New Tools

You can’t change how you respond to what happens in life by using the old tools you have in place. If you truly want to change your responses a new set of tools will have to be developed…

What is used to respond to life occurrences is what creates your facade. When it’s learned to stop reaching for your old tools and you are still, that’s what truly defines you. Here is a very practical explanation of the process of how life changed for me and the tools used for it to be possible. I had an upbringing where my parents gave me all the opportunities a person could have asked for. One of the things I really got in touch with thirteen years ago which was the beginning of my awakening, is when I was in grammar school my conditioning was really being influenced and taking shape. The intellectual kids and the athletic kids were always made out to be special so where did that leave the ordinary kids like myself? I wasn’t a bad, but my conditioning manifested in behavior issues, like being the class clown or doing things for attention that others wouldn’t do; that was basically the extent of it. This conditioning used tools to control the way I responded to life occurrences. Unless I learned how to use different tools my responses would always be the same. Inwardly things were never going to change unless the tools I used changed. I became aware of this thirteen years ago.

I understood the need to learn how to use a different set of tools because the ones that were in place didn’t benefit me; they were faulty. My own mind was causing my problems and I started finding a way to change my old tools for new ones; ones that were more beneficial. The most important tool is the disciplining of an undisciplined mind. Without developing awareness to notice new tools are needed, you’ll stay a self righteous individual who is always right because the outer view always makes others wrong. Without the mind settling, change can’t occur because there won’t be the space needed to allow it. Develop enough awareness through disciplining an undisciplined mind that allows you to see that a new set of tools will be much more beneficial for you to live your life. The benefits of this are you won’t be dependent on reaching outside yourself for your sense of completeness even though intellect or athleticism may not be your forte…

Observing Yourself

Hate can never be driven out by hate so if you have a hateful mind and it isn’t observed it will remain in place and the energy that you despise in another will be the exact energy that’s controlling your life…

Many things will cross your path throughout the day. Some will be pulled in, some will be pushed away, and others you could care less about. The key here is to be aware of them, observing which ones are pulled in which ones are pushed away and which ones naturally come and go without attaching to them because there’s nothing there to adhere to. These observations become more and more important as one becomes more aware of them. Things occur all the time, but mostly they’re not noticed. Very few people are in touch with observing life which in turn allows the things that occur to be in control. Many things occur in life that aren’t particularly cared for as demonstrated by this election, but all the energy that’s going into not accepting the results and trying to change it with non loving actions generates the same energy one is protesting against.

Unloving energy will never be changed with unloving energy, especially when the driving force behind it arises because one didn’t get their way. If this isn’t observed it will keep the unloving energy in place. Hate is never be driven out by hate. If it’s not observed that hate in place will remain and the very thing that you despise is the very thing that controls you. This is the way it is when there’s unconscious energy that’s allowed to affect you. There’s nothing wrong with being disappointed for a millisecond, but after that it becomes attachment and suffering begins. Understand though, this suffering isn’t because things didn’t work out the way that you wanted them to, no the suffering arises because one has no clue the energy that’s despised in another is the same energy that’s controlling your life…

Humanity's Insanity

There are way too many selfish thoughts on the individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way; until this is seen humanity’s insanity will not change…

Humanity can be looked at as if we are all seeds in a garden, I like to look at it as though the earth is the container and we are all in the container with the same potential. Moving about this container and being planted is how life becomes different for each of us. Even if you’re planted right next to another seed the results of how you grow will be different. Remember a name is only given to each seed for identification purposes, we don’t go around giving names to the animals or birds we see. There’s no individual who truly exist, we are all part of the same container. There’s no real Donald Trump or Joe Biden, no real you or me, no Muslims of Christians, no individual in the way they’re perceived. There’s conditioning which makes an individual seem real, but as far as humanity is concerned, we are all just seeds in the same container.

Just as with any seed, there are many factors that determine the results of how they grow. Some will produce fruit (love) and some will not, but all seeds are from the same container; this needs to be realized if we are to stop humanity’s insanity and grow as a species. We haven’t really progressed much since existence began, we may have become intellectually smarter, but spiritually not so much. There is still way too much selfish thoughts on the individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have an agenda that’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way. Until this is seen even though we are all from the same container, not much will change as insanity remains humanity’s reality…

A Reason Why

Nothing is done or held onto without a reason why and if that reason isn’t understood you will succumb to reaching for a conditioned fix as if you were a rudderless ship…

When some feeling or emotion arises there’s a reason for it. Learn to see why the emotion is arising and the feelings that go along with it. Whatever arises has a reason behind it, the reason why and the sensation of it need to be understood if your aren’t to be unconsciously drawn in and controlled by it. Nothing is held onto without a reason behind it and if this isn’t understood, you will unconsciously succumb to the reason as if you were a puppet. Why people don’t see how this holds them in captivity is because many of the things held onto are used to make your identity and also the holding is done because your conditioning tells you the holding is needed. When the reason why something arises is understood or at least noticed, there arises an awareness of what you’re thinking. When this occurs there’s the possibility it will fall away and in the process your need for a made up story falls away.

As stated before, why it’s so difficult to see this is because what’s being held onto is thought to be bringing you pleasure of some kind and it may be in some way, but it’s not true pleasure because no object has the capability of providing true pleasure; one is easily deluded by this. Whatever it is you think you need to feel good (pleasure) the object becomes your prison regardless what is reached for. If the reason why something arises is held onto it will control you. So when your conditioning says it’s time for to reach for a fix you will have to because the conditioning in place isn’t understood…

Collective Energy

Your energy patterns will be in harmony with the whole or they’ll be directed towards satisfying self. These produce much different results, not only for the individual, but for the entire planet…

Everything on earth has its place to make it run smooth and efficiently. It all intertwines to create a balanced world where everything’s connected. From the smallest cell to the largest manifestation, every piece is designed to fit into the next just like a jigsaw puzzle. Everything is part of the collective and as long as it remains in unison it will stay aligned with harmonic energy.

Unfortunately the human species is the only one who takes this harmonic energy and transforms it from the collective purpose to one of individuality. This creates a chain reaction that produces chaos. This chaos changes energy patterns and your vibrational frequency becomes separated from the collective. When you live as an individual, it separates you from the whole and all involved suffer because of it.

It’s beneficial to remain in harmony as one energy with all beings because by being in harmony with the whole, with energy patterns going in to same direction all benefit from it. If not, you will live as an individual with your energy patterns directed for the sole purpose of only satisfying yourself. This is the cause of all suffering, your own and the suffering  of our entire planet…

Give or Get Energy

Your intent will be from the base of give or get energy, this is what makes you and the world the way it is. If you want the world different simply have the intent to give and watch it change…

One’s intent is the determining factor in the energy that is put out to the world. There is the intent to get, expecting something in return for your doings, and there‘s the intent to give, expecting nothing whatsoever in return regardless of how much is given. These are obviously very different in their base energy, to give intent doesn’t necessarily result in seeing the fruits of your labor, at least by most. The intent behind my daily writings and writing my book are strictly from the love in my heart to possibly help someone to not go through the suffering I did for forty nine years; there are those who see my intent as something different. When it comes to intent” To thine own self be true” is what’s important because it really doesn’t matter how anyone else sees you; the Universe knows your intent and that’s all that matters.

The world cannot judge you fairly nor can another individual. “May he who is without sin cast the first stone” is so pure that it prevents judgement of another, but if your intent is to judge, the intent isn’t to give, it’s strictly to get. There are so many selfish people in our world who have no intent to ever give and it keeps the world as it is, but if you truly have a heart with the intent to give, there’s no way you can judge another because there’s nothing that you’re looking for in return. When all you do is have the intent to give and act accordingly, it’s the energy that’s being put out into the world and I assure you it makes a difference…

Beacon of Light

When you’re aware that your opinions are a made up story, contentment will take their place. This contentment is a beacon of light and is always there, but it’s not experienced because of unaware opinions that block it…

Without opinions everyone would view life through the light of contentment which by the way is a beacon of peace; because of opinions the beacon isn’t seen. The view of opinions are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through the unawareness of your opinions, through this view what is true is missed; this makes life about nothing in particular except the opinions that’s are formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the unaware thoughts that control your life. What’s factually happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your made up opinions; whatever you happen to make them. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be content; a contentment that has always been there in the space of light, but it was never experienced because of your opinions not allowing you to see the beacon…

Selfishly Attached

Awareness is key in breaking free from the grip of the attachment to your Conditioned Mind, and the one reason alone as to why the grip is even so is because of the selfish nature of what’s at the core of these attachments…

The mind would never become agitated if you didn’t attach to needing the present moment different. Wanting something different is decided by your own mind looking for something that’s going to provide a form of pleasure in this moment; this is where awareness to what one is attached to helps. Without this awareness the agitation is never seen so one succumbs to it because they have to. There’s no choice in this without awareness and even then the draw is is so powerful it most likely will not be overcome. Awareness of what one is attracted to is key in breaking free from the grip of the Conditioned Mind, the only reason the grip is so is because of the selfish nature of what’s at the core of these attachments. It’s the reason why one wants something different and reaches for things used to fulfill this mind agitation.

When using the body for present moment awareness the attachments aren’t as powerful and although they will still be there because you’re alive, they won’t have as much control over you as they do now. You may say the mind agitations aren’t in control of you, but just by saying that they are and this is because if the mind wasn’t agitated, there wouldn’t be any response. This is how you can tell if the mind is agitated, it will respond to things without much giving it much thought. When the mind isn’t agitated, there will be space between what arises and the response to it. The space is the result of developing the discipline of fully being in the present moment. Without this discipline you will remain a slave to their mind agitations and be selfishly attached to things that don’t allow for the space to be free…

Open Mind Possibilities

The possibilities in life are plentiful when there’s no past tag applied to what’s in front of you. The Universe provides the possibilities when the mind is open and you’re not living in the past…

Being open is humanity’s greatest asset because without being open, nothing arises or at least nothing that’s beneficial. Openness leads to possibilities never experienced before, but when the mind is closed so are the doors to possibilities. Whatever arise in life is to be seen as it is with an openness only if it’s not tagged. In this way life can be experienced anew as the Universe opens up more and more possibilities. Even if it’s some past behavior, without judgment, it allows for the mind to remain open and the possibility to go beyond the past tag to experience something new.

Newness doesn’t always have to be an aha moment, it can be a simple act of simply not judging what’s in front of you and just experiencing that and moving on. Once its tagged, the mind closes and so do all the possibilities along with it. To experience all the possibilities that life offers is to not allow the past to be a part of what is being done right now. If it is, obviously it remains as something old not something new, but even though it may be from a past habitual mind pattern that’s in place, it’s only old because it’s tagged as such. Without this tag the mind remains open and the so do the possibilities provided by the Universe which are plentiful…

Establishing a Base

A base needs to be established so there’s a place you can return to when the squirrel cage mind is leading the charge. This is a place where it’s safe and secure away from the insanity of your own mind…

Recently there was a study done where the subjects had a choice of picking electric shock therapy or sit in a empty room for fifteen minutes. Everyone picked sitting in a room. After the experiment they asked the subjects if they had the choice again which would they pick, and they all said the electric shock therapy. I find this astonishing, but I also get the misunderstanding on meditation on why this is so. It’s because so many people don’t truly investigate what mediation actually is and what it does. I can tell you this, it’s not magic, but I would like to share my experience on how I meditate.

The first thing to do is to establish a base or anchor. Everyone who is alive has some kind of base that is called home, where the day starts and most times it ends. Even a homeless person has some kind of base to start the day regardless if it’s under a bridge in a cardboard box or in a tent. Once this base is established, the next step is to know why it’s needed; its needed for the same reason someplace is needed to call home, it’s a base which will be used to return to when the mind wanders. As one always returns home so will the established base be used in this way.

It the beginning the mind wanders a lot because of the lack of developed discipline; it has to wander because there is nothing in place to keep it from not doing so. The main reason meditation is difficult is because people think it’s something to do. You will never quiet the mind with the same mind, it’s something that occurs on its own. You sit the mind wanders, you return to whatever the established base is, the breath is one such base; as this is done over and over the mind wanders less and less. And as stated before, it’s not magic and the most important part of establishing any base is the discipline developed that arises on its own…

Pushing Nothing Away

Regardless of what happens in life, if it’s pushed away it will cause suffering. Even if what’s occurring initially causes suffering, the suffering will deepen the more it’s pushed away…

Everything has its place regardless if it’s considered and this is because it’s what’s there so to say this or that shouldn’t be happening leads to suffering because the moment is being pushed away. This isn’t to say everything that happens is suppose to happen, but what does happens is what’s there and there’s no changing it. The results of what happens can be changed, but not the initially, that is unless one is coming from a different place than what was previously known. This may change the initial results, but they are still the results of what’s occurring now. So much energy is wasted on pushing away what has occurred and why it’s wasted energy is because the unchangeable is trying to be changed.

When you get to a place where something labeled good, bad, or indifferent isn’t pushed away, this is a place of freedom. Nothing should be pushed away, I know this is difficult to imagine and this isn’t to say not take action to change things, but what has occurred still has be accepted so the action to change something purely comes from love and compassion and not from the ego. Even someone who is totally unconscious and causes much harm to others shouldn’t be pushed away either because it’s the conditioning in place that makes one do what they do; one is still accountable for their actions. Use this example; If you hit a slice in golf, pushing away you hit a slice doesn’t change that fact, move on, learn from it and just maybe your next tee shot won’t be a slice, but even if it is, don’t push it away and move on. Nothing has to be pushed away unless that’s what you have in place…

I AM Realized

So much of life is unconsciously spent trying to be something we already are, but this isn’t seen because the need to be something is so strong that it blocks one from seeing I AM…

Some think others have their answers, no one has another’s answers. What I do is write articles that pose questions so one can find their own answers; all one can do is point others to look within. My entire life was spent trying to be something I wasn’t, I’m not really sure why, but I spent an awful lot of time doing it. I was always on the go, doing things along the way that solidified this being something I wasn’t; It took me fifty years to find out I AM already what I wanted to be. It was a shift that allowed me to stop trying to be something I wasn’t. No more chasing or searching and all because I AM was realized; this is the place of true freedom, at least for me. So much time was unconsciously spent being what I already was, but it wasn’t seen because the need to be something i wasn’t was blocking I AM from being seen.

The perfect example of this is a dog chasing its tail. The dog chasing its tail doesn’t realize it’s his own tail he’s chasing. I wonder what would happen if he caught it. I’m sure it would hurt, but would it hurt as much as constantly chasing something you are never going to catch?  Going round and round, but not really getting anywhere. If the dog did catch it’s own tail at least it would realize what it was doing and it would probably stop doing it. In a way this is what happens when one awakens, they stop trying to be something they’re not so they stop chasing their own tail. With most people there’s some pain associated with this stopping as it is with the dog catching it’s own tail, but this is what makes one realize it’s their own tail that’s being chased. When this realization occurs it stops, what arises next is one’s I AM and it’s in the I AM that one realizes they are already all they can and will ever be…

Attachment Stories

Attachment creates the story that a story is needed, but no story is truly needed and as long as one doesn’t want the present moment to be different attachment won’t be needed either…

Attachment to a view is where clarity becomes distorted and being open minded falls away; this is what blocks a true connection with life as it’s seen through a made up view. Even the view of peace has to be let go of for there to be this connection, this also holds true for the view that there’s a connection. A non attachment action would be like holding onto truth, anything held onto is attachment. Truth doesn’t need a label to be truth. It would be as if someone placed a hot coal in your hand, no one needs to tell you it’s hot to know it’s hot, you would just naturally let it go because you know if you don’t there will be consequences. This is what happens when there’s attachment to views, it’s not the view that causes a distortion, it’s the attachment.

A hot coal can be next to you all day, but this doesn’t cause you any issue unless you pick it up. When you form a belief that you have to pick it up there will be issues and consequences; to not pick up the coal doesn’t require a belief or a philosophy, all one has to do is stop their attachment. Religion, spirituality, sorrow, arrogance, peace, drugs, alcohol, sex, self serving desires, food, gambling, money, social status, and so on, none of these cause a distorted view in and of themselves, but once there is attachment to them issues arise as will unfavorable consequences.

Attachment is the main culprit when it comes to suffering and even if there are times when one experiences peace in their life, if there’s attachment to the feeling of peace it will be short lived. So watch the mind and how it wants to attach. It will create a story that stories are needed, but upon further investigation it will be seen that no story is needed and as long as this exact moment doesn’t need to be different, attachment won’t be needed either…

Space of Now

There’s no suffering in the space of Now because Now has no attachment so being aware of one’s “I” attachment and not holding onto it allows what’s in front of you to be the guiding light of your life…

The struggle one has with life is strictly mind based and it’s because there’s nothing solid to hold onto. Life being mind based is equivalent to building a house on sand and we all know what happens when the first storm comes. Way to often mind based information is held onto which keeps one entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply ingrained the conditioning is and I know sometimes I may come on strong, but it’s only because something is seen and it simply can’t be ignore it.

There are basically two kinds of energy that guide the direction of the mind. One is of suffering, the other is of non suffering and these energies manifest in many way. The core of suffering is attachment to “I” (selfishness), this energy manifest as greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how this will cause suffering; if this is the direction of the mind, there will be suffering. The other force is the space of Now which manifest as kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on, I’m sure you can see how these will not cause suffering. Make no mistake though you will still encounter the possibility of suffering even with the direction of Now because of how ingrained the conditioning is; if attachment to “I” isn’t in place, suffering won’t be in place. The key is being aware of “I” attachment and not holding onto it because without it the energy that guides the direction of your life will be from what’s in front of you and there’s no suffering in this space because there’s no attachment…

Unconscious Tools

There’s a pull that occurs in most lives that keeps unconscious tools in place without any investigation whatsoever. The issue with this is these tools are passed on to others so it becomes the blind leading the blind…

If there are only unconscious tools in your daily decision making process without any investigation, there will be many decisions made without knowing if they are truly beneficial. When these unconscious tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, life becomes an though you are sheep walking; to the Conditioned Mind there’s no need to question this because it has all the answers. Saying I’m not there yet is a lie and it’s a created block that hampers the ability to truly live; there is no there to get to. What amazes me is how people settle for tools just because they’re comfortable and someone else says they works. Using the saying I’m not there yet is just a way the Conditioned Mind (ego) remains in control.

To me it’s just mind boggling how a person remains with what they have in place without taking into consideration there might be another way to see things; this is how the pull is held onto and keeps one in a self created prison that causes suffering. Life doesn’t cause suffering, the Conditioned Mind does and unless one is willing to investigate and allow the mind to settle, the pull of the conditioning will remain in place and one will continue to use unconscious tools that cause suffering. And here’s the real issue with this, these tools are passed on to others as it becomes the blind leading the blind…

Exposing Truth

If you are to get to the truth of who you are, it’s going to take studying the Conditioned Mind and the willingness to sit so the process of peeling away the layers of your conditioning can begin…

Nothing will ever change as long one continues to blame others and looks outside themselves for their answers. If you can’t get beyond all the conditioning that’s in place, getting to the truth of existence which requires nothing but being in its space, will be just about impossible; this is only because the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow it. Using the onion analogy substitute the onion with humans and the core is truth. Every onion has layers, but unless the onions layers are peeled, its core will never be exposed. It will always be there as it’s a natural part of every onion, but without actually peeling the onion the core will remain hidden. The natural process of an onion is to cover its core. Humans have evolved the same. The Conditioned Mind provides the layers that need to be peeled so the truth can be exposed: very few people ever get to truth.

Underneath all the conditioning is the truth of one’s existence, there’s no blame and there’s no looking for answers anywhere but within this space. When one’s conditioning is peeled away one layer at a time, truth gets more exposed and one’s true nature takes hold, but if there isn’t awareness of this truth will never be exposed because it can’t. It’s like a force field is around the truth and without awareness it seems as though it’s impenetrable. Take heed because it’s not impenetrable, it’s just going to take some studying of the Conditioned Mind and the willingness to begin the process of peeling away the so called onion of one’s conditioning, so one can get to the truth of who you truly are…

Resulted Karma

Each of us gets back the resulted karma of our actions. Everyone is their own judge and jury and for the most part the verdicts are determined by the actions that are done when no one is looking…

The cartoons from years ago had a Devil and Angel pop up on a characters shoulders when a decision was needed about something. The figures that popped up were always in the image of the individual character, it was because that’s who the real struggle and conflict is always with. Nothing from the outside can do you the harm as your own thoughts; conflict arises when things aren’t lining up with the story of the way you think things should be. Karma is something that’s real. I can make it like I’m this spiritual guru and behind closed doors be selfish and unloving, but I’m not fooling anyone because wherever I go there I am. What is done behind closed doors shapes your life; “To thine own self be true”

Love can preached and recited with all the airy fairy nonsense that fits nicely into a so called spiritual box, but if you’re not showing loving kindness to all beings, it’s all being done to satisfy the Devil cartoon character (ego) on your shoulder. So many conditioned stories are made up about life and this keeps one in their own prison. You can get in touch with this simply by seeing how much love you show to all beings. Lip service means little here because it’s not only the world that gets hurt, it’s also yourself. So much arises throughout life as the Devil and Angel characters pop up, just make sure the one selected allows for the resulted karma of loving all beings…

Created Walls

Walls to an abundant life are created by a mind that’s conditioned to be selfish. The mind creates these walls by keeping you under the spell that the selfish mind is needed for abundance…

The walled mind is one that is conditioned to be this way; it can’t get over its own created wall so truth is hidden from its view. This blocks the ability to see the abundance that’s available so instead of being in the presence of what is, what isn’t is the minds defaulted view. Learn to be with what is actually occurring and the default setting of the mind becomes one of abundance because the created walls cease to exist. When this occurs the selfish mind isn’t in control and you’re free to live without walls; with the walls being created by your own mind.

Only a Conditioned Mind needs walls. To create walls is to put a limit on something or to control something, this is what a Conditioned Mind does. Even though it seems like we choose to do what we do, when anything is done that is based in selfishness it limits because no one not even the one doing exactly as wanted benefits. This is because not only is one out of alignment with the Universe, one is out of alignment with themselves. When you go beyond this conditioning, you go beyond your own mind created walls as abundance is naturally seen. To be without walls is to be aligned with the Universe and to be aligned with the Universe is to be aligned with ourselves without needing the walls of anything having to be different than what it is…

Desires Story

Desires are conditioned driven, it matters little to life or the Universe whether they’re fulfilled or not. You can make up a story that it matters, but that’s your story not life’s…

You can desire things a certain way, but to life this doesn’t really matter much. Life isn’t a respecter of desire, it allows things for its betterment so if you’re one of the instruments which are being used in this capacity, you’re truly blessed because you‘re probably assisting others in a unique way. This doesn’t make you special, but it does allow you to be free of the self centered “I” that holds most of the world in captivity. Desires are conditioned driven, it matters little to life or the Universe whether they’re fulfilled or not. You can make up a story that it matters, but that’s your story not life’s. Fulfill every desire in your life and at the end of it you will have exactly what you would’ve had no want been fulfilled.

It always makes me chuckle when I’m watching a ball game and a player hits a home run followed by pointing upward, as if something is watching and cares more about the person hitting the home run as opposed to the pitcher giving it up. What happens when the person strikes out which is inevitable? I’m waiting for the day when a person strikes out and points downward. All these stories mean nothing to the Universe and regardless if they seem to work out or not, they’re just stories. Things will always work out the way they work out until it’s realized the Universe (life) doesn’t really care if they do or don’t. Desires are only held onto because one thinks they’re needed, but because life isn’t a respecter of desires, suffering prevails because that’s the story you not life has in place…

Unconsciously Controlled

Thoughts are a part of life, but they don’t have to be a controlling part. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts they will unconsciously be attached to which will lead you to unconsciously being controlled by them…

If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing how much you are unconsciously controlled by them. Without this awareness you’ll be taken on an unconscious ride. Life doesn’t directly do anything to anyone, but thoughts happen and they determine the kind of ride you will endure. Awareness of your arisen thoughts are essential if you’re to not be controlled by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life and there’s no way of controlling the ones that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for a split second of space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought controls you or not; remember it’s the attachment to a certain thought that causes suffering, not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there’s some awareness of how controlling your thoughts actually are, they will control you as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that you label as loving, if these thoughts aren’t watched they will eventually also control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts will be unconsciously attached to which will allow them to unconsciously be in control…

Mind Agitations

The agitation in the head won’t quiet on its own regardless of what your belief is. Beliefs hinder the quieting because they’re just a response to a mind agitation that blocks inner silence…

If the agitation in the head is in control and running the show, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to connect with your inner silence. It’s such a agitated world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outside of themselves when the answer is within. So what the agitation actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers, you have to constantly look for them, hence the agitation. This is how the agitation of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to our inner presence. The agitation is created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them wouldn’t exist nor would the mind agitation.

When and if you come to the place where you understand this, the mind agitations may not stop completely, but they will begin the process of at least quieting. It’s imperative to understand this if inner silence is to be experienced in life. If you don’t understand this, the mind agitations will never stop, at least while you are alive; this is why it’s imperative to understand this now. Why wait to be at peace later when you can be at peace right now. It’s not like the mind agitations are needed to live life; they’re only there because they’re unconsciously allowed…

Fleeing From Yourself

To accept yourself as you are is such a relief because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When it’s realized you have only been trying to flee from yourself, there is peace…

When one awakens the secrets of the Universe aren’t revealed, although in a way they are, what really happens is you stop needing to flee from yourself. To me the main benefit of waking from the sleep of unconsciousness isn’t figuring out what life is all about, it’s not being concerned with what life is all about. The fleeing, searching, reaching, and need to do ceases as it’s realized what you have been fleeing from is yourself. It’s a great relief to accept yourself exactly as you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When this is seen the need to flee subsides as does the need to be right. Also the need for things to be different subsides, especially yourself. This doesn’t mean you don’t proceed forward to change, but it’s done so in a way that it doesn’t cause the very suffering that one is trying to avoid. When you stop escaping from yourself, you stop reaching, this occurs naturally. I had to flee from myself for forty nine years and it nearly killed me.

This was my awakening; to see that I was always fleeing from myself. It was revealed that I could stop this and I was going to be okay. This is a beautiful space, it’s the space where the peace that passes all understanding arises. It’s not a mystical place for a select few, it’s a place where everyone’s heart dwells, one just has to stop trying to flee to experience it. The possibilities when one stops fleeing are endless, there are no blocks here so creativity arises. No one knows what exactly may arise, but I can tell you this, when you stop fleeing from yourself and the reaching for things stops, life is lived in the peaceful state of accepting yourself exactly as you are…

Disguised Lie

The Conditioned Mind creates a lie disguised as a void, the heart sees this as love. Until this is realized, one will constantly need to reach for something to try and fill this void that even though it doesn’t truly exist…

For many years I said I had a void in me that was created from a lack of love. That’s why I constantly reached for things to fill it with, but I have since come to understand this differently. This void isn’t a void at all, it’s an emptiness, this emptiness is the essence of love. It’s where life happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this I spent most of my life trying to fill a void with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what was used and each individual has to investigate for themselves what they use. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is life is spent in the space that for so long I considered a void; this is the truth that has been revealed to me.

This misunderstood void is the reason why anyone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this was understood for what it truly is, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. This void is a disguised lie of the Conditioned Mind and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment to be different so it keeps one reaching to fill the so called void. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is understood the void transforms to love because the present moment doesn’t have to be different. When the present moment doesn’t have to be different, life reveals its true essence as love which doesn’t ever need to be filled with anything because the lie is seen for what it is…

Changing Conditioning

Everyone has the choice whether to change or stay the same, but it’s only those who are truly aware it’s their conditioning that needs changing that have this choice…

What has became clear is my awareness of how everything that happens in life is a result of conditions being a certain way, and the only way something changes is when the conditioning changes. This is a fact, it doesn’t take a belief for this to occur; get water below 32 degrees and it will freeze. All things in life have certain operating properties and when conditions are in line with those properties it’s natural course of action will take place. It’s what happens with every living thing that begins life, whether humans, animals, plants, clouds, stars and so on, nothing truly happens independently on its own, it’s all has an association with something else.

In the case of behavior it’s the same way, no one acts a certain way just because, there is always the root cause behind every action and unless this root is exposed, nothing can change; it’s not that it won’t change, it can’t. This is why there’s suffering in the world, nothing inherently makes you suffer, your own mind does this and only because of the way it’s conditioned. When something happens many times people see it differently so it affects them differently, but there are some things that are the same no matter what. If there’s isn’t oxygen, you will stop breathing and die, if the heart stops, same result for the most part; this happens as a result of conditions. So everyone has the choice whether to change or stay the same, but only those who truly know it’s the conditioning that needs to be changed have this choice…

Harmonic Vibrations

Harmonic vibrations are always there just waiting to be aligned with. When we understand the stillness beneath all our stories we can stop and align with harmonic vibrations which are the essence life itself…

We’re not always aligned with the harmonic vibrations that the Universe provides to us and this our misfortune. It’s not that we can’t always be aligned, but we have to do the things that will allow its alignment. This alignment is in relation to how much we hold onto a lower self that tries to control life, this control is thought based and although certain aspects of life need to be controlled, it’s the parts that are beyond our control which we insist on controlling; that is the block to the awareness to harmonic vibrations.

There’s a part of us that’s controlled by the senses, this is our human aspect (thought based) of who we are, but there’s a self that is beyond the senses, that is beyond anything physical, beyond any thought, this is the self of no mind. This self can’t be conceptualized, it’s the harmonic vibrations beyond form, this is energy in it’s purest state. It’s only our thought process that needs to make things solid so it can have something to hold onto and make sense of; this is what thoughts are. Beyond thought is pure Universal Energy, it’s who we are before our existence in this form began and when conditions no longer allow this form to exist the form ends.

Our thoughts are energy, but this energy isn’t pure because it has attachment added to it, it’s based in the senses. To go beyond these sense thoughts one must go beyond their attachment. This will be when one is in alignment with harmonic vibrations. It can be called many things, but words are not needed to understand this, actually any word will hamper the availability to harmonic vibrations because words themselves are a form of thought. When we learn to just be and not attach to anything to make up the story of who we are (a thought) at this point one will understand who they truly are; thoughtless, formless, pure energy, this is the state that leads to alignment with harmonic vibrations…

Self Created Suffering

Nothing that happens in life affects a person unless it’s allowed. This is the insanity of a Conditioned Mind, its self destructive solutions are all from within which means one creates their own suffering…

The bottom line for me is this, when all is said and done, regardless of what it’s called, I have found a way to minimize the reactions in my life that cause my own suffering, which by the way my own mind tells me is needed to cope with life; a life that was controlled by this destructive mind set. My own mind created all the craziness that went on by choosing actions I thought I wanted to do, but my choices always caused suffering. I developed a mind that told me to do things that were destructive to my own well being. From relationships, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a slew of other things, nothing was ever chosen that was beneficial to my well being, it always seemed to cause more harm than good. How this mind set developed I’m not sure, but I do know this, it can be described as insanity at its best.

Thirteen years ago an inner shift occurred that wanted this destructive to end. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I did know I needed to find a way to bring peace into my life or it was going to be a short one. I have no name for what happen, there isn’t a benefit in calling it something. A label needn’t be applied to what happened. All that was needed then and all that is needed now is for my behavior which was once totally self destructive, to no longer be that way. This is why labels and what others do isn’t a concern to me, because I know for years my own mind allowed itself to create suffering within myself and because of the shift that occurred there is an awareness that suffering doesn’t have to be created anymore.

Regardless of what it’s called or what attached label is put on it (by others) the bottom line for me is this, when I have conflict with something it’s my own self destructive mind that creates it and this means I am not a peace. Now because there‘s awareness of this, my mind doesn’t do this so there’s peace. All I ever wanted in my life was peace, but I didn’t know it was my own mind that was the cause of not being at peace…

Awakened Silence

When words are used to try and convince others that a certain way to live is right, it’s of the ego. A true testament of any awakening is demonstrated in silence because silence is what one awakens to…

Social media is a useful tools to connect with people and assist each other where years ago one was basically on their own as far as interaction was concerned. Books were always available, but books limit ones expansion to what’s written because you only learn what the content is that’s presented in the book. It’s very difficult for the expansion of the mind through knowledge alone. I find social media so comical at times because some of the content of the things written are as limited as the content of a book. People throw phrases around like the words really mean something; they do, but only to a Conditioned Mind.

When there’s an awareness there’s no explaining necessary to try and convince anyone of a correct view, that’s when freedom from the bondage of self can be realized. Everyone’s view is correct because it’s what’s provided to them and no two people are provided with the same exact view. The point of this post is to show words like enlightenment, no self, Nirvana, God, love, or whatever else one wants to use to define their great insightfulness, aren’t truly needed. Words are used to create a story made up by the Conditioned Mind; when true freedom is discovered it manifest as silence.

Everyone discovers what the Universe provides for them, nothing more nothing less, and as soon as this is realized it’s then that one will be truly free because there will be no words needed to explain or convince others that there’s a certain way to live. But the way will be seen by those who understand answers cannot be defined with words because answers can only arise when there is silence…

Hear the Call

If we seek what we think is needed to stop being asleep, we will probably remain asleep. Our awakening is from the Universe, but this will not be known if we are trapped in a self that thinks it knows what’s best…

We are a product of the Universe, we are not a product of ourselves. We did not call for our creation nor do we call for the time when it will end. Our existence is a product of the Universe and the energy transformed to awaken is from the Universe. This is why we can’t really do anything to transform ourselves. We can only do the necessary practice to allow our heart to open so the Universe can do its thing. This is not our doing, this is a calling from the Universe; we want to practice because the Universe is calling. The reason some practice and some don’t is because the noise in the head is too loud to hear the still small voice within. Even though it seems an awakening is from the outside, it can only be heard from within.

Through our Conditioned Mind we become trapped in very self-centered desires, this is also from the Universe, it just doesn’t produce love. Energy always is, it’s just a matter of listening so you can hear where you are directed. We seek because the Universe calls us, we see because the veil of a Conditioned Mind is removed and our energy is then guided by the heart. Spirituality is not magical for a select few who think they‘re special, it’s available to anyone who listens to the still small voice within. The Universe is always calling, but are you listening? If you think you’re listening, are you hearing the true message or are you making up your own message to fulfill your self-centered desires? It takes much quietness to hear the Universe’s call, the alternative is to listen and follow your own which is scary. Why may you ask is it scary, because most are trapped in fulfilling self-centered desires for their own benefit…

Stillness Contibution

If you can get beyond the story of contributing to life and just be in the stillness of the moment, your contribution to life and humanity will be beyond anything you could make up as being needed…

I see things much different than most, this doesn’t separate me though it just makes my view different. I don’t have a need to make up a story of helping others to contribute to life and humanity. All I found that’s truly needed is to do is what’s in front of me and be present. There’s nothing one can truly do to gain more self worth because that would mean there would be a need to have things different in order for you to be complete; this just isn’t so. If you aren’t complete as you are you have to ask yourself why. Putting out completeness energy is all the contribution life and humanity needs. If something else is needed, your contribution to humanity basically becomes non existent, your energy becomes taking. I know we all see things as the conditioning in place dictates, but the nonsense this taking energy generates puts one in the position to be controlled by taking energy not contributing. Even when it’s thought to be contributing energy, it takes a very settled mind to see if this is truly so.

This is not to say don’t help others or do loving things, just don’t attach to it, that’s all I’m saying. I’m real clear the world is as it is, I’m not really sure if it’s suppose to be this way or not. I do know in the space of stillness my life transformed. If I died tomorrow the world will go on. I won’t leave a legacy behind as this or that, I simply do what the Universe reveals and that is that. In this space of that is that energy is so much peace that it’s impossible to explain and if you can truly get beyond the story of contributing to life and just be in the stillness of the moment, your contribution to life and humanity will be beyond anything you could make up as being something that’s needed…