God’s love is not something that anyone can possess, it can only possess you. It‘s everlasting because it’s eternal…
The eternal view will fill any void because it’s not based in an object out there somewhere. It’s an inner view that doesn’t need objects. So what happens is this; what’s being used to fill the void is God’s eternal, merciful, limitless love. God’s love is not something that anyone can possess, it can only possess you; it’s everlasting because it’s eternal. Nothing from the material world is eternal so nothing from it will ever fill your everlasting void. This is why people are always searching because the proper filler isn’t being used. What’s being used to fill the void is limited fillers.
If you can truly understand this you probably had a shift in being already so the way you view life and the things you hold onto are from the eternal love of God instead of one from the material view. This shift is what makes a persons path different, nothing else. If your view doesn’t shift, then your view will not change and you will keep using the material fillers to fill your void. This in turn will not allow you to see that what you’re using to fill the void isn’t working and if you do not see this, you will remain on the path with the majority of the world and you will keep searching and trying to fill your void with the fillers of the world that will never fill your void…

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