Repetitious Nonsense

Do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how the repetitious nonsense of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not a part of them…

Many think what happens in life causes their reactions, but what’s not understood is the reactions are already in place, they’re just being triggered by what’s occurring. There’s so much conditioning that it keeps people from understanding their own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will control you. I know people don’t think their thoughts are nonsense and take offense to this being pointed out, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling of the repetitious nonsense. You may be abruptly responding right now to this by thinking who do I think I am to label thoughts as nonsense, but that’s what’s seen so that’s what’s shared. What was revealed to me was just how much of humanities thoughts are repetitious nonsense; just watch the news. Anytime anger is a response it causes your own suffering, yet it’s done all the time. That’s only part of it, what’s really crazy is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the repetitious nonsense; that it’s done without realizing it is why it’s nonsense. The list of attachments that are held onto are endless, this is what keeps the repetitious nonsense in place. Very few will really get what this article is about, it’s easier to say the writer doesn’t know what he’s talking about than to truly look at this. The only way sanity will return and anger won’t be repetitious is if it’s understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this repetitious nonsense. When you wake up you can pull away from this nonsense; which remains in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Do whatever you it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how the repetitious nonsense of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not part of them…

Unknown Agitation Energy

What the unawareness of unknown agitations do is it keeps the unknown agitation energy in place for what you’re making a stand for, but it doesn’t really change anything…

The agitations of life are in place to grab you and pull you deeper into an unknown state. Not many break free once an agitation is set, but if you know the agitation (generated from your own mind) is there, it’s less likely to grab you; not being known is what activates an agitation. Not many investigate what their agitations are so they’re set unknowingly. By the time they’re noticed it’s usually too late and you become a prisoner to the unknown agitation energy. This has been going on since humanity began. Today’s world is just as insane as a thousand years ago, there’s just more news coverage and social media to spread the insanity; make no mistake that’s what’s being done. This cause, that cause, I don’t like this or that, all the agitation energy being put out. I have been unfriended by some because they have chosen not to look at this. The insanity in place cannot be seen by the one who doesn’t know themselves; strong language, but true.

Get agitated into the story of the so called injustices that appear to be going on, but understand this is nothing new. It has been and will continue to occur because of the agitation energy being put out by all. This isn’t to say injustices aren’t there, but taking a stand against them feeds them with agitation energy to allow them to continue. If you don’t think this is true, what has changed in the last few years or even the last thousand years in the way humanity reacts to things? This article isn’t about the last few years because unknown agitated triggers have been in place for many years. This is what the unawareness of unknown agitations do, it keeps the agitated energy in place for what you’re making a stand for. In the process although this energy makes one think they have to stand up for what they believe, but it doesn’t really change a damn thing…

In Sync Intentions

When intentions are in sync with love this opens the heart to loving all beings. Not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when intentions are in sync with love…

Having love intentions is worth more than all the books combined on what it means to be spiritual. And why this is so is because your in sync intentions are yours and the content of any book is someone else’s. Someone else’s idea of you will never be you, no matter if their way is copied exactly. This is why many remain in the struggle because they’re trying to be someone else’s idea of who they should be. You can use books, methods, and whatnot as a tool, but the in sync intentions of why you do what you do will need to be reflected upon to see if the results of your efforts are in sync with love. Not the story of love, but the love that arises not from effort, but from one’s own synchronization. This is where effort is meaningless if it’s not in sync with love. Only in sync intentions with love will result in meaning.

There are as many books about awakening as there are people practicing, but everyone who reads a book and practices doesn’t necessarily wake up. This is because the intentions aren’t of the necessary energy that allows synchronization with a loving heart. True intentions need to be seen if there is to be synchronizations with all beings. This doesn’t mean a person won’t harm you or animals and insects won’t bite you, but it’s less likely you’ll put yourself in that type of situations with being in sync with a loving heart. In the space of stillness one learns to see their true intentions and in the process have those intentions in sync with love. When this occurs one will love all beings, not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when intentions are in sync with love…

Mindless Habits

A mind that gets stuck in habits doesn’t just happen, it takes many years to create. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and will take much willingness to get out of repeating mindless habits…

To not get mindlessly stuck in the habits of the daily routines of everyday life, each day has to be viewed as new so a message of love can be brought into it. Not a single habitual act from yesterday, good, bad, or indifferent can be undone. Our mindless reaching is the result of the habits in place to cope with things as they occur. If you’re not mindful of love, how can you expect your habits to be of love? This is only considered bad in the sense that it causes suffering because of the energy emitted from a habit that isn’t based in love.

This energy is the mindlessly habitual energy of a so called mundane life, but life is anything but mundane. This mindless habit energy doesn’t allow for one to take advantage of opportunities to be the instrument of love. Our mindless perceptions create habits which take away the objectivity of truly living life. Things really aren’t as we think. Our life may be lived by our thoughts, but this is the created delusion Buddha described. When we can stop giving in to the mindless habits of putting everything in our little perception box, we begin to fill life up with love and eventually the mindless habits fall away. As this happens, each and everyday is a new beginning because the mindless habits don’t exist…

Love Flowing Mind

When a person awakens, a love flowing mind state is provided which allows a truthful view of your actions. With this love flowing mind state, you become aware if the effects of your actions are truthful and beneficial…

Having a love flowing mind state allows for the ability to decipher the immediate effect of your actions and a truthful view. A love flowing mind state doesn’t allow a greed, hate, and delusion mind state to arise. In seeing the effects of greed, hate, and delusion for what they are and their controlling characteristics, you just may be able to pause them for a millisecond. If this isn’t seen these characteristics will continue with monkey mind control.

Observe the different mind states which are greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the restricted and love flowing mind states most people fluctuate between. With a love flowing mind state you see how your actions and the associated consequences are truthfully linked. What happens first is you can decipher the mind state associated with the action, and second it’s seen if the associated action is truthful. It’s very easy to see rage and the lie association with the mind state of hate. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t truthful nor beneficial to anyone. Without awareness of this, one remains attached to the mind state of hate and hence the associated actions. Intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever.

It also works this way with the action of kindness. Kindness with no attached expectation is an action associated with the mind state of compassion. You can definitely see how this action is truthful and benefits everyone; to me this is what an awakening is, but understand no one is rendered white as snow because of becoming awake. No one among us can cast the first stone, but by the mind settling, your view becomes love flowing and you become aware of your actions, and the truth associated with your actions. It can then be seen that your actions are truly a benefit not only to yourself, but to all beings…

Unmindful Reacting

Most reactions that occur in life are unmindful as they’re put in place by your conditioning. If your life isn’t experienced to its fullest potential, it’s your own unmindful reacting that blocks it from being so…

Although things may appear to be a certain way, it’s not always as it appears. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when unmindful conditioning is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds is stored to be used at particular times, this blocks life from truly being experienced. We already have in place the way things are going to be handled, unmindful reactions are formed in this way.

Advertising is a billion dollar industry because of this. Media uses certain words they know are going to sway people in a predictable way. Stores know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so your unconscious reactions make them more attractive.

This occurs because the unconscious Conditioned Mind determines it. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not reacting unmindful is to develop some way to be in the present moment. The more you’re in the present moment the more life is experienced. When this occurs there’s a peace that passes all understanding because there’s awareness of your unmindful reacting, and they’re no longer seen as being beneficial…

Anchored in Awareness

When there’s awareness aware of awareness, you’re anchored in awareness so you don’t give in to what comes from a selfish mind; this allows for a view from the heart instead of the head…

Being anchored in selfishness is very different than what is seen from being anchored in awareness; a selfish anchored mind has a different focal point than one that is awareness anchored. Everything going on today in the world is because of a selfish anchored mind; you cannot hate in the space of being anchored in awareness. Although awareness will give in to the world at times, it’s how lessons are learned. There’s an understanding from being anchored in awareness that the Conditioned Mind can’t grasp. The mind sees what it’s conditioned to see, awareness arises from the space of the present moment where conditioning is limited.

Being anchored in awareness doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone, what it equates to is a clear path that has been revealed to you. Awareness aware of awareness is difficult to see because of all the selfish anchored distractions in place. These selfish distractions keep you trapped to the conditioning that something is needed outside of you. Need, need, need, awareness doesn’t need, it realizes its divinity as it is. When you’re aware of awareness, you become the seer instead of the reactor. I had a selfish anchored mind for forty nine years, even today the old selfishness resurfaces, but because of awareness there’s less attachment to the selfish anchors; this naturally allows awareness to arise. When your life is anchored in awareness, it makes for a much different existence than living from the made up stories to fulfill selfish desires…