When storied limitations are used as the primary means to live by, there will be a restricted view because of the minds content. Without storied limitations, the mind settles and the restricted view is lifted…
Humans have wars against each other because of the nonsense of the storied limitations. Because of this, there’s very little unity with ourselves and with the world. Everyone thinks their story is the right one which arises from what is heard or what’s read somewhere; all this does is limits the view of life. These storied limits are the only view of reality that is seen until the mind becomes quiet enough to allow the restricted view is lifted.
What happens when the mind settles is it allows for two views of reality to be seen. One is the reality of the storied limitations, and the other is the unlimited reality of just being with what’s in front of you. Both realities are from the same mind, but there will only be awareness of one until the mind settles. When this settling occurs and you see the reality of a limited view, the restrictions provided by storied limitations fall away. It will be at this point that you will go beyond the storied limitations and see the unlimited view of just being with what’s in front of you without the need to make up a story about it…

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