Cohesive Action

Reaching is the issue not the thing reached for. Not everything one thinks is cohesive is truly beneficial. It will take a very settled mind to see if what you think is cohesive truly is…

Doing what’s cohesive for your well being needs to be investigated to see if what you’re doing truly is cohesive and not just a story of what you think is cohesive. Many people play the lottery to become rich so to become rich becomes your cohesive energy. Sex is often used as being cohesive as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and also their counter parts (their programs) are used as cohesive energy, but as the results of these energies may be different, the prison they keep you in is the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are very cohesive, but many attach a story to them and negate their true cohesiveness. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha used this as a cohesive part of their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly cohesive needs no story or attachment to certain results.

I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything in whatever form it takes on is not true cohesiveness. The reaching is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is truly cohesive. Not everything you think is cohesive truly benefits your life. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtleness of the attachment to things that are deemed cohesive. I say if you are reaching for something, regardless of what it is, it’s not cohesive to your well being. This is because the reaching itself is the issue as it keeps you in a mental prison…

Limited Awareness

Going through life without an understanding of how the mind becomes conditioned, makes existence much more difficult because it limits your awareness; limited awareness, limits understanding…

We discover the cause of all suffering when we’re truly able to see our conditioning for what it is, and understand how it creates feelings and emotions that aren’t real. They feel real because of the attachment to them, but their reality is only relative to our thinking and the association to our identity. When this is discovered and we disassociate with this kind of thinking, we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love; love is what gives us so much awareness in life.

When we stop believing in the nonsense of thought, we learn how to allow love to be our guide. This is when you’re able to see your thoughts for what they truly are, disassociate from them and separate the ones that cause suffering and limit your awareness; this is when our suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief, this is factual. I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot cause harm unless it’s given the energy needed to do so, and this is what determines if the thought is attached to or not. The more attachment there is, the more it limits your awareness. In the awareness of this is one’s freedom. It’s your own ignorance of this that creates suffering. This suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works and how it limits your awareness; with limited awareness you have limited understanding so you are easily manipulated…

Created Agitations

The inner agitation that keeps you from your peace has nothing to do with life. The agitation is a creation of your own mind that makes you believe you are not at peace…

There are practical ways to minimize the inner agitation that causes one to sabotage their own existence. But it has to be understood that the mind creating the agitation cannot quiet itself. You will have to find out why your own mind is telling you the agitation is needed to cope with life; a life that is controlled by the conditioning to create an inner agitation. Your own mind creates all the inner agitations you have by choosing to attach to thoughts that give the agitation life. This unconscious conditioning are why agitations arise. The Conditioned Mind creates this as you do things that are destructive to your own well being. Why this agitation mind set is developed I’m not sure, but I do know it can be described only as insane because your own mind does this.

I know now it was my own mind that created agitations which arose from within myself. Because of the shift that occurred some years ago, there‘s now awareness so inner agitations don’t have to be created anymore. I sit for the sole purpose to develop discipline which allows the mind to settle. If there isn’t discipline your conditioning won’t be understood nor will the reason why agitations arise. This will lead you to being led around like a puppet on a string. Life does nothing to you, it’s your own mind that does it all. Living in a place of agitation as opposed to a place of peace will never change until the conditioning that makes it so is changed. All I ever wanted was to be at peace, but I wasn’t aware it was my own mind that created the inner agitation which made me believe there wasn’t any…

Fictitious Identity

Creating a fictitious identity is all part of the Conditioned Mind with life setting the stage for it to be played out. In silence you’re still on stage, but the fictitious identity isn’t needed…

Most of the things that are reached for throughout life are used to create a fictitious identity. It’s as if you’re on stage and your identity is being created, taking on whatever the assigned identity may be at the time. Each person studies their lines and creates the fictitious identity in whatever way their conditioning has been developed; there are many roles used in creating your fictitious identity. This fictitious identity is associated with the things reached for to make your part in the play more interesting; not many want to be in a play where everyone sits around in silence. It would seem there is needed drama for life to be more interesting, but this is the fictitious identity the Conditioned Mind creates.

Only in silence can life be lived to the fullest. Without the fictitious identity, you’re still present on the stage of life, but you’re not controlled by the fictitious conditioning. It’s this conditioning that makes you need a fictitious identity. In silence even though the stage is already set, a fictitious identity doesn’t have to be taken on nor is there a need to create one in the puppet show of a conditioned life…

Brainwashed Logic

Anytime something is done that’s not beneficial, it’s brainwashed logic that makes it so. You can say “I shouldn’t have done that” but you can only do what your brainwashed logic tells you…

It’s not always easy to see life as a gift, there are reasons for this. It’s not to deny that sometimes unpleasant or horrific things happen, but who labels the thing unpleasant and who does the unpleasantness happen to? Although the human form does exist, it doesn’t exist in the way that it appears. It’s brainwashed logic that puts a label on things so it makes sense. The brainwashed logic has to have an answer for everything and if it doesn’t, it will go searching until it either finds one or makes one up. Life isn’t about having all the answers, or even needing all the answers, but the way the mind has been brainwashed, that’s exactly what it makes it all about. Attaining, accomplishing, achieving, all to satisfy a mind that is never satisfied; no wonder the world is as it is.

Life is continuous, the mind has been brainwashed to make up all kinds of nonsense to avoid seeing this. It uses time to make you believe life needs to be broken up into segments; what time is really needed for is to simply keep track of things. The Here and Now is where life always occurs no matter what time it is or what’s going on, but understand as you’re in one of these created segments waiting for this or that to occur, the brainwashed logic makes it seem as though life is incomplete, like life is passing you by.

Life can never be any more complete than it is right now, except to a mind that’s been brainwashed to be everywhere except here, And although the brainwashing has made you think you have developed a logical mind, there really isn’t any logic to it; until this is understood the brainwashed mind controls the show. Think of this, anytime you do something that isn’t beneficial to you, your brainwashed logic is making you do it. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live life and not wait for it to be perfectly logical to enjoy the temporary gift of life that we all have been blessed with…

Analyzing vs Understanding

The incessant need to analyze life limits it. Understanding is different than analyzing because it allows for the awareness of exactly what’s there instead of what’s thought to be there…

Most of what happens in life is unexplained, but that doesn’t stop the mind from analyzing it or continuously trying to find an explanation. I have found the unexplained is best left alone because an answer wouldn’t really enhance life. As things occur, analyzing what’s associated with existence does assist to a degree, but only if it’s not allowed to control your life like a master puppeteer. Most people are limited by the incessant need for to analyze life, but understanding something is different because it allows for the awareness of exactly what you’re up against (your own mind). This awareness allows the mind to settle and lessen the need for analytical answers which aren’t truly needed. The analysis of addiction doesn’t stop one from being an addict, but an understanding of addiction may; as a matter of fact this is exactly what happened to me.

The Universe needs no analysis in its process nor does the origin of a thought need to be analyzed. The understanding of how thoughts are attached to and what behaviors manifest from their attachment is the difference between being at peace with life or struggling with it. Some will disagree with this and it’s their right, but I know by understanding my behavior and how it was based to self-serve, it gave me something tangible to use to see how much control my Conditioned Mind had over me. Past tense is used because its control is much less today. Analyzing why this occurs doesn’t enhance the ability to be free of the Conditioned Mind, but an understanding of this certainly does. It’s through the discipline of sitting that the mind can settle enough to become aware that analyzing what happens in life will not enhance it in the way understanding our own mind will…

A Masked Void

The Conditioned Mind creates a lie masked as a void, this void is a lack of love. Until this is realized, one will constantly need to reach for something to try and fill this masked void even though it doesn’t truly exist…

For many years I had a masked void in me that was created from a lack of love. That’s why I constantly reached for things to fill it; I have since come to understand this. This masked void isn’t a true void at all, it’s emptiness; this emptiness is the essence of love. It’s where life truly happens when one is busy making other plans. By not understanding this, I spent most of my life trying to fill a masked void with whatever I could get my hands on. This is an endless list as to what can be used, so each individual has to investigate for themselves what that is. It’s ironic though because now most of my life is spent in the space that for so long was masked as a void; the truth of this has been revealed to me.

This masked void is the reason why someone reaches for anything or wants life to be different. If this was understood for what it truly was, humanity would be much different because contentment would be the way of the world. The void is a masked lie of the Conditioned Mind and it keeps one constantly needing the present moment to be different so it keeps you reaching to fill it. This will need to be understood if the reaching is to ever end. When it is understood, the masked void transforms to love because the present moment doesn’t need to be different. When the present moment doesn’t need to be different life reveals its true essence, which doesn’t ever need to be filled with anything because the masked void is seen for the lie that it truly is…