Distracted Mind Lie

When truth makes a person look at themselves, all sorts of things are revealed. Most times though the distracted mind creates a lie to avoid the truth…

It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life consumed by a lie more so than one of truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lie seems so much better, and this is what keeps a person locked into it; this is only because of one’s conditioning that makes it seem better. When truth makes you look at yourself, all sorts of things happen. Without this understanding, the truth is avoided as if it was a plague. Becoming aware of the lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding yourself. Try to settle down the distracted mind and watch how little stillness there is. Just try to be with whatever is there, that’s where stillness is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything, stillness arises.

Only a distracted mind needs to create a lie, and only when the lie is seen will the mind settle. This doesn’t mean you don’t make changes, but when changes aren’t necessary the mind is settled. This is why positive versus negative isn’t shared because if there’s negativity and you want positivity, it’s no different than if you are positive and you don’t want anything negative. A distracted mind is a mind that needs things to be its way whether it’s positive or negative; this is the distracted mind lie. The truth is nothing needs to be different; the distracted mind will settle when life is accepted as it is…

Doing Energy

Having a useful life is being aware of your doing energy benefiting others. If your doing energy is used selfishly it won’t even benefit yourself. Energy freely received should be freely given…

A useful life is gauged by the affect it has on others. The gauge being, if your doings are beneficial to someone. The more aligned you are with your doings being a benefit to someone, the more their life will be a benefit to someone. Do beneficial things in everything you do and everything you do will be a benefit. Even if someone isn’t very nice and their behavior is disliked, for your own sake it would behoove you to be a benefit to that person. If not, you will be the one who will suffer.

The doing energy given out is the energy that will be received for the most part. If you always give out love, your life will be one of love. If not, it will be limited by whatever conditioning limits your ability to love. The base of any life is determined by the base of the doing energy in place. This isn’t a philosophy, a philosophy is just some theory; this is energy, it’s physics. You cannot put out hate and not get it in return, because that’s what’s there, but you’re not really getting it in return, you’re just being with the doing energy that’s there.

This is the way physics operates, love equals love, laughter equals laughter, gratitude equals gratitude, and so on; it’s the same for negative energy. It has to be this way because it’s what’s there. Energy is neither created or destroyed, it’s only transformed and can only be what it is; and what it is will be what it is. So be very careful of the doing energy that is projected out to others, for what is put out is the doing energy that you will live your own life by, it has to because that’s what’s there…

Selfish Lens

When you have a lens in place that sees things as they are without any association to a selfish lens, it opens up a different way to view life which allows for experiences like never before…

The lens that’s in place to view life determines the way life is seen and what’s processed. The most common lens used processes things as objects and holds onto them in association with a selfish created identity. What happens with this lens is it goes through the senses and everything is associated with selfishness as it becomes the base of life. With this association, a limit is created because a label is attached to what is seen; everything is processed as a selfish object in some way.

Obviously this seeing things as they are will take some practice so life is viewed in this way. The more it’s done, the more you will experience life like never before. It’s unfortunate as objects viewed through the lens of selfishness is so limiting, but because it’s the usual way of the Conditioned Mind, most people are unaware of it. That is until now because my articles shine a light on this for all to see. This seeing things as they are lens is how I’m able to write an article everyday for the last nine plus years. I’m not special in any way because of this, I’ve just been afforded the luxury of not having a selfish lens in place that limits my view of life. This seeing things as they are is the lens that allows for experiences as never before, and it’s now available for all to view life through…

Storied Limitations

When storied limitations are used as the primary means to live by, there will be a restricted view because of the minds content. Without storied limitations, the mind settles and the restricted view is lifted…

Humans have wars against each other because of the nonsense of the storied limitations. Because of this, there’s very little unity with ourselves and with the world. Everyone thinks their story is the right one which arises from what is heard or what’s read somewhere; all this does is limits the view of life. These storied limits are the only view of reality that is seen until the mind becomes quiet enough to allow the restricted view is lifted.

What happens when the mind settles is it allows for two views of reality to be seen. One is the reality of the storied limitations, and the other is the unlimited reality of just being with what’s in front of you. Both realities are from the same mind, but there will only be awareness of one until the mind settles. When this settling occurs and you see the reality of a limited view, the restrictions provided by storied limitations fall away. It will be at this point that you will go beyond the storied limitations and see the unlimited view of just being with what’s in front of you without the need to make up a story about it…

Unconscious Lies

Understand the unconscious lies and there won’t be anything left but truth. Not a made up story of truth, but a real honest to goodness (God) truth based on facts not unconscious lies…

The biggest lie we are told by unconscious people is they do what they do to benefit humanity. This is reinforced by the unconscious global structure in place. Believing unconscious lies is at the core of humanity’s misaligned existence; these lies create all our issues. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Corrupt politicians fix problems based in unconscious lies with solutions based in unconscious lies. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in unconscious lies that create the false impression of them and us. This creates separation and there will never be truth in separation. There’s also the unconscious lie of owning things, the Central Bank no doubt created this one. Lie after unconscious lie, and what happens to an existence based in unconscious lies, it becomes an unconscious existence. Not because this is wanted and not because the truth isn’t known, it’s simply because the unconscious lies aren’t understood by the people. No one who believes the unconscious lies will ever know truth unless the unconscious lie and liars are known.

Understand the unconscious lies and there will be nothing left but truth. Not a made up story of it, but a real honest to goodness truth based on the facts of what’s really happening as opposed to the story the unconscious fake news media creates to suit the unconscious liars (Deep State). Unconscious lies have been handed down for eons and it’s the way humanity has been living. Very strong language, but true. Look inward and you just may see truth, but it will only happen if you can see the unconscious liars and the government’s organized crime syndicate…

Repeated Behavior

The repeated behavior of a Conditioned Mind can be devastating if it’s not understood. The repeated behavior manifests in many ways. When the mind quiets many fall away; that’s when life truly begins…

The reason why it’s so difficult to change is because the mind defaults to repeated behavior; even to the point of its own destruction. The conditioning must be changed if the repeated behavior is to be changed. If this isn’t identified the behavior is repeated over and over, that is until the necessary practice is cultivated to stop this. If nothing changes nothing changes. If the conditioning is changed the repeated behavior becomes non existent. You don’t change the behavior because it’s a by product of the conditioning. When there’s quietness instead of conditioning there won’t be any repeated behavior associated with the conditioning.

This is immensely valuable in the understanding of repeated behavior. If quietness isn’t brought into your life, the noise in the head will continue to be repeated. You have been conditioned to behave in repeated ways, whether those ways are beneficial to yourself, others, the planet, and the Universe as a whole, depends on the base of your conditioning. The base is what determines the results of your decisions and how they affect the entire Universe. You may not think acting in a self-serving way affects the Universe, but how can it not?Energy is energy, never created or destroyed, simply transformed.

No act is isolated from itself, whether based in love, greed, hate, or delusion; it affects the whole. The real issue is getting to know how your repeated behavior conditioning makes decisions for you. Change happens when this is realized; that’s when different behavior arises. Your own mind will fight you on this, it makes you think the unknown is not good, but it’s only a story because everything that is known today was once unknown. So learn to quiet the squirrel cage mind so the repeated behavior isn’t the automatic way to go. You’ll be amazed with the way life changes when you start to do things differently and act in ways that are conducive to love. It’s truly that simple, but because the Conditioned Mind likes to revert to behavior it knows, change is not easy…

Perceived Ignorance

As long as there’s perceived ignorance in place, this will be the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises as a lie, and it doesn’t allow you to go beyond it…

At times how things appear isn’t actually how they are. If you truly want to see what’s going on, going beyond your perceived ignorance will have to happen. If two people are looking at same thing, there are usually two different perceived views of what’s seen; truth is what’s beyond the perceived ignorance of what’s seen. There’s two sides to everything and then there’s the truth. To stop attaching to perceived ignorance you’ll need to stop labeling what‘s seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the mind to slow to a point where there’s awareness of your perceived ignorance and a different view opens up. It’s imperative for this to happen if the perceived ignorance that’s been formed over the years is to lessen its grip.

Perceived ignorance is so misunderstood and how this is known is because of the behavior that’s in place. I look to my own reactions to know this and in the process I can see it in others. This isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. Know your own mind and you will know the mind of others. This is because we are all of the same energy. Creation is the same for everything regardless of the blindness created by perceived ignorance. When perceived ignorance is seen for what it is, its energy begins to transform in a direction that allows liberation. As long as there’s perceived ignorance of this, its energy remains as the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises as what’s seen and takes on many forms. But the bottom line is it’s the perceived ignorance in place that doesn’t allow you to go beyond it…

A Grateful Heart

Be grateful, not only for today, but for each and everyday. Life itself is our greatest gift because one day it will not be so…Happy Thanksgiving

Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there’s an understanding of how to live from a grateful heart; although gratitude is natural it’s not automatic so cultivating it results in a grateful heart…

Gratitude naturally arises from the heart, but it’s not automatic. It isn’t produced by attaching to anything from the materiel world. If gratitude was from the material world it would coincide with possessions, and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn’t have much. The true measure of wealth has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from the heart, that’s how it’s measured. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how you want it or expect it.

Wanting is never from our true self, it’s from the small self that thinks what’s wanted is needed to be complete. Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way; this creates suffering. Having a grateful heart doesn’t mean everything will be as it’s wanted, life must be accepted as it is if you are to be at peace and have a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. A grateful heart will not shield you from life problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your life as it is and you will find your grateful heart, and when life is lived from here there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can’t help but to have an attitude of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of of what naturally arises from your own heart…

Spiritual Unity

Spiritual unity comes from a sacred place, it’s not a place that’s associated with any human activity, it’s a place which simply unites us all to a spiritual heart…

In my experience a spiritual heart cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the spiritual heart which is what unites us. If spiritual unity to each other were to happen, there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we would fall over each other; it’s in this space for each other that the magnificence of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the magnificence of the ocean, a starlit night. Loving oneself and others is the spiritual unity that connects humanity, these are experiences from the sacred place within.

I don’t profess to know what life is about, but I do understand how unity with others is sacred. When this is experienced it leaves one speechless. For me because of this spiritual unity, I have been speechless many times in the last fifteen years. I’m using the words spiritual unity to describe this, but to feel this words cannot truly explain it. I watch in awe as I explain what I went through to someone and see a sparkle in their eyes, to me this is our spirits uniting. Spiritual unity comes from such a sacred place, it’s not something that any human activity can make happen. When there’s spiritual unity with others that’s when there will be unity with ourselves and with all humanity…

Inner Challenge

Life is a happening not a doing. If it’s made into something to do, there will always be the burden of an inner challenge. When you find your space of not doing, there’s peace because you’re sheltered from creating an inner need to do something…

It may seem as though life creates challenges so lessons are learned, but the challenges are inner. Life doesn’t create challenges, that’s not its nature, life is just life. Things happen because of certain laws and conditions producing certain result. This is life just being life, it’s never personal. There’s inner space in every person that you can go to when life seems challenging, but life isn’t ever truly challenging, its just the burdensome story the Conditioned Mind creates; a story of an inner challenge.

When you can stay centered you‘ll be sheltered from creating your own wrath. This is regardless of what happens in life, unless you make it about life doing something to you. Life does nothing to no one, it’s each individual alone, from the way they‘re conditioned that makes life seem as though it’s challenging. This occurs because without a center everything that happens in life is a burden as it’s made into something to do. But understand, whatever goes on between your ears about what you think you have to do, that is inner. It’s something you create from within yourself. Don’t blame life for the inability of not staying centered and being left unprotected and exposed. Find your center so you are sheltered and stay there as much as possible. The more you stay there the fewer storms there will be in your life and the less it will seem like the burden of an inner challenge…

Global Plastic Treaty: SEDI Calls For Action

By Isaac Eranga

In 2022, the global plastic pollution treaty was adopted by 175 countries at an annual conference held by the United Nations Environment program (UNEP). The treaty according to UNEP, was aimed at tackling the entire life-cycle of plastic, with the primary goal of developing circular economy that break the region of single-use plastics. 

This has led people from different countries of the world to devise myriad of methods in tackling the global crisis of plastic pollution. Various countries have enacted restrictions on different types of plastic. These ranges from updated recycling facilities, reduction in plastic use, development of bio-plastics, and investment in alternatives. According to globalcitizen.org, "communities have staged clean-up efforts to remove plastic waste from coastlines, rivers and landscapes. Technologies have been invented to trap microplastics and massive machines have been mobilised to clear away ocean plastic".

"But the problem keeps getting worse. That's because these efforts have been fragmented. Without global coordination, the plastic industry will continue to evolve and expand, plastic consumption will become more common and diffuse, and plastic pollution will become more widespread, contaminating the farthest reaches of the planet".

"And despite efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic products as well as countries who have banned plastic use in some instances, experts predict that plastic production will increase by 40% in the next ten years", the Guardian reported.

In Nigeria, the Sustainable Environment Development Initiative (SEDI) has been playing a tremendous role in reducing the use plastic, thereby contributing to the Global Plastic Treaty.

Firstly, SEDI has coordinated plastic brand audits in 2021, 2022 and 2023 in Nigeria cited in http://sedinig.org/gallery/, with Coca-Cola and Pepsico being the leading brands of plastic waste polluters.

Secondly, SEDI coordinates a campaign on ‘Pathway to Municipal Waste Management in Edo State’ campaigning for a non-incineration policy on waste incineration in landfills, cited in http://sedinig.org/sedi-waste-management-communique/), with continuous engagement with waste pickers, government officials, media and other stakeholders in Edo State.

Furthermore, SEDI facilitates waste pickers in Edo State working towards formalization and integration of waste pickers. SEDI has facilitated the ‘Otofure Dumpsite Waste pickers Constitution’ for waste pickers (http://sedinig.org/waste-pickers-constitution/).

In addition, SEDI is Co-chair, Circular Economy Benin-City club: Devoted to the design and implementation of circular economy strategies in the plastic sector with a pilot plastic waste collection, recycling and campaign programme using the circular economy business model to reduce plastic pollution and create green jobs.

Finally, SEDI works on zero waste and is using black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in managing and treatment of biodegradable waste such as kitchen waste. This is a promising and sustainable way to manage organic waste generated from our homes, schools, farms, and industries.

SEDI has been in the fore front of media advocacy for the Global Plastic Treaty with coordinated media articles in Nigeria. SEDI supports global campaigns through sign ups to letters supporting a future free from plastic pollution and demonstrate civil society power. 

The aim of SEDI is to amplify the campaign in reducing plastic use and increasing the percentage of plastic waste recycled. Currently, only 9% of plastic waste is recycled. Meaning that 91% ends up in landfills, in oceans, and in the bellies of marine life.

SEDI however recommends the following:

- plastic production reduction

- chemical transparency

- ensuring mandatory extended producer responsibility (EPR)

- commitment to put regulations in place to operationalise policies

- necessitating the push for more upstream measures

- the inclusion of waste pickers, indigenous peoples and frontline communities, under-represented African countries, women and youth

- championing social and human rights aspects of the plastics treaty and sustainable, roburst financial mechanisms for the treaty.

A Valued Direction

Our answers are always within, one just needs to make sure the direction you’re heading adds value that benefits life…

Looking back to when my shift occurred, I can see I had a definite direction I wanted my life to go when I begin the study of my own mind. There weren’t any goals to achieve or some great state of mind to make my life about anything in particular, all I wanted was a direction that provided value that eluded me for most of my life. This is still my direction today, but just because one is on a so called spiritual path, it doesn’t mean the direction your heading adds value to you. I went in a direction for years that I was told was right and it turned out not to add value to life; these things actually kept me in bondage. I won’t go into details, but what I do today adds value to life and how I know this is because I’m at peace and don’t have a real desire for anything else. I have passion in my heart for things, but not an aching because I need this moment to be different. I’m not looking for anything, that’s how I know the direction has value.

You may be reading all the books, quoting all the right people, and putting all your energy into a direction, but the question is can you stop it all and still be at peace. If not your direction is only being used as a distraction. I was distracted for forty nine years so I know what I’m talking about. If you’re not at peace, your direction doesn’t add value to life. All things are pointers, but the misdirection is in thinking the pointers are the answers. The answers are always within, one just needs to make sure you’re heading in a valued direction that benefits life…

Let Go of Everything

Letting go doesn’t make you free. Letting go is you giving everything its freedom. The more this is adhered to the less chance there is of returning to some previous state of inner discontent…

Years ago as my day would begin, at some point I would become discontented and reach for something I thought would quiet it. I would be satisfied for a little while, become discontented again, and reach for something to be satisfied again. Over and over this cycle was repeated and basically this controlled the way I lived my life. The objects mean little except in the fact the more destructive the thing reached for is, the more it affects life in a negative way. This is going on today for millions of people, it’s why I have such a passion to get the message of what happened to me out to as many as people as possible; suffering doesn’t have to be. Young, old, male, female, ethnic backgrounds, not to many people aren’t affected by this cycle; this is the puppet on the string cycle. The origin of the discontentment needs to be innerstood if this cycle is to be halted. Its origin is the self-serving mind which keeps a person entrapped to the self-serving mind.

Imagine this, for forty nine years my life was spent in this cycle, but it isn’t this way today. It doesn’t mean the cycle doesn’t happen, but just the awareness of this fact is so freeing; it’s so important to remain aware of this fact. I have no idea what others have gone through in their life so it matters little if what I see is what someone else sees. The important thing is to know that it was my own mind that created the cycle that kept me discontented for far too many years, today my mind is not enslaving me the way it did. I have learned many throughout my life and one of them is not comparing my life with anyone else’s. Whatever someone sees I may or may not see, but regardless, what is seen is through the view the universe gives. What I have found as a valuable innerstanding to keep me from returning to my previous cycle is “Letting go doesn’t make me free. Letting go is me giving everything its freedom.” The more this is adhered to, the less chance there is to return to a previous state of discontent…

A Different Perspective

The only way to get a different perspective is to have something in place that will allow it to be different. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness there’s another perspective…

Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I watched a football game. When it was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we get locked in on something when it comes to our perspective. We’re so reluctant to have a different perspective even though we’re going round and round in circles.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is get a different perspective when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, a different perspective will be just about impossible to be seen. The only way to get a different perspective is to have something in place that will allow it to be different. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of a different perspective. It may be a repeated perspective disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old one. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the perspective for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with a perspective that it’s not realized there are others. This realization will only occur if you have something in place that allows a different perspective to be seen as beneficial…

Internal Light

Internal light is the true essence of all beings. The only reason there’s darkness is because the light is looked for externally. When there’s awareness of your internal light, it instantly replaces darkness…

There needs to be awareness of the internal light of the heart so the dark places of the mind dissipate. The light is always on just waiting to replace darkness, it never goes out. When you live from the mind the thought realm is allowed to take over and it becomes very difficult to see your internal light. This internal light is what turns away the darkness of an unconscious state of mind; this is the world of the external answers. As long as answers are sought externally, darkness will remain. Darkness creates a world that’s mind based and this is what blocks awareness of internal light. It doesn’t allow for the pure essence of the life to be recognized. It holds onto the belief that life is to be managed so it can be a certain way, but even if the way occurs darkness remains because it’s mind based.

Internal light on the other hand is of the heart. When seen it replaces the darkness without effort; as when entering a room and the light is turned on the darkness is no more. That’s all that’s needed, the light needs to be turned on. Light always replaces darkness, unless one’s bulb is burnt out; this is our path to make sure the internal light is always lit regardless of the surrounding darkness. As your light remains lit, more people from the darkness will see it and be drawn to you. When this occurs it will draw others to you as the light expands and maybe one day one light at a time, there won’t be any darkness to replace because everyone will see their internal light…

Division of Duality

A view of duality causes division because it creates a you and a me. Whenever this is the way life is viewed, there has to be division because there’s a self that’s doing the perceiving…

An awakening is a shift from being caught up in a dual self world. This limits the ability to see what’s really going on beyond the division of duality. The phrase higher self is often used to explain what being awake is, but attachment to self causes duality anyway it’s looked at. You must go beyond any thought of self to truly awaken because any thought of self whether higher or lower is a distraction that keeps you locked in the division of duality. Any thought of self creates this division of duality; oneness is the only true state of being. I’m old enough to have seen the old cartoons where an angel and devil would pop up on someone’s shoulders when they were about to make a decision. To me regardless of which one won out, it caused division made by self. A belief of a higher self as opposed to a lower one makes for a nice story, but it just creates more division.

This form that has manifested for humans to experience life does what it does because of the conditioning in place. If there is less of this conditioning to not be controlled by a dual self, count your blessings because most people (form) will die consumed in a dual self. It makes no difference whether it’s labeled higher or lower, self is self and until self is truly let go of, duality division and not oneness will be the controlling energy. This duality causes division because it creates a you and a me. Whenever this is the way life is viewed, there has to be division because there’s a self that’s doing the perceiving…

A Needing Story

Until you can be with life as it is without needing, a needed story disguised as truth will continue its control, and unfortunately so will the suffering of constantly thinking you have a need to fill…

Just because you have a thought about something that doesn’t make it automatically true. It may be associated with what is thought to be true, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up needing story providing you with a direction of the way you think things should be. We use the story of helping others in this way, but it’s really in place to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that helping others is a good thing; we use anything to fill our arisen needing. We also use God in this way to strictly fill needing, nothing more. All these made up needing stories block you from seeing the truth of what’s really going on. If a story is being used to make up what truth is, I guarantee you it’s not truth, it’s only a story that’s arising from needing.

Truth is not something to know. It can’t be defined adequately with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge someone regardless of what they do, you are applying a needing story (your version of truth) of how you think they should be. This is the same with life situations, and these judgements are only there to fill some need. Life is always as it is, and until you can just be with it instead of needing it different, truth will never be experienced. Thus your needing story will continue its control, and unfortunately so will your suffering because of constantly thinking you have a need to fill…

Decided Labels

Every decision made to label something limits it to whatever label is being applied. Concepts and beliefs are decided labels that limits what the Universe has to offer to…

The Universe needs no permission to do what it does. It responds to things out of necessity, and it does so unconditionally, without deciding what label to apply. It exists as it is, adding nothing because it needs nothing; the Universe is self sustaining. It creates, it destroys, it neither loves nor hates in the sense of emotions, but what it is can’t really be labeled. It’s pure energy and it’s from this energy that everything is created. This energy is existence in its purest state. The moment there’s a decision to label this, it loses its sense of purity.

Humans decide to apply all kinds of labels to life, but life needs no labels. The place of non labelled attachments is the only true place of existence; it’s in this place, in the midst of the Universe that our true essence is. It’s a place that is here, there, and everywhere, but not labeled as such. Stillness exists as life. If it’s decided a label is needed, apply it, just understand it’s a decision that limits. Once this decision is made it creates resistance. So make a decision to be in the unlimited space of what the Universe puts in front of you. The Universe is within each and every person. It’s where everyone arises from, but it’s a decided label that limits the awareness of what the Universe has to offer…

The Lure of Want

Don’t let the different consequences of want lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all want leads to bondage in one form or another regardless of what’s wanted…

If there’s always something to want, it’s because you don’t think you have enough, and if you don’t think you have enough, you will always think there is something you want. Want isn’t something that’s inherently bad, why one wants is where issues arise, and this is only because where there is want it’s because you think something is missing. What is wanted only matters to the degree in how the thing wanted affects your life. Wanting to drink alcohol and do drugs have consequences much different than wanting to go to a program to stop using those things. But the wants core is the same, and that’s what needs to be looked at. Don’t let the different consequences of wanting lull you into the sleep of unconsciousness because all want leads to bondage in one form or another, and as stated this includes all wanting.

You might say that’s not true, that wanting to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is is the only place one will experience the peace of not wanting things different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind, what good is it. I often say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the satisfaction you thought it would; shortly afterwards another want will arise. Investigate this and see how wants cause needing, needing causes bondage, and bondage causes suffering. Break free from want and inevitably you just may stop suffering…

Transforming Light

The Conditioned Mind is grounded in darkness and it’s why most people don’t see the light. The light is always there, but it needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it and allow it to transform...

All light has transforming properties, that’s why when one sees the light, they’re transformed. Look at a plant, it begins as a seed, it has potential, but it’s still only a seed. You can put it in soil, water it and give it all the nutrients possible, but without a source of light (energy) the transformation from seed to plant will not occur. This transforming light is the source of most of life, there are exceptions to this rule as with deep sea creatures or those in caves, but for the most part it is light that transforms. Go into a dark room and turn on the light, there’s an instant transformation of the room. The walls come alive with color, the furniture and design of the room are also intensified. Without the light the room still exist, but its vibrance is hidden.

When one wakes up to experience this hidden vibrance, it’s the lights energy that transforms just as it is with a plant or a room. You can be in the dark your entire life, but once there’s light the darkness is gone. It may return somewhat because of one’s conditioning, but it will never be as dark as it once was, it can’t because there will always be some light. This light is truth revealed, (one’s internal energy of love) and it’s impossible to completely turn it off. As stated before it will turn off only because of one’s unconscious conditioning, but this light is always on beneath the conditioning because it’s the light (the source) of our existence and the true essence (love) of who we are. The Conditioned Mind is grounded in darkness and the world is the way it is because not enough people see the light. The light is always there, it just needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it and allow it to transform…

Distraction Awareness

There are many distractions to what an awakening is, for those awake there’s simply awareness of these distractions. Remember this, the mind that distracts you is the same mind that reinforces its distractions…

All distractions are created by your own mind, until there’s awareness of this the distractions remains. One of the most important things to realize when it comes to lessening the mind distractions is the mind that distracts you is the same mind that reinforces its distractions. Think about how it’s your own mind causing distractions, so you’re basically distracting yourself. What’s crazy about this is it’s like there are two minds with different views. This goes on in most lives every single day without realizing it, but don’t be fooled by the distractions because even the view that isn’t distracted creates distractions; to be awake is to be aware of the distractions.

An awakening isn’t a mystical state, it’s simply about becoming aware of the thoughts that distract you, that’s basically it. It’s in this awareness that one naturally stops attaching to those distracting thoughts. Being awake doesn’t stop them from arising, but with awareness they’re there, being distracted by the attachment to what happens is seen. Until this is realized the mind that distracts you is the same mind that reinforces the distractions. It’s does this to keep you distracted by the distraction of your distractions, and as long as there are distractions without awareness, you’ll continue to be controlled by a mind that holds you in captivity to its distractions…

Familiar Fixations

Although your familiar fixations may be firmly in place, and it may be true that you don’t know what you don’t know, if this isn’t investigated the only thing you will ever know will be your familiar fixations…

A plant will lose its flowers because it’s growing. If the current flower doesn’t fall away, growth will not occur. It’s the same with us, just substitute the flower with our familiar fixations. Life is a natural process of learning and growing, but the base of growth is dependent on seeing the new that’s replacing the familiar fixations. For years I drove an old car and was constantly repairing it just to keep it running. This is the way many people live their life. Constantly making adjustments and repairs just to keep it running; not truly living. It wasn’t until I purchased a new car that it was realized just how broken down the old one was. This goes with the saying “You don’t know what you don’t know” this is also what happened to me when I finally let go of the familiar fixations in place. I started realizing just how out of sorts my thinking was; I began the process of changing the familiar fixations.

Although learning is a natural process of life, learning to grow spiritually is not automatic. It does seem to take some effort even if it’s only the willingness to go in a different direction. There are many intellects in the world who don’t have a clue as to what it means to grow spiritually; they never seem to let go of their familiar fixations. The mind loves the familiar and will always try to convince you it’s better to stay with its current fixations instead of going into the unknown. It may be true that you don’t know what you don’t know, but if this isn’t investigated, the only thing you will ever know is your familiar fixations (the old). And because nothing new is being allowed in, your familiar fixations will remain in place and new growth will not be allowed to occur…

Clinging Mind

A clinging mind is a mindset that has preconceived ideas which are based on a sense of self, and because it’s conditioned to always cling, there’s no space created to see truth as opposed to clinging…

As long as the mind is clinging it can’t be at peace; at the core of this is the sense of self. The sense of self may be the hardest concept to let go of because it’s intertwined with just about every thought you have. It’s been in place since existence began, but it’s not the sense of self that’s controlling, it’s the attachment to it. I have a sense of self, how can I not I exist, but the attachment to it has lessened significantly in the last fifteen years. This has opened the space for what’s in place today. I’m not saying I don’t sometimes attach to the sense of self, but never like the first forty nine years of my life.

The last couple of days I’ve had discussions with people about the content of some of the articles I posted, and I can see why what was written wasn’t grasped; it’s because the discussions were directly linked to clinging to their sense of self. I don’t take a stand that my way is right; this is because it isn’t my way. When what I write is disagreed with, where does the disagreement come from? I’m not judging anyone here, what I’m stating is factual. The more there’s clinging to a sense of self, the less one sees facts.

What people don’t realize is how the mind works. I’ve sat and investigated why I always reacted and did the things I did. Very few truly investigate their mind and this leads to the clinging conditioning in place being in control. Awareness of this doesn’t make me better than anyone, but by having awareness of the lies that I lived by for so many years, this does allow me to not attach to them. I would also have to say therein lies the difference being attached to the sense of self or being free of it. This also creates the difference between not being limited by a self who has a clinging mind or being limited by attachment to the clinging…

Controlling Thoughts

Life happens, but it’s the controlling thought process that makes it what it is. The mind creates our entire world through the way we are controlled by our thoughts…

There are things we would rather not happen in life, but they do happen and they have to be accepted or there will never be peace. At least to the extent where one can be with what’s happening instead of being controlled by the thought of wanting it different. Although the small stuff can be difficult, the life altering things can be devastating if there isn’t an awareness of how it’s the controlling thoughts that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, rejection, homes destroyed, along with all our possessions and memories, accidents, illnesses, these are just some of the occurrences that can alter our state of being if they’re not accepted for what they are; and what they are is nothing but a thought.

Life occurs and through controlling thoughts it appears as the mind makes it appear. There is nothing to life except what the controlling thoughts make it out to be. Our own mind uses thought to create an entire existence that’s only a relative reality. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept what happens. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of the controlling thought process. It’s your own thoughts that create the appearance that life has difficulties and this happens because one is controlled by the thought that everything is as it appears, but understand, it’s only because you’ve been conditioned to do so…

Awakened Eyes

The awakened view of life can only be seen if that’s the view you have of the world. The world can only be seen through your own eyes, and how quiet the mind is determines if the view is awakened…

The world is awakened, but only to those who take the time to see this. You don’t have to go to a place of wonder to see this; your own back yard or just taking a walk in the park is significant. If the mind isn’t quiet, it doesn’t matter where you are, you will not see the awakening of the moment.

So much of life is missed because of the noise in the head. Take the time to smell the roses before the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow, my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes; regardless of what goes on in your head it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than today, but at some point it will become today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to be with the awakening of the Universe.

Take a step back before you miss one more second of your life. There are many distractions that’s why if the mind isn’t quiet you miss the awakened life which is always right before your very eyes. It’s up to each individual alone to see the awakening life has to offer, but if you’re too busy to slow down, life will be over before you know it. You can accomplish many things in life, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to seeing how awakened life is. It may allow you to see how awakened you think you are, but it’s the Universe that gives you the sense of awe. This will only be seen by a mind that is ready and quiet enough to see the awakening right before your eyes, if the time is taken to see it…

Valued Actions

Reaching is always the issue not the thing reached for. Not everything one thinks is healthy and valued is truly beneficial. It will take a very settled mind to see if what you think is valued truly is…

Doing what’s valued for your well being needs to be investigated to see if what you’re doing truly has value and not just a story of what you think is valued. Many people play the lottery to become rich so to become rich becomes the valued energy. Sex is often seen as valued as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and also their counter parts (their programs) are used as valued energy, but as the results of these valued energies may be different, the prison they keep you in is the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are valued, but many attach a story to them and negate their true value. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha valued this as part of their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly valued needs no story nor attachment for certain results.

I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything in whatever form it takes on, is not true value. The reaching is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is truly valued. Not everything you consider healthy and valued is truly beneficial in your life. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtleness of the attachment to things that are deemed healthy and valued. I say if you‘re reaching for something, regardless of what it is, it’s has no value to your well being and this is because the reaching itself is the issue and it’s what keeps you in a mental prison…

Filtered Past

Although what occurs always happens now, when it’s seen through the filter of the past you’re not with what’s actually occurring; you can’t be present when a past filter is used to live now…

Living from a past filter isn’t something that jumps out at you, the filter is in place waiting for its opportunity. It doesn’t have to be glaring, nor does using a past filter always manifest as destructive actions, but it is destructive in the way it doesn’t allow you to be with what’s occurring right now; it takes you away from truly living life. You end up living the same life over and over, doing the same thing, getting the same results, basically it’s as if you’re in a rut which only gets deeper each time the filtered past is grabbed and brought into the present. You can’t be present for the present when the past is being used as a filter to live now. Much quietness will be needed to see the ingrained past and how it’s used.

Our filtered past energy patterns are very subtle and are deep, noticing this is the first step in one’s liberation from this energy. This energy is so controlling because it’s brought into the present and blocks the ability to live now; not many truly live in the moment of what’s actually occurring. Although what occurs now happens now, it seen through the filter of the past so one isn’t with what is actually happening now. There’s so much past energy and only when there’s awareness of this can the filtered past energy patterns even begin to be broken. Watch the mind and how it constantly filters the past to live now. How you can tell something is being filtered from the past is by the label being applied to the present moment; when it’s all said and done, the present moment needs no filtered past to be…

A Surface View

If a person is stuck in a surface based view they’ll be controlled by a surface based existence. This is a prison that one will only be released from by going beyond the surface view into the view of silence…

It’s impossible to be stuck in a surface existence that isn’t created by your own mind. What this means is regardless of what happens, it’s your minds surface thoughts that create your view; this comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to attach to a surface view or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing the surface view, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the surface viewing process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary silence view that allows less surfacing will not happen.

If there’s a continuous surface view
and no silence all there will be is thought and this will not allow the ability to watch the moment unfold. If this isn’t seen, your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your surface thoughts. Life will simply be surfaced based and the result of this will create your view. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a conditioned category. When you see this you can break free of the hold your mind has over you, and you’ll be able to see that you’re not your surface thoughts; you just think you are…

Dangling Carrot Mind

A dangling carrot distracted mind can’t quiet itself regardless of what’s used as a distraction. A dangling carrot reinforces the distractions because it blocks out the awareness they are there…

If your distracted dangling carrot mind is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be aware they’re there. It’s such a dangling carrot world because most people think their answers are outside themselves when the answers are within. What the dangling carrots actually are and how they’re created is by not being aware that they’re not needed. With a mind that’s conditioned to want dangling carrots, you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind distractions. This is how Conditioned Mind dangling carrot distractions are formed and how they block awareness of your inner presence. It’s distractions created because if you understood them, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the dangling carrot distractions.

The ability to understand the dangling carrot mind lies in being aware they’re there, but it’s not something that’s going to happen on its own. It’s a beautiful thing the awareness of the worlds dangling carrots are in your hands and that it’s totally up to each individual how much awareness there is in your life. A little quiet equates to a little awareness so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to become more aware of the dangling carrot mind distractions. As you become more aware of being in the present moment the dangling carrot distractions lessen and what remains is inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else, you’ll be waiting a very long time as it won’t happen while your dangling carrot mind distractions are in control…

Conditioned Awareness

Without awareness of your conditioning, you’ll be blindly controlled by it. It will say jump and you will jump, and most likely you’ll ask how high…

If you want to understand your mind you will need for it to settle so you can be aware of it. Whatever you think and reflect upon is what you become aware of; hence this is what becomes your conditioned actions. If there is no settling, there’s very little chance for the mind to be aware. As conditioning is formed it becomes second nature, there’s very little awareness in this mind activated action. These conditioned actions are different for everyone, but their root is the same. All conditioning arises from seeking outside oneself. It matters little what is used to fulfill this seeking conditioning. There’s very little awareness of this so it controls you. There needs to be awareness that your actions become conditioned and you’re controlled by them. This is what determines whether your actions are wholesome (loving) or unwholesome (selfish). Simply put, loving actions should be cultivated so they become instinctual.

If there isn’t some discipline developed to allow the mind to settle, it will be difficult for there to be awareness of conditioned patterns. Without awareness of your conditioning, you’ll be blindly controlled by it. This is why things are done without hesitation that aren’t in your best interest. Without the awareness to observe your thoughts, you’re like a puppet on a string. If nothing in place allows awareness of this, the Conditioned Mind puppeteer will continue to control you as you blindly and without hesitation do things that aren’t in your best interest or the best interest of others…

Inner Battles

Life as form is continuous until one day it ends. Inner battles occur because of the attachment to self. Without this attachment the beauty of life simply unfolds and the inner battles fall away…

The real cause of any issue with what happens in life is not with what actually happens, but how there’s attachment to a self which causes inner battles with yourself. As long as there’s existence in your current form, every moment of every day is a life occurrence. It becomes an inner battle once it’s labeled and a self is attached to it. This transforming energy from an occurrence to attachment happens because of who it is that’s doing the labeling. If the self didn’t label life it would still occur, there just wouldn’t be inner battles. It would just be a continuous occurrence without a self attaching to it and giving it the transforming energy it needs for there to be a battle.

This self seems to cause so many issues, but it only does because of the attachment to it, that’s the cause of the battles with ourselves. Life occurs regardless of the self, but what attachment does is it makes inner battles by isolating it and making life personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, it then becomes an event that’s all about the self. Without self, inner battles don’t happen life just occurs. I’m not insinuating a self exist or not, all I’m saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all inner battles and if you want to be free of this division you will have to be free of the attachment to self…