When one awakens, an uncluttered mind state is provided which allows a clear view of your actions. With this uncluttered mind state you become aware if the affects of your actions are truly beneficial…
Having an uncluttered mind state allows for the ability to decipher the immediate affect of your actions and your current view. A uncluttered mind state doesn’t allow a greed, hate, and delusion mind state to arise. In seeing the affects of greed, hate, and delusion for what they are and their controlling characteristics, you just may be able to pause them for a millisecond. If this isn’t seen these characteristics will continue their monkey mind control.
Observe the different mind states which are greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the cluttered and uncluttered mind states most people fluctuate between. With an uncluttered mind state you see how your actions and the associated actions are linked. What happens first is one can decipher the mind state associated with one’s action, and second it’s seen if the action is beneficial. It’s very easy to see anger and its association with the mind state of hate. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t beneficial to anyone. Without awareness of this one remains entrapped to the mind state of hate and hence the associated actions. Intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever.
It also works this way with the action of giving. Giving with no attached expectations is an action associated with the mind state of generosity. You can definitely see how this action benefits everyone; to me this is what an awakening is. One isn’t rendered white as snow because of becoming awake. No one among us can cast the first stone, but by the mind settling your view becomes uncluttered and you become aware of your actions and the associated mind state of those actions. It can then be seen your actions are truly a benefit not only to yourself, but to all beings…

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