I was watching a game on Sunday and I realized that even if the team on defense knew exactly what play was coming, if the play was executed properly it still couldn’t be stopped. So it’s not only in the preparation, it’s also a matter of execution that allows for a play to bring the desired result. To me it’s a lot like the way life is, at least in the way situations occur. You need a game plan along with a way to execute it to go beyond created limits. If there isn’t a game plan in place, when something happens you will respond to the level of your created limits.
When this happens, you don’t get the results you’re looking for, but you do get the limited results of not having a game plan in place. Lets say you do have a game plan, if it’s to stop the so called run and the other team comes out passing, the preparation is rendered useless. So you need to not only prepare properly, but the game plan will have to be executed properly as situations arise. If not, there’s not much chance of being truly happy because your results will be limited because of the lack of preparation. And without the proper preparation, there’s no way the execution to live a life of unlimited levels can occur. So you become limited by what your own mind creates and you only reach the level that you yourself put in place…

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