Random Thinking

The thoughts you think can be cultivated to be based in love, but it'll take much practice to develop the discipline to watch your random thoughts and it will only happen if it’s allowed…

There are as many different views of life as there are people. Not any one is entirely right or wrong. We each have our unique way of perceiving and interpreting life, but that's not where our differences manifest from. The base of what is perceived and our interpretations is where our differences start to create separation in unity and that’s when conflicts ensue, but the real conflict is always with yourself. If we all viewed life from the base of love than love would be the base of existence. It is Universally base in love, but then comes each individual perception and interpretation. This is where the break down occurs. Because the mind isn't taught discipline as we are growing up, it runs amok, trying to satisfy pleasures and desired that are created by an undisciplined mind. This random thoughts are the greatest misgiving to ourselves and to all beings.

Because of these random thoughts we become our own worst enemy. If all we had were thoughts of love, conflict within ourselves would be non existent. And if we have no conflict with ourselves we wouldn't have any conflict with others. No one can do the harm to us that we can do to ourselves, but when we get quiet and this becomes known, we can start becoming aware of our random thoughts and stop being our own worst enemy. We can then start loving ourselves the way the Universe intended, and in the process love all beings…

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Staying Focused

Conveying a message of consciousness to an unconsciousness world will mostly get you unconscious results, but staying focused is to know your intentions and actions are from your heart…

What happens when you do something that you’re sure is for the greater good, but the results aren’t what you were expecting. Even though what you did seemed to be in line with the greater good, the results aren’t. Don’t let results deter you from being led by your heart. Stay focused. Our intentions and actions matter more then their results. We cannot control results as much as we can control what we can do. You can not let results influence your focus.

Living with what life gives you means you cannot be in the business of results. It will only take away from your focus because thinking you need certain results is strictly from the head, results are ego driven. Trying to convey a message of consciousness to an unconsciousness world will mostly get you unconscious results. It will be slow going and much perseverance will be needed, but if what you do is from love, someone’s unconscious results will not deter you from doing what’s for the greater good. Life is our judge, not people. We have to answer to the person in the mirror and that’s the person who needs to understand the intentions and actions of what one is doing. When this occurs even if it doesn’t seem as though what you are doing produces the expected results, you know the greater good isn’t measured by results, it’s measured by knowing what’s in your heart and staying focused on that…

Lying Mind

When truth is experienced no longer do you listen to your mind because it’s understood you shouldn’t believe what your mind tells you because most of it isn’t true…

Don’t believe what your mind tells you because most of what it tells you just isn’t true. It will tell you the past is real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. It will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. It will tell you to hold onto the belief of a self, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist; truth is you are always changing and are in a constant state of flux. It will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. It will make up beliefs that everything you desire is needed, but if none of those desires come to pass, nothing happens; even if they get fulfilled, the satisfaction doesn’t last. Then there’s this thing the mind calls the ego, this is like the monster in the closet, it exist until you open the closet. There’s also not a need to get rid of the ego because it doesn’t really exist; except in your mind.

Then there’s the mirror image who was given a name for identification purposes, you think you’re that name. If the name is different are you someone else? Only to the mind because the form always remains the same. There will be many lies held onto that just aren’t true, but unfortunately the more “I” is attached to, the truer they seem. To truly be free the lies will have to be revealed, this revelation is you find out you don’t exist in the way your mind tells you. When this truth is revealed, no longer do you listen to your mind because you understand you shouldn’t believe everything it tells you because just about none of it is true…

Refusing "I"

Needing to reach for an object happens because “I” makes this so. Only refusing to cling to “I” will there be results of freedom and this is because it’s the refusing that provides the letting go…

When you’re caught clinging to an object of desire and it takes hold of all your attention, the only way to break free of this is to have awareness you’re caught. Once this occurs refusing the object is the only way the hold will be broken. The object doesn’t matter in the sense in can be anything from a person, place, or thing, including yourself, but what does matter is seeing whatever it is that’s making you cling. There are so many different objects used that you will have to decipher for yourself what holds you. The clinging is different only because of the object used, but the refusing is the same because not reaching is not reaching. Many people stop smoking only to cling to using food and eventually go back to using cigarettes. This is just one example, substitution is rampant in our society and this keeps one locked into the clinging and remaining on the merry go round of using objects.

Refusing whatever it is you desire is where you will experience true freedom. Why this is difficult for most people to truly see is because “I” isn’t understood as the core of the clinging and this is why substitutions are so prevalent. If the clinging results in using drugs or alcohol as its object, when a program is used to stop using them, unless one refuses “I” drugs and alcohol will most likely be used again. Why this occurs is because the program is clung to and although you may have stopped using drugs and alcohol, the program is used as a substitute; substituting one object for another doesn’t provide freedom. Refusing “I” will result in freedom and that’s because it’s the refusing that provides it. This is why the object doesn’t matter because it’s “I” that makes you cling and it’s only in refusing “I” that you will be free…

Delusional Reality

To expose your created delusions, why they’re being created needs to be understood. If this understanding doesn’t occur your reality will remain a delusion which in turn makes your life delusional…

The way the base of our thoughts are formulated determines if one sees what actually occurs in life or if life becomes the delusional reality of formulated thoughts. Because of the lack of clarity of truth in most peoples lives, this creates two realities occurring at the same. One is what is actually occurring and the other is your thoughts of what’s occurring. The more unaware you are of this the more your thoughts make up a story of life instead of living a life of what’s actually occurring.

If this is how you’re living, it makes for a very unproductive existence because a delusional life is being lived, and when this happens a persons entire existence is delusional. It’s like a magic trick, no matter how real it seems it’s always a trick. To expose what makes delusions seem real and how the trick is done needs to be revealed. It’s the same with our life, to expose the created delusions, how they’re being created needs to be revealed. If this understanding doesn’t occur the delusion remains as reality.

Our thoughts are the base of all delusions because without the belief of something (thought) it’s impossible for the delusion to exist. All delusions start with a thought that’s considered real, but the thought isn’t what’s actually occurring so two realities are happening at the same time, one is created (the thought) and one just is. The one you live your life by determines if it’s based in what’s actually occurring or if you’re living a delusional life created by the Conditioned Mind; there’s living a life of what is or there’s life made up. It can be a delusional creation of your thoughts or it can be the reality of what is. There are always two realities to choose from, but to expose the delusional one why it’s created needs to be revealed. If this doesn’t occur the delusion remains as reality which in turn makes life delusional…

Present Moment Contact

Present moment contact with life simply occurs because you’re alive, as a matter of fact it even occurs when you aren’t alive, there just isn’t awareness that present moment contact is happening…

Because of the way the conditioned mind operates present moment contact with life is put into a category of pleasant and unpleasant, there are also times it seems present moment contact is neither. The only reason anyone has an issue with life is because it’s desirable to have each present moment contact pleasant, but this is impossible because life isn’t designed this way. Not that life does anything to anyone, but things do happen that can be considered downright nasty. Case in point, having a toothache. I can attach that the process going on is unpleasant, but it wouldn’t change what’s happening, it would only change the degree of suffering; the suffering would be a direct result of attaching to wanting it different. This doesn’t mean I like what’s happening, but I can be with the state of it being unpleasant and not attach the label to it.

Life just rolls along, it stops for nothing. The present moment contact is one continuous motion. It may seem like individual things happening, but that’s only because of the way we have been conditioned to use time and break life up into segments. The unpleasant is constantly pushed away to try and make room for the pleasant as if when one decides it’s pleasant it makes life perfect. But for there not to be suffering, life has to be seen as perfect with what’s happening right now, only because that’s what’s there. The Conditioned Mind wants life pleasant all the time and until you can be with the unpleasant the same as the pleasant there will be self created suffering. This is because you will always be trying to arrange present moment contact the way you think it should be (pleasant) and not be with what’s actually happening…

Mind Chatter

A chattering mind won't quiet on its own regardless of what belief system is followed. Beliefs actually hinder the quieting because they're a response to the mind chatter that blocks your inner contentment...

If your mind chatter is in control and running your life, it doesn't matter much what's going on, it's going to be difficult to be in a place of contentment. It's such a chattering world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outside when the answer is within. What the chatter actually is and how it's created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that's conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind chatter. This is how the chatter of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to your inner contentment. Mind chatter is created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind chatter.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the chatter, but it’s just not something that's going to happen on its owns. Isn't it beautiful that your peace is in your hands, it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little peace so it's up to each individual to do what's necessary to stop the mind noise. As you practice being in the moment the mind noise quiets and you're left with an inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time and it will probably not happen while you are alive in this form...

A Storied Existence

A story needs a title for it to be created. You supply the titles of your stories when you live from a storied existence. Without your story your innate Divinity arises naturally without a need to create it…

How attached you are to your stories is related to how much you’re connected to your storied existence. The more the storied existence controls you, the less you’re in alignment with your Divine nature. Just think about how the stories occur. When there’s wanting, who is the individual who wants? I is always the common denominator of a story and that’s where most existences are derived from. I want this, I want that, I don’t like this, I want this different, I want, I want, I want, all this wanting is just an “I” story that keeps you from experiencing your own Divinity. Without a storied existence there won’t be a title created so there will be enough quietness to hear the Divine urging that is your true inner calling.

Life is always occurring in the Divine of the present moment. Why this isn’t known by more people is because of the attachment to the storied existence. The Divine is not a story, it’s Divine so it doesn’t need a story, it simply is. It’s our human development of a storied existence that doesn’t make this known. Anyone who has any inkling of truth in their life has at least minimized their attachment to creating a storied existence. It’s the only way to get quiet enough to realize not only are you not your thoughts, but you are also not the title of a created storied existence either…

Merry-Go-Round Mind

The present moment is naturally free flowing when there’s no resistance trying to make it different than what it is. Circular energy of the merry-go-round mind stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate what is…

Being mindful of what’s actually happening at the precise moment it arises minimizes the circular energy of the merry-go-round mind that is used as a distraction to make life the way you think it should be. Mindfulness stops this circular energy by allowing the freedom of the way it is, this becomes the beautiful accepted view of the way it should be. After all wanting the present moment different is where all the merry-go-round mind distractions arise from. When you’re simply mindful of what arises as it arises, there isn’t a need for a story so your selfish nature doesn’t come into play. As this occurs the love of the heart naturally becomes the default operating energy of life.

Our selfishness become a created prison because it doesn’t allow for the natural flow of life’s energy; we become embedded in the circular energy of the merry-go-round mind. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow as it becomes the energy of a lower vibration. Why this circular energy causes issue is because it bombards the present moment with an unnatural energy flow which doesn’t allow unity. The present moment is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance of needing anything different than what’s there. Circular energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate what’s there’s so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of present moment energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is the awareness of being aware, there’s no merry-go-round mind circular energy here, there’s just the present moment energy of what actually arises…

Imperfectly Perfect

Most people will say life is perfect if everything is going their way, it can always be perfect regardless of the circumstances, but only if it’s seen how all things are impermanent, including life itself…

If you think life is imperfect it will be imperfect, and if you think it’s imperfect, but say it’s perfect, it will still be a imperfect. I equate this to whistling in the dark to keep away the bogeyman. As long as you’re whistling the distraction will keep it in check, but the moment you stop the bogeyman returns. The key is to identify why you think life is imperfect and be with it as it is. People say be positive, but being positive to me doesn’t change the facts of why I am labeling life imperfect instead of perfect. Unpleasant stuff does happen in life and if it’s just masked over it becomes ingrained as an energy pattern in the subconscious that never goes away. This is how life becomes imperfect instead of perfect. Life itself is always perfect, it’s people who are conditioned to make it something else, this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind.

Most people will say life is perfect if everything is going their way, it can be perfect regardless of the circumstances, but the circumstances shouldn’t be ignored. Life will be perfect when it’s seen in the light of how all things are impermanent including life itself. I get it, being ill, losing a loved one, and many others things that occur in life stink, but what makes you think it stinks is the attachment to what occurs. Labeling it that it stinks doesn’t change what’s occurring, it only changes where life is put on the perfect/imperfect scale. When the true essence of life (impermanence) is understood, it puts life on the perfect scale regardless of what’s going on because it’s seen one day life in this form simply will not be…

Reaching Crutch

Reaching is like wishing your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It's used as a crutch because what's occurring right now is always what's here as opposed to reaching for the present moment to be different…

Many people think reaching is something that's needed, but it's used strictly as a crutch by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It's a direct cause of suffering as it makes you believe it's something that's needed by making you live life in the future. The Conditioned Mind does this by telling you the present moment isn't good enough and it needs to be different. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way, and maybe on the surface they would be, but inward is where one derives the perception that makes life what it is; so it will be a life of suffering or one of contentment. Even if what is reached for is attainable, it won't last, especially when it's from the surface. Inward there is a slight better chance for it to have a lasting affect, but this is only if one is awake enough to see this.

Let's say you're diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing reaching does is it makes you wish the diagnoses was different, but it doesn't change the fact of what is occurring right now. The illness remains regardless of what's reached for. If your life isn't needed to be different and it's accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment and this is regardless of what's occurring. This is because right now is the only place of true existence so it’s important to see this, not in the future, but right now because right now doesn’t need to be reached for because it already exist…

Mind Nonsense

Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of your Conditioned Mind nonsense the nonsense loses its hold falls away and peace naturally arises…

If you are always doing something this is because of the unawareness of how the Conditioned Mind is in control. Without awareness you won’t be able to apply the brakes and stop doing so the nonsense of your conditioning will remain in place. This nonsense of the Conditioned Mind will not be seen by a mind that's attached to it. I woke up this morning and my postings for the day were done because I did it at night, so my mind began to look for something to do. This is the value of awareness because instead of blindly following the nonsense of doing, I was able to look down at my feet which immediately stopped the nonsense energy needing to do something. You cannot put a price tag on this awareness because life is so much different then when it's full of the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind.

Do this, do that, look over there, if only, I should, I wish, I want, I need, why did I do that, these is just some of the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind which literally wrecks havoc on life. Without awareness, this havoc is the controlling energy of life and unfortunately this is the energy of most lives. What makes this so damaging is because most people are oblivious that the nonsense exist so it's nonsense after nonsense. When there's awareness of the nonsense you can say stop, this immediately transforms your energy from needing to do something to peace. Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of your Conditioned Mind nonsense it loses its hold as the need to do something falls away and peace naturally arises…

What's Allowed In

When I need conditioning isn't allowed in there's much more peace in your life, but this isn't because peace is allowed in, it's because nonsense isn't allowed in so naturally there’s peace...

Much goes on in the day to day living and for the most part there's no control over what happens. Even if there was, with the way the Conditioned Mind has been developed, it wouldn't change the way things are. The first thing that has to happen for the possibility of any change to take place is you have to understand what's being allowed in to shape your day to day hence the moment to moment existence. Much is viewed throughout the day, but it's mostly allowed in through the default setting of the conditioning in place. It's allowed in, but it's not done with any sense of awareness so it leads to being controlled like a puppet on a string. There's no choice in this until there is, but unfortunately until there is, you will allow in things that aren't beneficial and hence if it's not beneficial it will cause much trouble and suffering.

Think about the things that are attached to, the list is basically endless, the problem with this is not much that's grabbed is truly beneficial. We are a species that has lost its way and it's because of what is allowed in. There is a nothingness to life that has to be seen so one can decipher if what they have been conditioned to allow in is beneficial or not. I allowed a lot in for many years that I thought was beneficial, but in truth it kept me in bondage to the need more conditioning. I always needed more so that's what was allowed in, but it was never enough. Today it's much different because to a large degree the need more conditioning isn't controlling what's allowed in so there's much more peace, but this isn't because peace is allowed in, it's because nonsense isn't allowed in so naturally there is peace…

Awakening Propaganda

Sit often and watch your thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It's in this space that you will see all the awakening propaganda holding you in bondage…

With the emergence of the internet there's so much information available on awakening that it really needs to be investigated before you consider using it to assist in your development. Here is the definition of Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view. To see if the information you are using is authentic and truly beneficial, there can't be anything associated with it that forms attachment. Methods, programs, guru's, life coaches, teachers, or anything for that matter is a form of propaganda that’s used to keep you attached; it keeps you entrapped to the very thing you’re trying to break free of. Just as there's a lot of "fake news" out there today, there's also a lot of fake information on awakening. Being awake is not something that's truly understood by many people because most of the information out there is propaganda to keep you in bondage in some way. Those telling you to buy their book, pay for retreats run by paid speakers, or follow (instant bondage) a program are clever to a fault, with the fault being spreading propaganda.

The only thing that’s needed is to the look within so one millisecond of space is created between your thoughts. Once this occurs and there's awareness of it, more and more space will slowly expand; it takes nothing but awareness to expand this space. The propaganda out there that someone's program, book, method or whatever has your answer will keep you in bondage to the very thing you’re trying to break free from. I know people defend their so called guru or people they follow adamantly, but it's only because there's no awareness of the bondage they're in. Sit often and just watch the thoughts come and go, eventually there will be more and more space between them. It's in this space that you will see all the awakening propaganda holding you in bondage…


Restricted Choices

Going through life without an understanding of how your mind works makes your existence much more difficult because it restricts your options, and restricting your options restricts your choices…

We discover the cause of all suffering when we are truly able to see our mind for what it is and understand how it creates feelings and emotions that aren't real. They feel real because of what our association is to them, but their reality is only relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this kind of thinking, we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love; love is what gives us so many more choices in life.

When we stop believing in the nonsense of the self created world of thought, we learn how to allow love to be our guide. This is when we will be able to see our thoughts for what they truly are, disassociate them from who we are and separate the ones that cause suffering and aren't beneficial to anyone; this is when our suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief, it’s something factual and I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot cause anything unless it’s given the energy needed to do so and this is what determines if the thought is held onto or not. The more it’s held onto, the more control it has over you. In the awareness of this is one's freedom. It’s one's own ignorance of this that creates one’s own suffering, and the suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works because it restricts your options and with restricted options your choices are limited…

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Missing Life

So many people are lost chasing life that the true essence of each moment is missed. And if you’re missing the moment because you're chasing it, you will miss your life…

To experience peace, what you’re chasing has to be realized so the chasing can stop. So much life is spent chasing the next fix that most of it is missed. It's always about what's here right now in this moment, but because of the conditioning in place that's the last place where one spends their time. Life itself has nothing to do with the past or future, it's the conditioning in place that needs them to fill in the space created by not being able to live in the present. The real chase of life is learning to be okay in the present, but why the chase remains in place is because one is conditioned to use tools that keeps you from living in the present. It shouldn't be difficult to be present because it's the only true place of existence, but the diabolical conditioned mind wants you to be in every other place except the present.

I was trapped chasing for forty nine years. Although on the surface it seemed I had everything I wanted, the conditioning that made me need to chase was always in place; the chase never stopped. This is why I often say programs, another book, a different job, spouse, car, home, social status, yada, yada, yada, don't stop the chase, because of the conditioning in place as soon as something is grabbed, something else is used to chase after. Positive or negative don't matter in any of this, all that matters is the chase. If you are chasing to be the little engine who could, it's no different than being the little engine who couldn't. So many people are lost chasing life that the true essence of each moment is missed and if you miss the moment because you're chasing it, you will miss your life…

The Need to Reach

When there’s a need to reach for something for satisfaction, it has to be addressed or you‘ll remain in the grip of the reaching and you will always have to satisfy some inner need…

What’s missed by most people is the understanding that all reaching is the same regardless of what’s being reached for. The reaching itself is all the same and make no mistake when you reach you’re in prison. There are so many prisons, from ayahuasca, to Heroin, a Hersey chocolate kiss, love, God, or whatever, the reaching is what needs to be focused on. Nobody just reaches for something, there’s a need to be filled so let’s go and reach for something. This is where the misunderstanding occurs because one thinks reaching for ayahuasca is different than reaching for Heroin. The true nature of the reaching isn’t identified so you remain the same even though the things being used are different. It's easier to justify when you’re reaching to help others than reaching for Heroin, but it’s still reaching to fill a need. I share my experience on why there’s a need to reach. It was revealed to me that reaching is the cause of all my problems because self-centeredness is the reachings supportive energy.

You may think it’s crazy how reaching for God is the same as reaching for a drink of alcohol or that reaching for ayahuasca is the same as reaching for Heroin, but it is because it all arises from the inability to truly be present. If there’s need it will be reinforced by the reaching; if this isn’t understood you’ll remain in your prison. Understanding this is difficult and it’s why I don’t push to develop a program or I won’t become a life coach; to me it’s all nonsense. I will point anyone to look within to find their own inner beauty; the only thing needed is to learn to live with what’s here now. This is what should be pointed to, but because the need to reach isn’t understood there’s reaching for the next fix so you remain its prisoner…

Unconscious Mind Activity

Beneath the unconscious mind activity there’s nothing but space. This is difficult to see because life isn’t about what you think it is. In fact it isn’t about anything you think it is, but it’s not seen because of trying to figure it out through unconscious mind activity…

Round and round the mind goes and where it stops nobody knows. This is a perfect example of unconscious mind activity that’s in place for most people. One thought after another, no space, no quietness, just the noise of thought manifesting itself. If you could just sit back in a space where the noise subsides, there’s a chance to truly see what many mystic’s spoke of. If you think you have an idea of what life is about, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that’s just noise. There are no answers to what life is about and the more solid the existence, the more you will think you have life figured out. I’m not saying I know what life is about, but I do know what it isn’t about and it has nothing to do with what is seen through the eyes. The more you’re controlled by the senses the less life is truly experienced. Below the unconscious mind activity of the senses is the only place where life is truly experienced. You can travel all around the world and make up the story of all the beauty around you, but it’s only a story conjured up to provide sense pleasure and store it as a memory to be used later. Beneath the surface no story is needed, no pleasure is needed, in fact nothing is needed because this is where true life exist.

Think about it, your entire life is a story until one day your story ends. Every experience is taken with you as if they never occurred. They were thought to be needed so you could make sense of your life, but really they mean absolutely nothing because they’re all created from the unconscious mind activity of the senses. Buddha talked about of delusion, Jesus spoke of not being of this world, to me this is what they were talking about? If you remain trapped in unconscious mind activity, you will remain in your suffering. Even those who think they understand this don’t because it’s not something to understand. Beneath the unconscious mind activity there’s nothing but space, this is where the possibility arises of truly seeing what life is about. Why there’s difficulty in seeing this is because life isn’t about anything that you think it is. In fact it’s about everything you think it isn’t and this is because of the trying to figure it out on through unconscious mind activity…

Beyond Mind

If you’re stuck in a mind based existence, you're being held captive by a mind based world. This is a prison you will only be released from by going beyond your mind into the space of Now…

You cannot have a problem in your life that isn't created by your own mind. This doesn't mean things that occur are always beneficial, but regardless of what happens it's your mind that makes something a problem, and it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there's a choice to make it a problem or not. Everyone has this choice, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to be seen. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth arising; without the slowing the necessary quietness that allows this will not happen.

If the mind is the base of your existence noise will be the base of your decisions. This will not allow you to watch the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind and if this nonsense isn't seen, the mind will never slow down and there won't be any Now space created. When life is mind based (unconsciousness) it’s as though life is a struggle. When the mind slows down you can see how it's the Conditioned Mind that takes everything that happens and makes it either problematic or pleasurable. This revelation will assist in breaking free of the hold your mind has over you and you’ll be able to see that you're not the mind, you're beyond the mind (consciousness). This doesn't mean unpleasant things won't happen, on the contrary life will still happen, you just won't allow yourself to make it a problem. When this occurs and you have no created problems with life the next step in the process of going beyond a mind existence into the space of Now will be realized…

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Creating a Need

The Conditioned Mind creates the lie of a need, the heart sees fulfillment beyond the need. Until this is realized you will have to constantly reach for something to try and fill a need that doesn’t exist…

For many years I would say I had this need in me that was created from a lack of love and that’s why I constantly reached outside myself to fill it; I have since come to understand this differently. This need isn’t a need at all, it’s a lie that blocks fulfillment which is the essence of life. It’s where life happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this fulfillment I spent most of my life chasing it with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what was used, each individual has to investigate for themselves what’s on their list. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is spent in the fulfillment that for so long I considered a need; this is the truth that has been revealed to me.

To fill this misunderstood lie is the reason why anyone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this space was understood for what it truly is, humanity would be much different because fulfillment would be the way of the world. The need is a lie the Conditioned Mind creates. By constantly needing the present moment different it keeps you reaching as the need is seemingly always in place. This will have to be understood if the reaching is ever going to stop. When it is understood the need transforms to fulfillment because the present moment doesn’t have to be different. And when the present moment doesn’t have to be different, life reveals its true essence as fulfillment which doesn’t have to be reached for because it’s not needed…

Desire Energy

When you’re not looking to derive pleasure from an arisen desire the desire loses its tantalizing lure, so without being controlled by desire you’re able to be with what’s actually in front of you…

There’s nothing inherently wrong with desire in the sense that it’s good or bad, but because of desires nature, the mind gets pulled into whatever arises and you lose touch with what’s in front of you. Desiring can be draining because of the energy it needs. It’s one of the reasons why after certain desires run their course, there’s some guilt and remorse that follows. Giving into desires takes a lot of energy, it’s an energy that can’t sustain itself, it needs constant reinforcement because the self that desires is never fulfilled. Love on the other hand is just the opposite, it needs nothing to sustain itself. It’s neither draining nor does it need reinforcement because it arises from stillness, as everything does. Think about it, everything arises from the energy of stillness and eventually that’s where it returns.

Fulfilling a desire is very satisfying or it wouldn’t be so enticing, but because of the nature of it being fulfilled doesn’t last and more energy needs to be spent when more desiring arises. These desires usually occur one right after the other, some are glaring and some are subtle so it’s difficult to really notice all of them. The glaring ones seem to have more of an affect on life than the subtle ones, but make no mistake, desire energy is all the same and it’s only there so “I” can be satisfied. I have found not attaching to results really helps in not being overcome by desire, as is the case with my writings. I write and that’s the end of it, it’s what’s in front of me so it’s what I do. When I’m not looking to derive pleasure from an arisen desire it loses its control and without being controlled by it, I’m able to actually simply be with what’s in front of me…

An Impermanent View

Most people will say life is good if everything is going their way. It can always be good regardless of what happens, but only if it's seen how all things are impermanent including life itself...

Life being considered good or not is from your thinking. It won’t be even if you say it is if that’s what you truly believe; I equate this to whistling in the dark to keep away the bogeyman. As long as you're whistling the distraction will keep the fear in check, but the moment you stop it will return. The key is to identify why you think life isn’t good and be with it as it is. People say be positive, but being positive to me doesn't change the facts of why life is labeled as not good. Some not so pleasant things do happen in life and if it's just masked over and ignored it becomes ingrained as an energy pattern in the subconscious that never goes away. This is how life becomes not good. Life itself is always good, it's people who are conditioned to make it something else; this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind.

Life will be good when it’s seen in the light of how all things are impermanent including life itself. Believe me I get it, being ill, losing a loved one, living in poverty, being abused, and many others things that occur in life are not good, but what makes it so is the attachment to them. Labeling it not good doesn't change what's occurring, it only changes where life is put as being good or not. When the true essence of life (impermanence) is understood, it puts life at the top of being good scale regardless of what's going on because it’s seen that one day life in this form will neither be good or not good, it simply will not be....

Now Prayer

To attach to “I” is to struggle with life. To be in the Now Prayer of I Am is to be free of the struggle. Because of our conditioning the struggle will only cease when we learn the Now Prayer is the moment of I Am…

To me prayer is not something to use to get out of jams or use when you want situations to be a certain way. What I have come to understand as prayer is something that can be used to stop the incessant mind from trying to arrange every situation to be the way it thinks it should be and to put one in the reality of what’s happening Now.

In order to do this and allow prayer to be a vital tool in life, Now needs to become the foundation for the way you live. In other words life is to be a living prayer. A constant state of prayer is a constant state of knowing who you truly are, and to know the lie of “I” only has the power that it’s given. This is vital to understand because of the energy of I Am and how it allows you to align with life.

To practice of being in a constant state of prayer isn’t related to anything that happens in life. It’s to be in a constant state of having an open heart no matter what happens. Only in the state of Now can you be with what’s actually happening instead of constantly being controlled by a mind that wants everything to be to its liking. When this occurs one’s I Am is in alignment with Now; as the heart remains open there is simply I Am. In this state life is lived the way it was intended, in the Now as a light and prayer to all beings…

Hearing Life

If you don’t do things that put you in cooperation with life it will be impossible for you to hear what life has to say. If this is to change it's imperative to learn about your own mind which will go a long way in hearing what life is saying...

Just observe how the mind justifies all that it does. It has never been disciplined to be still so it creates most of its problems just so it has something to do. It says to do something and turns around and questions why it was done. It should be treated as a separate entity as if it's an enemy because upon further review it will be seen that it is, but it's not the mind that's the enemy, it's the way it has been conditioned, that's the enemy.

This conditioning blocks the true nature of the mind from arising. It's only conditioned to be this way because of all the surrounding influences, but it is we ourselves (unconsciously) who attach to these conditioned mind patterns. Learning about your own mind is a way to undo what has been done. This learning about your own mind is not about the great secrets of the Universe becoming known, it's more so about getting an understanding of why the things that are done don't allow cooperation to hear what life has to say. When this is understood, why you respond to things a certain things will be known. After all if you don’t do the things in your life that allow cooperation with it, you will never hear what life has to say...

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Unconsciously Controlled

Without the recognition of unconsciousness you’ll blindly be controlled by it. It says jump and the only thing you can do is obey and jump; if you’re really unconscious you’ll also ask how high…

If you want to understand the unconscious mind you will need to sit down and observe it. Whatever you think and ponder upon that’s what becomes the inclination of the mind and hence that’s what becomes your unconscious actions. If there is no sitting, there’s very little chance for the mind to settle so it can be observed. As unconsciousness is formed it becomes second nature, there’s very little observation in this mind activated action. These unconscious actions are different for everyone, but they are common at their root. They all arise in some way from the unconscious to seek pleasure. It matters little what’s used to fulfill this pleasure seeking and because there’s very little awareness of this it’s in control of you. There needs to be an understanding that our actions are unconscious and are conditioned by what is attached to. This is what determines whether our actions are wholesome (loving) or unwholesome (selfish). Simply put loving actions should be cultivated so they become consciously ingrained.

If there isn’t any sitting to allow the mind to settle, an understanding of the mind will be difficult and so observing the unconscious conditioned patterns will not be recognized. Without recognition of these they are blindly in control. They say jump and the only thing you can do is jump, and depending how attached you are you may even ask how high; this is why we do things that aren’t in our best interest without hesitation. Without the awareness to observe the thoughts that arise, one is like a puppet on a string. Sitting allows the mind to settle so there can be an observation of this and one by one the puppet strings can be cut. If nothing is in place to allow this settling, without hesitation the Conditioned Mind puppeteer will continue its control and you’ll unconsciously do things that aren’t beneficial to yourself or others…

Wanting Addiction

Until it’s understood there’s never a true need to change how you feel, addiction will remain at the level of epidemic proportion because wanting the present moment different will be all you think about…

There are many things used that are labeled what addiction is, but what’s not understood about this is none of them have anything to do with addiction. Not many people see this and until they do addiction will remain at the level of epidemic proportion. I say this because what’s not addressed by the so called addiction experts is why a person wants to change how they feel. That’s what’s at the root of addiction; the desire to reach for something to fulfill a feeling of want; that’s the true addiction, not the thing being reached for. If the feeling of wanting to change your current mind state was understood you could choose not to do it, but since it’s not understood the reaching must commence once the feeling of wanting to change your current mind state arises. The true addiction is in the thought of wanting the present moment different. If wanting the present moment different was not the case, reaching for something would never occur. I know they are two parts to this, mental and physical, the physical is only a secondary reaction to the mental. Before anything is reached for and actually used physically the mental has to take a firm position that the thing is wanted.

Nobody abuses drugs, takes a drink of alcohol, gambles, or gives into any wanting without there being a need to fill it. Without having the thought of want one would be free of any addiction. You see it’s our thoughts that cause the actual problem; the fixated attention on a substance is secondary. If the addiction epidemic is ever going to stop, there will have to be a change of focus on to why there’s an epidemic in the first place. It’s because there’s a thinking epidemic in the world and it’s why the world is in such disarray. So much that’s done in our society reinforces this conditioned thinking that it keeps one reaching outside themselves to change how they feel. Until there’s an understanding that there’s never a true need to change how you feel, addiction will remain at the level of epidemic proportion because the need to want the present moment different will be all you think about…

Law of Love

The Law of Love is natural and puts you in harmony with life. Take heed, it’s not life that does anything to you, it’s you who breaks the law and since it’s unnatural it will certainly seem like life is doing something to you...

The Law of Love are in place to put you in harmony with life and they're also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. When the Law of Love is adhered to it allows life to be lived to the fullest, but the mind has to be opened and free flowing for the adherence to this law to take place. There are also man made laws that align to the Law of Love, but many of them are broken which blocks the law from being as beneficial as it could be. The more one adheres to selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with the Law of Love. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being natural. The animal realm adheres to natural laws and because of this there's perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies on the intellect and not enough on what naturally occurs.

Life will mostly be lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to the Law of Love or not. A quiet mind can see this and slowly stops doing the things that block the Law of Love from being adhered to. As long as one is alive life will be lived, but in what way determines its actions and consequences. Go forty mph in a twenty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not, you will be out of sorts with the law in place. Take heed, it’s not life that does anything to you, it’s you who breaks the law and since it’s unnatural it will certainly seem like life is doing something to you...

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Realm of Silence

The realm of silence is where our true nature manifest. It's where one connects to all of life and basks in the warmth and sunlight of love; it’s our true home…

An awakening is a process of developing awareness of what blocks the heart from love. The heart will only open and expand in silence by developing daily mindfulness and a sitting practice. No longer does the world revolve around my "I" it more so revolves around the "I" of others. Each day is started with the vision of how I can be a benefit to others; I write and post a daily article to assist in making this a reality. This has been done everyday for roughly the past six years. I bring the realm of silence into my day to day existence and although some times it's two steps forward and one step back because the conditioned mind is relentless, the process is a continuation into the expansion of the heart. And with the expansion of the heart comes the expansion of love into my day to day life and the life of others.

This expansion doesn't take thought, it takes a settled mind. The subtitle of my book "You Are Not Your Thoughts" was chosen for this reason. All created stories are only attached thoughts, when I started understanding this "I" was understood and it was the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This brought me to the realm of silence and this realm is not something that can be manufactured by thought; thought will only hinder this. This realm of silence is where our true nature manifest, it’s where one connects to all of life and basks in the warmth and sunlight of love. It’s our true home, our place of peace that passes all understanding, it’s the truth of existence, but it doesn't need any of what is written here to be because it exist without one single thought…

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