A peaceful life begins and ends right now. You can be mindful that you’re thinking about the past or future, but you will never actually be there and as long you’re thinking about it, peace will be eluded.
When mindfulness of the present is in place, it allows what’s actually happening to be experienced. Being mindful of Now as opposed to being pulled in by it or pushing it away and applying a label to what’s happening is what will dictate the amount of peace there is in your life. Life is mystical in its essence, but there’s nothing mystical about becoming aware of this. A peaceful life begins and ends in the present moment and being mindfully present provides what’s necessary to allow this.
Take a step, be mindful of it, now take another, be mindful, this is an anchor as is the breath to the present. One can not be mindfully present of something in the past or future. You can be mindful that you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step you take or breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more there is mindfulness of this, the more anchored one becomes of the body being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for straws in the story of what’s going on between your ears. Be mindfully present as you read this and watch what arises, just be with it, no pulling or pushing it, just be mindfully present of your reaction. It’s in this space of mindfulness that you will find peace and this is because this space is the only place that truly exist.

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