divine truth.

Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to divine truth or not. A quiet mind can see this to a degree and slowly stop doing the things that block divine truth from arising. As long as you’re alive life will be lived, but in what way determines your actions and consequences. Cheat on your spouse and regardless if you get caught or not, you’ll be out of harmony with the truth that’s in place. So take heed and understand life never does anything to you, but if you aren’t aligned with divine truth, it will certainly seem like it does…

Non-Beneficial Opinions

When there’s awareness that your opinions aren’t beneficial, freedom can take over. This freedom is always there, but it’s not experienced because you think your opinions are beneficial…

Thinking your opinions are beneficial puts you in a self-created prison. Without this attachment life would be viewed through the eyes of freedom which by the way are the eyes of peace; because you think your opinions are beneficial this view isn’t seen. Opinions are made up by the energy of ignorance. This makes everything that happens in life about your opinions, but it isn’t truly ever about your opinions, it‘s not about anything in particular except you think it is because you assign the label that your opinions are beneficial.

Thinking your opinions are beneficial is what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments become the prison that causes the associated thoughts to control your life. What is really happening is this, life just happens, it’s not personal, it’s not about your opinions or anything else you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not be imprisoned by thinking your opinions are beneficial. When there’s awareness of this you experience freedom; a freedom that has always been there in the space of quietness, but it was never experienced because your own mind forms opinions that imprison you because you think your opinions are beneficial…

Heart Intention of Love

To be imperfect is human, but to be of love is perfect. When one lives from the heart there’s alignment with the Universe and all that is done is from a heart intention of love…

Regardless of the story that one makes up, most of what is done in life is to satisfy yourself; when one dies it all goes to the grave or urn with the individual. There are things that will be left behind and how one will be remembered is determined by the hearts intention of love. This isn’t something that can be manufactured; love is natural and always genuine. It comes from the heart and whenever something is done from the heart, it’s an intention of love because it touches people. Maybe not all people, but that’s mostly because of the Conditioned Mind. If something is done from the heart and one out of a hundred people has issue with it, the issue is with the one not with what is done.

One day all of what one has done in this life will come to pass. Everything left behind matters little in what is said and done, but the hearts intention of love does matter. Although what we say and do may not always be agreed with, as long as what’s done is from an intention of the heart, it will be an of love. To be imperfect is a human trait, but love is Universal. When we live from the hearts intention of love there’s alignment with the Universe and all that is done is of love. This is because when what is done is from the intention of a heart of love it touches others whether it’s agreed with or not…

Blemished Past

Because the past is held onto as if it’s needed, it creates an identify formed mostly of blemishes from the past. These blemishes show where you have been, but they don’t have to dictate where you are going…

Blemishes only show where you have been, they don’t show where you’re going. Everyone has a past and there’s plenty of things that have happened that leave blemished energy patterns, but when you awaken for that millisecond it’s a breakthrough of a lifetime; in that millisecond your entire existence becomes different. This is why it’s so important to understand the conditioning that’s taken place over the years because without this understanding it will be impossible to change the conditioning that’s creating scars. The only way life will ever change is when the conditioning that makes scars changes.

The most misunderstood thing about the process of life is how the blemishes of the past dictate the future. It doesn’t have to be this way, but until you stop listening to your Conditioned Mind this won’t change. This doesn’t mean the blemishes are to be ignored, on the contrary they need to be faced so they can be identified for what they truly are; energy patterns from the past that are being held onto. They only exist and they’re only in control because of this. The Conditioned Mind is so subtle that it prevents you from seeing there’s only a blemished past because your mind attaches to it…

Human Level View

The root of all struggles are deeply ingrained at the human level. They’re rooted in the structure of how you think. If this isn’t investigated beyond the human level view, nothing will ever change…

Changing the human level mind structure is like turning a ship. The intention to turn happens right away, but the turn itself is very gradual. It’s as though we know we need to start turning right away, but we don’t see beyond the human level. Here’s a simple suggestion if you want to get in touch with breaking free of this ingrained human level structure; it’s not that complicated. When you do something, investigate what the human level viewer sees. No reason to go back and look for a traumatic incident, why it’s seen only from the human level is sufficient.

If the need to reach for something happens because life throws you a curve ball, and you don’t investigate why the reaching arose, you’ll probably use a human level distraction not to succumb to it. By doing this you’ll never be free because you’ll never get in touch with why the human level viewer is in place. Investigating why you’re a human level viewer is the most important thing you can do for yourself when some behavior is done that’s not in your best interest. If you don’t, you will just substitute one thing for another and in the process remain trapped to what’s causing the need to reach. You may not like this post and you may even ignore it, but don’t be surprised when the next life curve ball comes and you find yourself reaching for something from the human level, you just won’t know why because you’re only seeing it as a human level viewer…