Inward Silence

If you’re looking for answers when questions arise, truthful answers aren’t going to just be revealed. You’ll most likely be distracted and bounce around making up answers until there’s awareness of the inward silence that reveals truth…

Truth is beautiful and when you look for your answers inward the beauty of truth is revealed. This occurs naturally, but you need silence within to discover this; this is the only way truth will be revealed. Truth is always there, but unfortunately we have been conditioned to look in the wrong places or not look for it at all. Our outward conditioning justifies so much of our behavior and blocks inward silence from revealing truth.

Lie to yourself, justify whatever it is you want to justify, but the sad truth of our society is most people’s existence isn’t based in truth. If you’re not looking inward for your answers, you are living a lie. Truth will only be discovered through the silence from within. Why most don’t look for their inward silence is because the Conditioned Mind tells you it’s not necessary, that you are doing okay with the way things are. Besides it’s much easier to point the finger at someone else, but the truth is people aren’t doing okay with the way things are and this is because most think their answers are outside of them.

Our politicians look outside, the judicial system looks outside, religion looks outside, the economist look outside, drug and alcohol counselors, psychologists, psychiatrist, and on and on all look outside. There are no answers outside, there are only distractions to keep you from the your inward silence and getting real answers; those answers when looked for inward are based in truth. Most people live the lie that their answers are outside and to look inward is unnecessary, know this lie and it will set you free, but only if there’s inward silence…

Surface Attachments

When you can only see and attach to what’s on the surface, the root of all suffering follows. It’s in letting go of surface attachments that you see there are many parts to the whole; this reveals the emptiness of all things…

When you’re attached to the surface level of existence, life becomes thought based and although we all experience life in the human form, it’s why it’s seen differently by everyone. Except by those who don’t see it through thought, this state is of emptiness which doesn’t need thoughts, yet existence still is. Everything is a constellation of parts that make up the whole, so nothing is truly what a thought makes it out to be because it’s only seen and categorized as the whole. When you look at a tree and attach the thought “tree” the surface parts, the trunk, limbs, branches, and leaves meld into one and the true nature of the tree is lost. If you can see this with the tree, you can see it with everything, including yourself. Without the attached thought of you where is the you and that’s just the surface you I’m asking about, most don’t even think about the parts of you on the inside.

There is much freedom in seeing this because it allows for the emptiness of all things to be revealed. When you see there’s nothing to attach to no matter what, you’re free. You attach to something that keeps track of time; the thought of a watch. There are so many parts to a watch, but which part is truly the watch. Surface attachments will keep you marred in ignorance because they will block you out from seeing the true nature of emptiness in all things, you will only see the whole. When this happens you can only see and attach to what’s on the surface and therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of surface attachments that will allow you to see there are many parts to the whole which when seen reveals the emptiness of all things…

Cemented View

There’s not much life in something that’s unmovable and this is what happens when free flowing energy is cut off by a cemented view; the cemented view causes suffering…

A cemented view is what causes you to get locked into only seeing things from the side of suffering. It matters little what the cemented view is; it’s the rigidness of being unmovable that doesn’t allow free flowing energy. This is what happens when a story is created and it becomes the cemented view of what life is about in any particular moment. This view becomes deeply embedded as you become emotionally tied into whatever it is that’s being focused on. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion and genuine love for something without attaching to it or being cemented by it.

To me this cemented view is the constant view of most people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it’s causing. Unfortunately those in the midst of this cemented view cannot see it, nor can one pull themselves out of it until the cemented view is seen as the cause of their suffering. The cemented viewed doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free of attachment and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering follows. The tighter the grip of something the more cemented it becomes and the less free flowing energy there is in your life. There’s not much life in something that’s unmovable and this is exactly what happens when your free flowing energy is cut off; the cemented view controls life and causes suffering…

The Box of Society

What’s considered the box of society entraps most people to the idea of what others consider normal and unless this can be seen so you can go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as your own…

Stepping outside the box of what is considered normal as far as society goes is a must if you’re to go beyond the trap of the ideas of others. You may ask why would a person want to go beyond what’s considered the box of society and here’s why, the so called box is based in form and to be attached to form is the cause of suffering; it’s as simple as that. With the attachment to the senses (form) life will still occur, it just won’t be experienced as fully as it can be. There will still be experiences, how can there not be with one being alive, but they will be dictated by form and there’ll be much nonsense associated with them. The so called box entraps you the ideas of what others think is considered normal and unless you can see this to go beyond it, you’ll accept someone else’s idea as your own. It’s an easy trap to get snared in because the bait is so enticing.

This plays right into the reward system that‘s considered the society’s box. Who does anything that doesn’t have the reward of pleasure associated with it? This can be applied to just about anybody and anything. When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew was going to be unpleasant with no reward attached to it? This is pivotal in understanding the process of the Conditioned Mind because until you can just be with whatever arises without judging it or associating it with pleasure, the society box syndrome will be what dictates the life you’re living and it will probably be someone else’s idea of what’s considered normal…

What’s considered the box of society entraps most people to the idea of what others consider normal and unless this can be seen so you can go beyond it, there will be acceptance of someone else’s idea as your own…

Stepping outside the box of what is considered normal as far as society goes is a must if you’re to go beyond the trap of the ideas of others. You may ask why would a person want to go beyond what’s considered the box of society and here’s why, the so called box is based in form and to be attached to form is the cause of suffering; it’s as simple as that. With the attachment to the senses (form) life will still occur, it just won’t be experienced as fully as it can be. There will still be experiences, how can there not be with one being alive, but they will be dictated by form and there’ll be much nonsense associated with them. The so called box entraps you the ideas of what others think is considered normal and unless you can see this to go beyond it, you’ll accept someone else’s idea as your own. It’s an easy trap to get snared in because the bait is so enticing.

This plays right into the reward system that‘s considered the society’s box. Who does anything that doesn’t have the reward of pleasure associated with it? This can be applied to just about anybody and anything. When was the last time you purposely did something that you knew was going to be unpleasant with no reward attached to it? This is pivotal in understanding the process of the Conditioned Mind because until you can just be with whatever arises without judging it or associating it with pleasure, the society box syndrome will be what dictates the life you’re living and it will probably be someone else’s idea of what’s considered normal…

Being an Asset

When you don’t have the constant pull for pleasure the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talent is in you for its betterment; you become its assets…

Remove the things that cause you to suffer, they are greed, hate, and delusion and it’s because of their essence that there’s suffering. Addiction to sense pleasures is of a lower vibration. The core of this belief is the more the sense pleasures are satisfied the happier you will be. Satisfying these pleasures are not an issue until they produce craving, that‘s when problems arise. Remove this mask and what you will be left goes beyond anything you can imagine.

The bondage of seeking pleasure is not only sought by just about everyone, it has been in place for eons. Forget about getting beyond it, it’s no small feat just becoming aware of this. When there is awareness of this and you’re able to go beyond the pleasure seeking, the results are miraculous. There’s no telling what may arise and what may be experienced when pleasure seeking takes a back seat. Your creative energy will go in a direction not previously known and this is because the pleasure seeking that’s been in place has been blocking it from arising.

When there’s not the constant pull for pleasure, the mind settles and the Universe works with whatever talent is in you for its betterment. There may be a musician, a painter, a gardener or botanist, or even a writer inside you, who knows a book may even come out of it. I guarantee you this, whatever it is that comes from your creative energy it will be based in love which will make you an asset to humanity because that’s just the way the Universe rolls…

Beneath the Surface

Beneath the surface of mind activity there’s nothing but space. This is difficult to see because life isn’t about what you think it is, in fact life is everything you think it isn’t, but it’s not seen because of trying to figure it out on the surface…

Round and round it goes where it stops nobody knows. This is a perfect example of the surface mind activity that’s in place for most people. One thought after another, no space, no quietness, just the surface mind activity of the world manifesting as thought. If you could just sit back in the space where the noise subsides, there’s a chance to truly see what Jesus and the Buddha spoke of. If you think you have an idea of what life is about, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that’s just noise. There are no answers to what life is about, but the more solid you make existence, the more you will think you have life figured out. I’m not saying I know what life is about, but I do know what it isn’t about and that it has nothing to do with what is seen on the surface. The more controlled you are by the surface senses, the less life is experienced. Below the mind activity of the senses is the only place where life is truly experienced. You can travel all around the world and make up the story of all the beauty around you, but it’s only a story conjured up to provide surface pleasure and store it as a pleasurable memory. Beneath the surface no story is needed, no pleasure is needed, in fact nothing is needed because this is where true life exist.

Think about it, your entire life is a story until one day it isn’t; every storied experience is taken with you as if they never occurred. You may have thought them to be needed so you could make sense of your life, but really they mean absolutely nothing because they’re all created from the mind activity of the surface senses. Buddha talked about of delusion, Jesus spoke of not being of this world, what do you think they were talking about? If you remain trapped to the surface mind activity, you will remain in your suffering. Beneath the surface mind activity there’s the possibility of truly seeing what life is about. Why there’s difficulty in seeing this is because life isn’t about anything that you think it is. In fact it’s about everything you think it isn’t and this is because of the trying to figure it out with what’s on the surface…

Surface View

If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the surface view will have less control as your mind distractions subside; without these distractions you will never have a need to reach for anything…

If you’re always seeing life from the surface view of what the eyes see, what is seen will be judged accordingly and what’s going on beneath the surface will not be noticed. Although with an surface minded view life still goes on, but it’s very limited almost to the point of being delusional; I say this because it’s how I lived for forty nine years and it caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was self created and controlled by the surface view, although this wasn’t understood at the time. A surface view is one where there‘s constant reaching and the reaching is caused by the mind distractions which aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for something without giving it much thought regardless if it’s beneficial or not. In that moment the Conditioned Mind declares it beneficial, but this is a big fat lie.

The surface view will only be noticed when the Conditioned Mind stops its incessant distractions. You will have to be able to just be for the distractions to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if the mind is distracted from being focused on the forest. This surface view is strictly mind based, hence the reason it’s not conducive to your well being; there are so many things on the surface to cause distractions one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the surface view will be in control because the mind distractions will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach for something will be lessened as it’s probably the first time in your life that the surface view has taken a back seat…

A Delusional Reality

To expose your created delusions why they’re being created needs to be revealed. If this innerstanding doesn’t occur the delusions will remain which in turn will make them your reality…

The way the base of our thoughts are formulated determines if you see what actually occurs in life or if life becomes the delusional reality of the formulated thoughts. Because of the lack of clarity of truth in most lives, this creates two realities occurring at the same. One is what’s actually occurring and the other is thoughts of what’s occurring. The more unaware you are of this, the more your thoughts make up a story (our illusion) of life instead of living a life of what’s actually occurring.

If this is how you’re living, it makes for a very unproductive existence because a made up life is being lived; when this happens a persons entire existence is delusional. Thoughts are the base of all delusions because without the belief of something (thought) it’s impossible for a delusion to exist. All delusions start with a thought that it is real, but the thought isn’t what’s actually occurring so two realities are happening at the same time, one is created (the thought) and one just is. The one you live your life by determines if it’s based in what’s actually occurring or if you’re living a delusional life created by the Conditioned Mind. There’s living your given life (what is) or there’s life made up. It can be a delusion created by your thoughts or it can be the reality of what is. There are always two realities to choose from, but to expose the delusional one why it’s created needs to be revealed. If this doesn’t occur the delusion remains as reality which in turn makes your life delusional…

Lost in Belief

When there’s a belief you need something to provide peace, it means you’re lost in this thought. Until this is innerstood, you’ll remain lost in the belief (thought) that peace is something to find…

There will never be peace in your life if you’re lost in the belief of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioning, we get lost in the belief that peace is something to find. Unfortunately beliefs are what makes the very thing you’re seeking (peace) elusive. Beliefs are the reason there’s constant reaching for something from the outside, and until these beliefs are no more, you’ll remain lost in the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for anything is the proof that you’re lost. I can’t stress this enough as being lost in the beliefs of your thoughts has to be seen if you’re to ever experience true peace.

The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if you’re to ever experience peace is there has to be an innerstanding of what’s blocking you from peace; the reason why there isn’t peace is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises, lost in belief begins. This is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break. Peace isn’t something that can be grabbed so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost in trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within, the belief associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it’s there. This isn’t easy to see so I assist where possible, but this isn’t offered to help you find peace, it’s offered so you may possibly uncover the reason why you’re lost in the belief you’re not at peace…

Conditioned Wants

All wants are conditioned driven, it matters little to life or the Universe whether they’re fulfilled or not. You can make up a story fulfilling your wants matters, but that’s your story not life’s…

You can want things a certain way, but to life this doesn’t really matter. Life isn’t a respecter of wants, it will allow things for its betterment at times. If you’re one of the instruments which are being used in this capacity you’re truly blessed because you are probably assisting others in a unique way. This doesn’t make you special, but it does allow you to be free of the self centeredness that holds most of the world in captivity. Wants are conditioned driven, it matters little to life or the Universe whether they’re fulfilled or not. You can make up a story fulfilling your wants matters, but that’s your story not life’s. Fulfill every want in your life and at the end of it you will have exactly what you would’ve had had no want been fulfilled.

It always makes me laugh when I’m watching a baseball game and a player hits a home run followed by pointing upward, as if something is watching and cares more about the person hitting the home run as opposed to the pitcher giving it up. What happens when the person strikes out, which is inevitable, I’m waiting for the day when a person who strikes out points downward. All these stories mean nothing to the Universe, they’re like prayers, regardless if they seem to work out or not, they too are just stories. Who’s suppose to answer them anyway, God, good luck with that. Things will always work out the way they work out; the Universe (life) doesn’t really care if they do or don’t. Wants are only held onto because they’re thought to be needed, but because life isn’t a respecter of wants, suffering occurs because that’s what you not life has in place…

Past Emotions

If you keep bringing the past into the present, the past will be where you live your life. Why this is unfortunate is because all of the emotional pain of the past will also be carried into the present…

The amount of times one relives something that causes emotional pain is purely mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this; it probably happens hundreds maybe even thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past is constantly brought into the present and although the body is in the present moment, the mind is constantly somewhere else. This is the constant state that most people live their life from and if nothing is done to change this, it will continue until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory, nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth. If you don’t look at it, you will more likely remain stuck in the maze of your thoughts without a way out.

Humanity seems to have lost its way and it’s because looking at ourselves is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone else, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and keep your head in the sand in the hopes everything will work out or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent and stop attaching to the thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all it’s the same thoughts that are constantly arising and if they’re not attached to, eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated emotional suffering they cause…

Observed Energy

The quality of any life in this form is determined by the observed energy, as this energy builds on itself this determines what the base of that life will be…

This is very important to observe the energy you live by, it will either come from the heart or the head; this is observed or it isn’t. When this is observed, living from the heart naturally becomes the way you live. Energy builds on itself regardless of what it is, to me this is the “Law of Attraction” as it has been revealed to me. When my energy is observed in stillness what becomes my life’s direction is all derived from stillness. This isn’t a doing of mine, it’s a transformation occurring from stillness itself.

What’s unfortunate about this is the opposite is also true, at least this has been my experience. For years my observed or unobserved energy was based to self serve and although I mostly got what I wanted, there wasn’t much satisfaction. This self serving energy built on itself and it doesn’t take a genius to see why my life prior to my shift was the way it was; the energy to self serve manifested in the only way it could. What energy is in place will be what’s manifested, there’s no way around this; you can only be what your energy is.

Sit with this and observe your energy and see how it builds on itself. Life doesn’t make it what it is, the observation of energy makes it what it is. To a large degree we are all the creators of our own reality and that reality will be determined by our energy observed. Positive, negative, noisy, quiet, one of these will build your life. It’s not up to the outside circumstances that determines this, when energy is observed from outside circumstances this determines how they are dealt with, how they are built on and the way future circumstances will be dealt with. You can only build upon the energy in place and that’s determined by what your observed energy is based in. The life you build is up to you, you alone are the creator of your reality because your observed energy builds on itself…

The Fulfillment Chase

For most seeking fulfillment is something that’s constant and it’s a direct link to what keeps the mind in a state of agitation. When things are accepted as they are seeking fulfillment is no longer needed…

We live in a fulfillment cultured society, when it’s cold we desire warmth, when it’s hot we desire to be cool. Chasing after this fulfillment is how many people spend their entire lives, and if it’s not learned to be with the discomforts of what happens and not constantly push them away, there will be very little peace in one’s life. We life mostly in a place where we’re afraid of this discomfort because it means facing ourselves. Although our true essence is the love of all creation this isn’t seen because the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow it.

Once awareness is developed that allows some discipline to at least slow the mind down, it can be seen how chasing after fulfillment occupies most of our waking hours; we’re in a constant fix it mode trying to have things the way we think they need to be in order to be fulfilled. The problem with this is nothing stays the same so we have to constantly make adjustments. It’s truly exhausting to live this way, but it’s the way most people live. It doesn’t have to be this way, but the only way it won’t be is if you can be with what occurs and not want it any different than what it is. This doesn’t mean you can’t have fulfillment, just understand fulfillment isn’t what allows you to be at peace, only accepting things as they are will and that’s only because you see the fulfillment in that…

Change Happens

Change happens, it’s a natural part of the process of life. Resistance to change also happens, but not to those who have the wisdom to accept it and innerstand it doesn’t have to be this way…

To know that in life anything can happen is to innerstand the nature of change, and to innerstand the nature of change is to innerstand the nature of life. There’s so much wisdom in this innerstanding that once you become aware that the essence of life is change, you will not be able to truly hold onto anything. The Conditioned Mind will try, but with this wisdom comes the freedom of non attachment. Non attachment allows you to accept change so resistance doesn’t block you from remaining in your place of peace. Change happens, being controlled by it doesn’t have to be.

Wisdom does not just happen to a person, it takes quietness from within to become aware of what is the most beneficial way to react to life. This is wisdom being brought into alliance with Universal Love so it just doesn’t become the way we live our life, it becomes the way we want to live our life. It doesn’t mean everything becomes perfect, it just allows for a solid direction that puts you in harmony with life. When this occurs and life does its thing which is to constantly change, because a wisdom base has been established you don’t get emotionally controlled by the changes of life. Life may never seem perfect, but alas it always is. Whatever it is that’s occurring is perfection because it what’s happening. You may not like it, but that’s not life’s imperfection, it’s yours.

When you innerstand the wisdom of non attachment you can be with life and all its changes. If you let these changes control you, your reaction to these changes will not be conducive to your well-being and you will suffer. Acceptance of change is the acceptance of peace. Non acceptance of change is the cause of so many of our dysfunctional emotional reactions. When the life you are given is accepted as the life that you live, and you see the wisdom of this acceptance, you will react to the changes of life in alliance with Universal Love, not because you have to, but because you want to…

Perfectly Imperfect

A person who lives in a house and is stuck inside because of being unaware there’s an outside is like a person who thinks their thoughts about life are reality…

Being stuck in needing life to be a certain way and wanting it different occurs because of your thoughts. As the road to happy destiny is trudged, your conditioning slowly changes, but your contentment shouldn’t be based on this change. I’ve come to an innerstanding of life that it’s perfect when it’s accepted as it happens. I am perfect in my imperfections, until this was innerstood my searching for perfection remained in place. That’s what the search is really all about anyway, you thinking if things were as wanted it would make life perfect.

For me my searching ended when I innerstood my conditioning is not me. I don’t try to be anything or achieve a certain state; I am what I am. This is my place of peace and the great thing about this is, it’s not dependent on anything. Read your books, sit in meditation, go to the gym, do yoga and what not, but none of these things nor will anything else stop the searching, that is until it’s realized what’s here right now is what you’re searching for.

I’m not labeling these things as good or bad, but as long as there’s searching labels will be applied. This doesn’t have to be, but it will take a mind that’s settled to be aware of this. And just how does the mind settle, pretty much by simply sitting and not thinking life should be different. When this is done the searching stops because it’s realized you already have what you’ve been searching for…

The Gap of Loneliness

When the mind settles the need to reach for something lessens. In the process the gap of loneliness disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of a gap isn’t being created…

The gap of loneliness seems to get wider as one ages, but it doesn’t really, what happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out and regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as, it certainly creates a lot of distractions. There are periods in between the busyness where a person has some idle time and probably feels the gap of loneliness, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience a loneliness that hasn’t been noticed before so it will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the gap.

Eventually the busyness will end for whatever reason, but unfortunately for most people without the busyness the gap of loneliness rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle to fill this gap, but it’s so difficult because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s left, and the list goes on using distraction after distraction. There were very brief periods for me of not needing to reach, but these periods were far a few in between. That is until fourteen years ago when I hit an emotional bottom. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the distractions of my “I” needing to attach to a story. As I sat the mind settled and thus the “I” needing to reach for something lessened. In the process the gap of loneliness disappeared and it was simply because an “I” story of a gap was not being created…

Fulfilling Your Urge

You will fulfill the urge to serve creation or you will fulfill the urge to serve yourself, just understand you will reap from the one that is sown…

You can either be of the human world or you can be of the spiritual world. You can't intentionally flip flop like an on and off switch, it's one or the other; love can't be your guide sometimes. You will fulfill your urge to serve your creator or you will fulfill the urge to serve yourself, just understand you will reap from the one that is sown. And when what's sown is through the love of creation, the energy we emit will be from this love and so will our daily actions. This can only occur because of being not doing and unlike doing when being is the base of our life we will always be fulfilled. How can we bring the love of our creator into the daily actions of our lives when so much of how we have been conditioned has been geared towards the opposite of it? 

It's never the thing on the outside that causes our action, it's always from the conditioning within. Even when this is known it still doesn't automatically lead to love based actions. The dilemma is this, our human side gets in the way of our spiritual nature. We put to much emphasis on the things of the world and not enough practice is done to quiet the mind to allow our creator's love to be the love based actions of our life…

Determined Actions

You will always be led by the things you seek. Whether those things are based in the material world or the spiritual world determines the direction of your actions...

Although many things that one does are deemed spiritual in nature and on the surface are actually for the greater good, they're an action done by the human side which doesn't allow for true spiritual guidance. Doings make for a misguided sense of well-being which has to constantly be fed to remain fulfilled, but your spiritual well-being needs no such feeding, when you can just be and not have the need to do you’ll be fulfilled constantly and you won't have to do a thing for this to occur.

This is very difficult to see because of the way the Conditioned Mind has been developed; it goes back eons. True spirituality is based in being, our human side is based in doing. When we‘re doing the guidance is from the senses which are human, when we’re being our spiritual nature is our guide; when guided by being it’s the love of creation that’s emitted in our daily actions. All the accomplishing and doing in one's life time will not produce the sense of well-being you get from simply being. It may produce money and material success and if that is your goal that’s fine, but don't think for an instant you can serve two masters…

What's Here Now

You can’t change the past and you may not be able to change the way things are right now, but you can live in a way that lets your love shine through by just being with the task at hand and what’s here now…

To love life one must love the task at hand; the task at hand is what’s happening right now. It’s the only place that life can truly be lived. It’s the only place that your love can shine through. If you don’t love the task at hand your love can’t shine. Life can never be better then it is right now because right now is the task at hand. Only the Conditioned Mind makes you think this isn’t so. Life is always lived with what here’s now because what’s here now is always the task at hand. You can wish for things to be different, but it’s your life that’s being wished away. So do what’s in front of you and let your love shine through.

Your path is laid before you, it’s up to you to do the best you can with the tools you have, but there needs to be a clear vision to let your love shine through; it’s very easy to veer off course if there isn’t vigilance. There are many diversions that will try and knock you off it. It’s like our life is one big obstacle course and the obstacles are in place to divert us from the task at hand which is the Here and Now. There’s only one present, one task, one life, but there are many obstacles. One of the main obstacles is the conditioning of wanting things different. The mind tells you if the task at hand was different life would be better, but this is a lie. Things are always the best they can be right now because the present is where life happens. So if you can’t change the way things are right now, you can at least live in a way that lets your love shine through by just doing the task at hand and being with life as it is right now…

Nothing Missing

When your own mind isn’t innerstood there’s very little intuitive living from the heart, thus you live through the mind made stories which are only created because of the thought something is missing…

The one thing I see as missing that provides true and undeniable freedom is the ability to let go of made up stories. Any moment that’s lived outside the realm of the present moment is a story and if not careful even the present moment can be made into a story. I’m not saying anything can be done to do anything about this, it’s just an observation; it shows up in the way one speaks and behaves. People disagree with some of the things I write and that’s because it’s what’s in place in them as it is with what I write, but until one sees a disagreement as only a story “I” will continue to be the greatest ghost writer to ever live.

I don’t profess to know it all and I try to only write what I’ve had direct experience with so when I write it’s usually intuitively from my heart. For me what was missing for far to many years was the inability not to make up stories and these stories occurred for only one reason, it’s what was in place, if it wasn’t the stories wouldn’t have been created. This is why self investigation is so valuable because if one doesn’t know what’s going on inside themselves, there will be no way of understanding others and that’s a huge part of the what’s missing that makes people make up their stories.

Sometimes I respond to things from my conditioning, but for the most part the moment is where I Am; if I’m not there it’s because my conditioning needs a story. Hold onto whatever you think you need to form an identity, but this identity is what makes you think something is missing. which creates the void that’s based in the delusion of “I”. Until this is innerstood you will live a thought based existence and create made up stories because you think something is missing which blocks out living life from your innate intuitiveness…

Backwards View

Accepting everything as it is seems like a very tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a backwards view (wanting things different) and in the process cause your own suffering…

Nothing stays the same so it’s not the changes that occur in life that throw you for a loop, it’s the backwards thinking that things will always be a certain way, this is what makes changes much more difficult to accept. If everything could be accepted as it is you would never be thrown for a loop because the backwards thinking that tells you things should remain as they are wouldn’t occur. Accepting everything as it is seems like a very tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a backwards view and in the process cause your own suffering…

For one to get beyond their backwards thinking, it has to be innerstood that it’s your own mind that’s causing it. Life is what’s seen through the way it’s created and its created through how it’s viewed. Why a view is considered backwards is because of how rigid the mindset is when changes occur and it isn’t accepted. This rigidness keeps the mind closed to the conditioning that sees things backwards; if this conditioning isn’t changed nor will the backwards thinking change. It’s not that front side thinking needs to be implemented, all that’s needed is to be aware of the backwards thinking. Awareness is key in change because it allows for acceptance and when the world can be accepted as it is, good, bad, or indifferent, then just maybe one can think in a way that’s up front…

Pacifier Energy

If humanity is to ever unite, the selfish energy in place will have to fall away. If it doesn’t the energy that makes an adult a pacifier sucking baby will continue to be reinforced…

We are a divided society because of selfishness and we only want things as we think they should be; when they’re not look out. Just look at what’s going on in the world, so much is being done from selfish energy. Selfish energy is separating energy and that’s the point people are missing; I would write this same article regardless of who was in charge if the same behavior was being exhibited. As long as we as a people act selfishly by succumbing to selfish energy, it doesn’t matter what happens it will never go the way that it’s wanted so the selfish energy will always be in control. I see this in me and I don’t enjoy it very much when it arises because it causes suffering to me and all those around me. When this selfish energy rears its ugly head and circumstances that don’t go your way your conditioning justifies the behavior to cement this selfishness deeper inside.

Most people will justify their selfish behavior by lying to themselves that they’re only opposing something because it what’s best for everyone, but that’s one of the tools selfish energy uses. This article is about the energy of selfishness making babies out of adults who need a pacifier to suck on and cause undue suffering to humanity. Here’s the kicker, the moment this isn’t agreed with it causes separation between us and lo and behold the selfish energy is reinforced and so your contribution to humanity suffers. The very thing that’s being opposed is the very thing that’s being reinforced in yourself. This is how energy works and if we are ever going to unite as a people, selfishness will have to fall away at some point, if it doesn’t the energy that makes an adult a pacifier sucking baby will continue to be reinforced…

Fake Answers

Because of the way a person becomes conditioned, life is seen as if there are answers that fit into certain spots. This is why one is constantly making up fake answers; you think they will make life better…

The issue with having to constantly have life as if there were certain answers that make it better is it’s all fake. Even if there’s some semblance of contentment with these fake answers almost immediately the mind looks for another answer. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (fake answers) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true you would see life as complete and wouldn’t constantly need to have it to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been programmed to do instead of be so it can only do what it’s programmed to do; it needs answers and fake ones fit just fine.

The Conditioned Mind sees fake answers in just about everything. Sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, success, porn, the shortest line in the supermarket, God, religion, programs, diets, degrees, a todo list, and so on, all this fakeness is strictly done to put another made up answer in place; this makes you think life will be perfect with this answer. Let’s say everyday you make up a new fake answer, if you are fifty that would mean you made up roughly 18,250 fake answers, 365 x 50, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way I think it should be (fake). After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but even if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly arrange life to make it complete with fake answers…

Trapped in Thought

When there’s a need to reach for something because of a mind agitation you’re trapped in thought. Until this is seen you will remain trapped in the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for…

You will never find the peace you’re seeking if you’re trapped in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way the mind becomes conditioned you get trapped in the thought that peace is something outside of you. Unfortunately this makes the very thing you’re seeking (peace) impossible to grasp. This being trapped is the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until this is seen you will remain trapped in the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, and on and on, this reaching is proof you’re trapped. This can’t be stress enough as this being trapped in thought has to be seen if you’re to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to peace, but what does have to happen to experience peace is there has to be an innerstanding of why you’re not at peace; that there isn’t peace is only because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises being trapped in thought begins. This is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break free from. Peace isn’t something attained or achieved so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Too many people get lost (trapped) in trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within you, finding it needs to be discarded so you can see. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I write. Understand though, I don’t write to help anyone find peace, I write so being trapped in thought can be seen for what it is; the cause of why you are not at peace…

Innerstanding the Lie

Those who claim to know truth, but don’t innerstand the lie remain a slave to the lie. You needn’t have all the answers to know truth, you just need to innerstand how not to be a slave to the lie…

Someone mentioned to me it’s arrogant to claim to know truth and what makes me so sure that what I see is really truth. I responded, “I know truth because I innerstand the lie.” You see truth isn’t about having all the answers, it’s innerstanding all the lies. At one time I thought I had all the answers and it was a problem because since I had all the answers I was ignorant of the lies which made me ignorant of truth; I couldn’t know truth if I didn’t innerstand the lie.

Several years ago I began developing a practice of quietness which opened up an innerstanding of what it was to be a slave to the lie, and I say “was” because in truth I am a slave no more. I know the poison of the lies of greed, hate, and delusion and choose not to allow them to control me. I know how living selfishly and being judgmental causes not only myself to suffer, but those around me to suffer as well; because this is innerstood I am provided with tools so I can live differently. If I wasn’t aware of these lies I wouldn’t be aware of truth.

The ultimate delusion is by a person who claims to know truth, but doesn’t even innerstand the lies; this is the place most people live. Many state that there are different versions of truth and no one can know all truth or truth of another, but it has been my experience that there aren’t different versions of lies, a lie is a lie, so there aren’t different versions of truth. When you innerstand lies you will innerstand truth. Another’s truth can be known because another’s lie can be known, but it can only be known by innerstanding your own lie. Remember truth is not about having all the answers, its innerstanding all the lies. The lies the world present are the gateway to Universal Truth because they are the gateway of innerstanding worldly lies. So all truth can be known, but only when one innerstands their own lies…

A Fictitious Identity

The more attached you are to your given name the more a fictitious identity is created. When this is exposed it leads not so much to knowing who you are, but more so to the truth of who you are not…

One day as I was sitting in silence it was revealed to me that it took neatly forty nine years to develop an identity to a fictitious self along with all the tools I thought were needed to make me who I thought I was suppose to be. For the last fourteen years I have be undoing what my Conditioned Mind developed because it was thought to be the most beneficial way to live. This fictitious self began at the time of birth when my parents named me for the purpose of society having a way to identify me. This name was then attached to by a self that wasn’t formed yet, but it slowly was being developed into a fictitious identity.

On this day the lie was exposed for me as it will be for everyone I gather; for most it will remain in place until the time of death. Although for many death itself will be the time of this exposure you may never become be aware of it. For those who do awaken to the fallacy of this fictitious identity there’s a freedom that occurs which can only be known in the space of non attachment to this made up fictitious self. Bondage is in the belief that you are what you think you are, freedom is in the knowing that you are not. The more the lie of this fictitious identity is exposed the more you’ll see the truth that the fictitious self doesn’t really exist. In this truth there’s a knowing not of who you are, but of who you are not, and it’s in the exposure of this lie that sets you free because you are no longer in the prison of your fictitious identity…

A Pause

A pause is all that’s needed for the Universe to connect with the love of your heart. This pause is how the energy of love will make you and the entire world different…

If it was possible to pause before every response the world would be so different. Sit with this pause and envision it. I know my conditioned responses have led to most of the problems I had with people and with life itself. Life and people do their thing and I respond instantly, but today the responses are much more conducive to harmony because there is usually a pause between the response and my reaction. It wasn’t always this way and it isn’t this way all the time, but it’s becoming more and more the way of many of my reactions because of this pause when something happens. Like I said not always, but more often than not.

A pause happens because of the discipline developed by sitting. What this does is it stops the Conditioned Mind Patterns from their automatic response based in the self serving mind; a pause allows for the possibility of those patterns to be broken. When this occurs it opens the heart to the truth that sets you free. Self serving reactions will not fall away on their own, it will take much sitting to develop the necessary discipline for a pause to occur. All it takes is a pause for not only your existence to become different, but also the entire world. When responses to life are from this pause, they arise from the energy of love and slowly but surely the world responds with love. This has to occur, it’s the law of love and all it takes is a pause…

Eternal View

God’s love is not something that anyone can possess, it can only possess you. It‘s everlasting because it’s eternal…

The eternal view will fill any void because it’s not based in an object out there somewhere. It’s an inner view that doesn’t need objects. So what happens is this; what’s being used to fill the void is God’s eternal, merciful, limitless love. God’s love is not something that anyone can possess, it can only possess you; it’s everlasting because it’s eternal. Nothing from the material world is eternal so nothing from it will ever fill your everlasting void. This is why people are always searching because the proper filler isn’t being used. What’s being used to fill the void is limited fillers.

If you can truly understand this you probably had a shift in being already so the way you view life and the things you hold onto are from the eternal love of God instead of one from the material view. This shift is what makes a persons path different, nothing else. If your view doesn’t shift, then your view will not change and you will keep using the material fillers to fill your void. This in turn will not allow you to see that what you’re using to fill the void isn’t working and if you do not see this, you will remain on the path with the majority of the world and you will keep searching and trying to fill your void with the fillers of the world that will never fill your void…